It holds on...the good and the bad.

What does it mean when you get easily stressed out, angry and frustrated once the work begins to pile up?

Why is it that some people can handle difficulties and chaos with calmness while other people lose their composure?

Is it a sign of emotional strength? Lack of?

Test of maturity?

Level of intelligence?

Quality of upbringing, perhaps?

If you were raised by parents who didn't handle stress and anger gracefully, there's nearly a 100% chance that you'll be the same way. Those who are not are anomalies who possess above average emotional intelligence. 

As much as we'd like to believe that we don't hold onto things from our past that happened decades ago, truth is, if it took place during crucial periods of mental development or periods of transition such as moving from high school to collage, then those events and the emotions they sparked within you still reside today.

It all starts in the home. So much of your life is set up to be utterly fucked up or filled with success and happiness based on the environment you're in. The adults around you when you're still wearing diapers and running around with onesies pajamas are the ones who make the heaviest impact on you. Good, bad, ugly, violent---it doesn't matter. We absorb all.