3rd Break: Lin Ze

"No." Meng Xing answered. "Someone just predicted that this might happen." He explained.

Qiu Yi's face turned serious. "So, someone is really behind Mr. Wen's death... he has been targeted?" He said.

"Having something in possession can also be a crime, too." Meng Xing vaguely said.

Qiu Yi's eyes narrowed. "Mr. Wen stole something?" He asked.

"How could he? Am I a shallow person to buy from someone shady?" Meng Xing asked and frowned.

Qiu Yi grimaced. "Then, what's up with Mr. Wen's case?" He asked.

"Just an innocent but unlucky person." Meng Xing sighed.

Qiu Yi fell silent. He knows that their boss didn't give him a definite answer. This means that they couldn't look into this matter anymore. Still water runs deep. A seemingly normal death case actually has a very complicated story behind. They had to stop here as to not get caught up, or they will drown in it, never to surface again.

"What should we do with Madam Wen?" Qiu Yi asked.

"Find another evidence for her, and tell her to leave the capital." Meng Xing answered. "As long as Mr. Wen's case is closed, the people behind this should not pursue her or her children." He said and lowered his gaze.

If those people haven't found what they were looking for, then why be hasty in closing the case? They were hasty because whatever they were looking for should be kept secret. So, they are suppressing the matter as much as possible.

Of course, Meng Xing would never touch these muddy waters. "Securing Madam Wen and the children's safety is what I could do for Mr. Wen." He told Qiu Yi.

Qiu Yi nodded in understanding and left. Meng Xing stared at the empty cup for a while before he decided to leave. But, he still hasn't reached the gate when he ran into an 'acquaintance'.

"It is you. You are leaving?" Officer Lin asked in surprise. After all, Madam Wen is still not finished with her appointment.

Meng Xing looked at officer Lin. "Officer Lin is leaving?" He asked in fake surprise, throwing back the question to the man.

As expected, officer Lin frowned. "I truly apologize for suspecting you earlier." He spoke sincerely.

"And I understand, so I am asking why you are leaving first while Madam Wen is still here?" Meng Xing good-naturedly smiled.

Officer Lin stared at him and only when he confirmed that the other is really not angry did he sigh in relief. "Madam Wen chose to stay behind." He answered. His expression turned serious.

Meng Xing understood. Madam Wen must have something that he didn't want for officer Lin to hear.

"I see." Meng Xing muttered.

"What about you?" Officer Lin asked. Then, he made a pause. He hesitated before he spoke again. "We can talk as we walk. I will send you back your home." He told him.

Meng Xing wanted to say that the other is suspecting him again, but recalling that they were in peace just now, he nodded in agreement. Together, they left Huichen.

"Someone already went to talk with me." Meng Xing spoke as they walked down the street.

"I see." Officer Lin muttered as he watched Meng Xing buy trinkets.

"You won't ask me about my business with Huichen?" Meng Xing's brows raised.

"Your business is your own." Officer Lin answered.

Meng Xing grinned. Everyone knows that Huichen, a detective agency, investigates the background of their prospective clients before they would do business with them. This shows that if you have a shady background, and is especially a bad person, Huichen won't do business with you. In other words, this cleared officer Lin's suspicion of Meng Xing, since someone really talked with Meng Xing.

But of course, what's with Huichen clearing suspicion of him? He is their boss! Though, of course, officer Lin would not know this.

"I still haven't asked of your name yet?" Officer Lin spoke when they reached the intersection where Meng Xing told him that they could part.

"Oh. I am Meng Xing." Meng Xing answered.

"The Meng family...?" Officer Lin asked.

"No." Meng Xing answered. Of course, his soul has nothing to do with the Meng family.

"Oh." Officer Lin nodded. He was about to speak when someone called him.

"Hey, Lin Ze! You really went and became an officer?!" A playboy-looking young man said as he approached them.

Meng Xing froze as he stared at the man before him. Lin Ze...? So, this is my... ah, no. Meng Ruyan's ex-fiance?! He thought, shocked, since he didn't expect that he would meet Lin Ze.

Lin Ze raised his head and pushed up his hat, revealing his pair of deep pair of pupils and his clean forehead. Because Meng Xing was a head shorter than the other, and that he is never interested with the officers, not to mention that this man made him feel offended earlier, he only glimpsed shortly at Lin Ze's face before. And because he felt irked, he didn't waste a single brain cell for Lin Ze's face earlier, which his gaze just brushed past earlier.

So, this should be the first time that he has seen Lin Ze's face. Well-toned skin, good facial features, sexy lips, tall nose, and a pair of deep eyes. Mn, he only looked a little worse than Meng Xing's original face.

"Lin Ze...?" Meng Xing stared at Lin Ze, who turned back to him after he glanced at the newcomer who knows him.

"Mn. I am Lin Ze, from the Lin family." Lin Ze introduced himself.

Meng Xing smiled.

"Hey, Lin Ze. Who is this good-looking young man?" Lin Ze's friend (?) asked as he looked at Meng Xing. Even though Meng Xing's lower face is covered by a veil, but it is obvious that he looks good.

"His name is Meng Xing. I met him outside Huichen." Lin Ze answered as he turned to Meng Xing. "He is my cousin, Lin Yao." He told Meng Xing.

"Pleased to meet you." Meng Xing nodded at Lin Yao.

"Hello! A pleasure to meet you!" Lin Yao smiled.

Lin Ze's brows knitted. Meng Xing is not as kind as he is to Lin Yao compared to him earlier. If Meng Xing knows what Lin Ze is thinking, he would tell him that it was due to their horoscopes clash against each other. Who would think that the two of them actually were previously engaged until five days ago?

Fate really is teasing them to make them meet each other now after not seeing each other even once these past five years.