Divine Sense

Early in the morning before the sun rises, Leon wakes up from his sleep. He felt something heavy was pressing him on the bed.

"Emily... This girl.." opening his eyes, he saw Emily sleeping on top of him hugging him like a pillow tightly. Leon gently put her on the bed without making much movement but the problem is, Emily was hugging him like a koala. It's very difficult to get out of her grip without waking her up a few moments later Leon somehow managed to get out of her grip without waking her up. He gets up from the bed and kissed Emily's forehead.

"Mmmmm" Not finding her hubby in her embrace, Emily also woke up from her sleep and rubbed her eyes with her hands, opening her eyes she saw Leon sitting on the bed.

"Good morning, Leon!" Emily said in her sweet voice.

"Morning, Emily! Did you sleep well?" Leon respond.

"Unn. This is the best sleep I have ever had!" Emily responded while flashing a smile on her face.

"Glad to hear that! Emily, I will meditate for a bit it is still early for breakfast. After that, we'll have our breakfast." Leon said as he sit on the bed in a lotus position.

"Okay, I will wait for you to finish!" Emily said as she sit beside him. She had seen him meditate before but was still amazed by looking at Leon meditate.

[Ding! The system warns that the Host shouldn't cultivate for the time being!] a system message pop-ups telling him not to cultivate for the time being.

'why is that, is there a particular reason for telling me?' Leon asked the system in his mind, he was confused at the system suddenly saying him he shouldn't cultivate further for the time being. What could be the reason?

[Ding! Because the host has skipped two major realms and stepped into the Spirit Master realm, Because of advancing many realms at once your foundation isn't stable to cultivate further. Do you know in the Immortal World, many geniuses would take at least half a month to advance by a single minor realm, now think carefully about how fast your cultivation is. If you cultivate further, your body wouldn't be able to handle the burden and eventually, it will collapse—meaning you will die. For now, you should focus on increasing your six senses and stabilizing your cultivation by fighting a stronger opponent or training your body!] the system explained.

'Alright, I understand now...' Leon agrees with the system after hearing her word, it's indeed true he had grown rapidly in a very short amount of time. If this goes on it will hinder his cultivation path in the future or he may become a cripple, after realizing he decides not to cultivate any further until he solidify his foundation.

'Do you have any suggestions, what should I do first?' Leon had no idea what will be his next step, he decide to ask the system for suggestions.

[Ding! As the host decides to go on a quest today, the perverted host should enhance his senses. This way host can avoid many dangers that lurking around.] The system said.

'Can you tell me how can I increase my senses, System?' He had no idea how he can increase his senses, he was just living an ordinary life in a world, where things like Magic and Cultivation only existed in frictional stories and novels. A person like him who was a mortal until 2 days ago, how can he know how to enhance his senses from the scratch?

[Ding! First, the perverted host needs to put his dirty thoughts into some real use..don't think much, this cute system is here at your service in that case and don't think that I will give you a blowjob.....Now listen carefully and try to expand your aura from your body and try to sense things a few meters around you until you could sense them, that's all I can tell you and figure out the rest for yourself!] The system said.

'This shity system is a tsundere, I swear one day I will spank the systems butt all day long!' Leon cursed the system in his heart. After that, Leon began to expand his aura as the system explained until he could sense things a few meters around him.

'Wow...I can see, I can see...even though my eyes were closed, I can still see but strangely I can see better than my eyes....' Leon was astonished by the new way of viewing the world only relying on his senses. He could see clearer than before, he saw Emily was looking at him in amazement and he can also see Mis Maya was cooking in her kitchen. Suddenly, a message pops up in front of him.

[Ding! Congratulations to the Host for learning Divine Sense.]

«Divine Sense»

«Grade: Unranked»

«Mastery: Level 1»

«Description: Activating the Divine Sense, the user can see everything at a certain distance, the user can see the things that normally can't be seen by bare eyes»

After learning a few moments later, Leon can see the surrounding places from the inn, he saw what the people are doing in the area.

[Ding! I didn't expect a pervert like you would learn the divine sense in just about an hour, You should feel honoured that this cute system praised you for your effort.] The system said proudly.

Leon just ignored the system's compliment, he opened his eye and looked at Emily, she let out a lovely smile looking at Leon has opened his eyes.

"Emily, you should be hungry right? Let's go have our breakfast!" Leon jumped out of the bed and walked towards the door.

Nodding her head Emily followed Leon from behind, they both headed towards the dining room. They walked to the dining area of the inn and wash their faces, then they had their breakfast and leave for the guild to take a mission.

After a few minutes of walking, they both reached the guild. They entered and saw Miss Ava was attaching missions on the mission board. She saw Leon and Emily enter.

"Good morning, Elon and Emily. Are you guys here to pick up a mission?" She asked them while lifting her eyebrows in a curious expression.

"Yes, we both decide to take a quest for experience," Leon said as he took Emily towards the mission board, where many missions were posted.

[Mission: Subjugation]

[Details: A wild earth Boar has been destroying the cornfields in Solaris Village, subjugate the Boar within 2 days]

[Rank: 2]

[Reward: 50 silver coins]

[Mission: escort mission]

[Details: Escort the Bailey family to the capital safely]

[Rank: 4]

[Reward: 20 Gold coins]

[Mission: Subjugation]

[Details: Exterminate the group of goblins in the forest near the town, the goblins recently attacked the people that are passing by the forest.]

[Rank: 2]

[Reward: 3 gold and 10 silver coins]


As Leon saw the goblin subjugation mission, He immediately took off the paper from the board and headed toward the counter where miss Ava was sitting.

He put the mission paper on the table and said, " we will take this mission."

"Ohh...slaying goblins, good choice but you should be careful goblins are very crafty and pretentious creatures!" Miss Ava said as she registered the mission details on the note.


{Please don't forget to give a vote, today's goal is 100Power Stones and I know you guys can complete it. If you can then please give a review to this book.}