4th Break: The Reason

"Hey, Lin Ze. You still haven't answered my question!" Lin Yao said.

Meng Xing looked at them. "I will excuse myself first." He spoke and nodded at them. Before they could speak, he already walked away.

"That guy is so good-looking!" Lin Yao said as they looked at Meng Xing's back.

"I temporarily left jianghu to aid elder brother." Lin Ze answered after he retracted his gaze from Meng Xing's figure. Or else, this guy who has a small belly (vengeful) would think that he is suspecting him again. "It is not that with my new job, I am not in jianghu anymore." He said.

"What is eldest cousin needing you for?" Lin Yao asked.

"I don't know." Lin Ze answered. "He didn't tell me." He frowned.

"Hah?! Why?!" Lin Yao was surprised.

"You should know that even father and mother can't guess what is in elder brother's mind." Lin Ze helplessly shrugged.

"Then, you... you're not angry?" Lin Yao asked.

"If I was, I wouldn't have changed jobs... although temporarily." Lin Ze said as he lowered his hat to slightly cover his face when people passed by them. "I am treating this as my vacation." He told Lin Yao.

Lin Yao's lip twitched. "As long as you are happy." He said. "Good luck to you on your first day at work, officer Lin." He told Lin Ze before he left.

Lin Ze shook his head. He glanced at the direction where Meng Xing left and saw that Meng Xing has already disappeared. Then, he also left.


Meng Xing slumped down on his bed as he removed his outer clothes and threw it on the folding screen. Then, he stared at the ceiling.

"Lin Ze..." he muttered. "No wonder I haven't heard of an 'officer Lin'. It turned out that he is new at work." He said and sighed. "But, why would someone from jianghu would mix with the government's affairs?" He asked. He shook his head, knowing that he wouldn't know since he is not Lin Ze.

But, there is one thing that he could know.

"Qiu Shisi." Meng Xing called.

Suddenly, a black figure appeared inside the room.

"Boss." Qiu Shisi bowed.

"Do you know why Lin Ze break his engagement with Meng Ruyan?" Meng Xing asked.

This question is actually strange since he is now Meng Ruyan. But, to his subordinates, they know him as Meng Xing, not Meng Ruyan. So, his subordinates, even if they know that their boss is the second young master of the Meng family, and this is where their boss live, but they don't react when their boss speaks Meng Ruyan's name as if he wasn't the person, which is true. They only thought that it was due to the Meng family being indifferent to Meng Ruyan, which they found out true after they investigated the Meng family, as per their boss instructed.

Though they found this strange since isn't the Meng family still his family? So why investigate them? But, since that was what their boss ordered, they did so, and now they are hiding in different corners of the Meng family's house.

"According to what we heard, second young master Lin told his family that he and you... ehem, second young master Meng are now grown-ups and since the two still didn't make a move to reach out to the other, second young master Lin break the engagement." Qiu Shisi answered. "Second young master Lin also said that the other party would understand, since he is also an adult." He added.

Meng Xing's lip twitched. Because Meng Ruyan is also an adult, so he would understand? His face darkened. Even if so, but this Lin Ze didn't even give him a head's up!

Because it was the Meng family who proposed the marriage, and it was also the Meng family who didn't reach out to the Lin family and showed them their second child, Meng Xing didn't make a fuss after Lin Ze break the engagement, and Lin Ze made Meng Ruyan a laughingstock. In fact, it was already good that Lin Ze stopped his family before from finding Meng Ruyan because if they did, they would only find his corpse, if Meng Xing didn't take over his body. This would be a bigger scandal than the same sex engagement between the Meng and Lin families.

However! Meng Ruyan is Meng Ruyan! And Meng Xing is Meng Xing! Now that Meng Xing is living as Meng Ruyan, Meng Ruyan's face is his face now! Even if he had taken over Meng Ruyan's body five years ago, but it wasn't him who stopped the Lin family from finding Meng Ruyan. And it was the Meng family's decision, not his, to not come to the Lin family's door to show Meng Ruyan's face because of shame! So, Meng Xing feels irked now after he heard Lin Ze's reason for breaking their engagement.

"Qiu Shisi. Where is Qiu Liu now?" Meng Xing asked.

"Washing the dishes in the Xu family's restaurant." Qiu Shisi answered.

Qiu Liu was given the task to investigate the disappearance of the Xu family's daughter, to which they found out that has something to do with the Xu family themselves. So, Qiu Liu worked there as a dishwasher and waiter as an undercover. It was also from him that the Huichen heard Lin Ze's reason for breaking the engagement since restaurants are one of the best places to gather information.

"Perfect timing!" Meng Xing clapped his hand. "Create a gossip that Meng Ruyan has a white moonlight in his heart and so the Meng family proposed an engagement to the Lin family to make Meng Ruyan forget the white moonlight who is only a commoner!" He said.

"Huh...?" Qiu Shisi blankly looked at their boss. Where did you get a white moonlight, boss? Who is he? Why don't we know?

"Also add that Meng Ruyan refused to see Lin Ze these past five years because Lin Ze isn't as good as the white moonlight!" Meng Xing added.

"... and if people would ask who this white moonlight is?" Qiu Shisi asked.

"Just tell them that the white moonlight is an orphan. That his family died in jianghu!" Meng Xing answered, then paused. "Also... tell them that Meng Ruyan is a peerless beauty, so the Meng family doesn't like the white moonlight since it would be a pig eating their family's cabbage!" He added.