Goblin hunting (1)

"Ohh... Slaying Goblins, good choice but you should be careful of them. You know, goblins are very crafty and pretentious creatures, they pretend to be dead and will attack you when you let your guard down. So be wary of them!" Miss Ava said as she write the mission details on the register book.

"Thanks for your advice, Miss Ava! Emily, let's get going." He thanked Miss ava for her advice then he took Emily's hand, he pulled her with him as he walks to the door.

"Umm!" She nodded her head and happily followed Leon. After they walked out of the guild, she halted her steps and asked, " Hubby, don't you need a sword to kill goblins?"

Upon hearing her word Leon halted his steps, indeed what Emily says makes sense. He needs a weapon to kill the goblins but he is different with the cultivation he has, he can kill low-level monsters like goblins with his bare hands by using the TEN THOUSAND AIR FISTS technique.

"Emily! besides magic, do you use any weapon?" He asked.

"Besides magic, I use a Dagger that was left behind by my mother and this is the only thing that I have to remember them." She showed Leon a black dagger that has many strange symbols engraved on it, the danger doesn't have any stains or rust on it and it looks like a beautiful place of art. But this is not it, the Dagger gives off a formidable aura which makes the dagger outstanding.

" So beautiful...no wonder you took good care of it, there is not even a stain on the dagger!" After seeing the beautiful dagger, Leon complimented Emily and said, "You use the dagger in case a goblin sneaked attacked you, I am a cultivator so my fists are enough to kill them. But that is not the case with you, you need extra protection."

"But still..." She wanted to say something but couldn't finish her word.

"It will be alright, you have to believe in me, don't you believe in me?" Leon hugged her from behind as he patted her head.

"Umm...I believe in you, hubby!" Emily nodded her head as she decided to believe in her husband's word. she was very happy that her husband care about her so much and even put his priority on her safety first, this made her love for Leon increase.

"Now let's go out of the city and complete the mission after that, let's go on a date!" Leon said with a smile on his face looking at the beauty beside him. Then he grabbed her left with his right hand and pulled her with him towards the city gate.

As they were walking towards the city gate, Emily was thinking about the 'Date' word that Leon said. She couldn't understand the meaning of the word but ended up nowhere, "Hubby, what do you mean by date?"

'This dumb world doesn't even know the meaning of date? What kind of shitty world am I in?' He shouted inwardly. after that regain his composure and looked at Emily, who was waiting for his answer.

"Date is something that when two people love each other go out together and spent time together, some would go shopping or eating in a good restaurant together with his lover. That's called date, now will you go on a date with me in the evening?" Yuan asked as he extended his right hand toward Emily asking her for a date.

"Of course, I will go on a date with my hubby!" Emily hugged Leon's right arm as they walked toward the city gate.

A few moments later, Leon and Emily reached the city gate, the city walls are as tall as a coconut tree and there are 2 Gates for people to go in and out. One is for entering the city and one is for going out. four soldiers clad in armour are patrolling the city Gates. Leon and Emily walked towards the gate that is used for going out of the city.

"Halt!" One of the soldiers stopped Leon and Emily from getting out of the city and said, " Are you guys, adventurers? If so please show me your license!"

Yuan and Emily immediately handed shown their licenses to the soldier.

Name: Leon Anderson

Rank: 3 star E rank

Age: 17 years old

Talent: martial arts (unknown)


Name: Emily Anderson

Rank: 2 star E rank

Age: 19 years old

Talent: Healing(A), Wind(B)


(The author: I have changed the rankings for the adventures and the missions to letters, it will be easy to understand)

The soldier is shocked by seeing the talent Emily had and after coming back to his senses, he cast some sort of magic on the licensee to verify that they are real and not fake. after that, he handed in the license back to them and said," I have verified your licenses, you can go out now but remember that came back before dawn or it will be dangerous outside the city!"

After receiving the licenses from the soldier, Leon and Emily walked out of the city. A forest came into view, as far as Leon and Emily could see they could only see the forest. They both saw some merchants and adventurers travelling along the road. Some of them are coming towards the city while some of them leaving the city.

After travelling for about 2 hours on the road that goes by the side of the forest, Leon and Emily both decide to enter the forest. Leon thinks of using his Divine sense along the way which will shorten the time searching for the whereabouts of the goblins. After searching for about half an hour, he saw a few goblins by his divine sense to the north not too far from where he was. Because of the divine sense, he can clearly see those goblins despite blocking his view by some huge tree trunks.

'Thank to the system, I learned the divine sense this morning. This is very useful to me, if not for the divine sense it would take more time to find their whereabouts.' Leon thanked the system inwardly.

[Ding! Now you understand, how great am I, the cutest system is? It's a put that you couldn't see my greatness with your perverted eye before.] The system said.

"Emily! I have found 4 goblins to the north, let's go and hunt them down by a surprise attack!" Leon said ignoring the system's word.

"Let's go and complete the mission and go back to the city, we have to go on a date later!" Hearing Leon had found some goblins, she became very excited to kill those goblins and complete the mission to go back to the city and have a date with Leon.

A few minutes later, Leon and Emily get to the place where he saw the goblins by his divine sense. They saw 4 goblins standing there without doing anything while holding some old rusty swords, it seems like they are guarding something there.

"Should we attack now?" Emily asked.

"Let's wait for a few minutes and see if something happens," Leon said looking at the 4 goblins.


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100 power stones: 1 extra chapter

200 power stones: 2 extra chapters

By the way, I am playing on mass-releasing chapters next week.