Date with Yandere Emily

"Mmm, Let's go, hubby!" Emily said in a cheerful voice, she was very excited about the whole date thing.

"Hehehe, alright let's go!" Looking at her cute behaviour Leon let out a chuckle.

Emily's eyes sparkled upon hearing Leon was ready to go on their date. shortly after, the two of them left the place.

When they leave the bathhouse, it was the evening time and soon it will get dark.

Leon and Emily were holding each other's hands as they walk through the street, many people gave them envious looks as they pass by the street. The two of them didn't mind the people's glare as they ignored them completely and walked away.

"This city sure is bustling despite being a small city...!"Leon said as he looked at the crowd of people out on the street.

On the streets, there are many shops and stalls open and people are buying and selling things. While some of them are having drinks with their friends, others are going out with their families/friends/girlfriends to have some fun and enjoy the nighttime.

"Where should we go first, Hubby?!" Emily asked Leon with her sparkling eyes in excitement.

Emily was surprised to see a lot of people on the street but for her, the most important thing is the date with Leon. So she ignored all those people on the street and only focused on Leon.

"Let's buy a few sets of clothes for you at a clothing store, you need a few sets of clothes!" Leon said while looking at her old clothes.

"Alright let's go buy some clothes for us first, I have only one set of clothes which I am currently wearing, I need some spare clothes for me!" Emily said looking at the clothes she was wearing.

The two of them went to a nearby clothing store to buy clothes for Emily, as they entered the store they saw a beautiful woman in her early 30s sitting at the counter table.

The woman in the shop heard the door opening sound, she looked towards the door to find a handsome guy in some weird clothing entering her store with a beautiful girl beside him.

'Those clothes look weird but they are the finest quality of fabric I have ever seen, even the Elves won't have this type of fabric with them...just who is he?' She thought inwardly looking at Leon's clothes.

"Welcome, Dear customers! I am Layla the owner of the store, what would you like to buy?" The woman who introduced herself as Layla greeted them politely.

"Well, Miss Layla can you show us some good quality clothes that fit her well!" Leon said pointing his finger at Emily.

"If the customer wants high-quality fabrics then it will cost a little higher, hehe!" Layla said with a smile on her face.

'Hehehe..She has a lot of experience in doing business!' Leon thought inwardly about Layla.

"Money is not the problem!" Leon said smiling at Emily.

'Ohh...he is very rich...' She thought inwardly.

"Please give me a moment sir, I will bring the most high-quality clothes in store for your little lover, fufufu!" Layla went giggling inside.

Layla brought out a few sets of high-quality clothes, she put them in front of Leon and Emily to choose from.

Emily chooses the best 5 dresses that look very outstanding than the rest.

"Alright, we will buy all five of them how much will it be, Miss Layla?" Leon said pointing at the dresses chosen by Emily.

"It will cost 5000 gold coins in total!" Layla said casually as if it wasn't a big sum of money to her.

"What!.. Leon, I can't buy them, let's buy something else!" Emily said immediately hearing the price of ghe dresses.

"Why is that?" Leon asked.

"'s very expensive for me to wear!" Emily said lowering her head.

"I am buying them regardless of your opinion, why don't you change into one of the dresses for the rest of the date?" Leon said with a gentle smile.

"B..but!" She wanted to reject.

"No buts! You have to wear them!" Leon said.

Knowing that Leon won't change his mind she takes a dress with a blue strip on it and went to the changing room.

A few moments later, Emily came out changing her clothes into a new one. She looked very beautiful in the dress she was wearing with her purple hair, she looked a Leon shyly with her red cheeks. And looking at her beauty, Leon skipped a beat.

"How do I look?" Emily asked with a blushing face.

"Beautiful, you look breathtakingly beautiful dear Emily!" Leon said what he feels like about her beauty and he put the other 4 sets of clothes in the system storage.

After that, Leon paid the bill at the counter and walk out of the clothing store.

The two of them decide that they will have dinner at the tavern where they had their lunch yesterday, the price was responsible and the taste was also good and Leon liked the food there.

The two of them headed towards the tavern, the tavern was not too far from the place where they are, and it took them 10 minutes of walking to reach there.

Leon and Emily walk through the entrance of the tavern and saw that there are many people having dinner with their friends and family, while some are passing time talking and drinking at the tavern.

Noticing Leon and Emily enter the tavern, many people stopped eating and looked at them for a few seconds and return to what they are doing.

Leon finds an empty spot to sit and have dinner, the two of them ignore the people's stares and head to the empty spot and sit there. After that, Leon ordered some expensive food for both of them.

"I know it's not a proper date because it's a small city and doesn't have a good place to spend time together, but still it's a date so are you happy after going on a date with me?" Leon asked.

"It's not your fault for not having a good place to spend time with each other but I enjoyed it very much, every moment I spend with you is a happy moment for me and I will treasure those moments until I die...!" Emily said with a very lovely smile on her face.

"Emily, I love you and I mean it!" Yuan said as he hold her hands.

"Huh?....." Hearing Leon's words tears came out of Emily's eye and she cried out.

"Hey, Emily! Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?" Seeing Emily crying Leon become worried and tried his best to cheer her up.

"I am okay, I was just too happy!" Emily removed her tears and said," I love you too, Hubby!"

"Hehehe..I love you hubby, I love you hubby, I love you hubby, I love you hubby, I love you hubby, I love you hubby, I love you hubby, I love you hubby, I love you hubby, I love you hubby, I love you hubby, I love you hubby, I love you hubby, I love you hubby, I love you hubby, I love you hubby!" Emily muttered the same word multiple times before Leon.

'What the fuck!!! ....she really is a yandere!.. I am fucked.. what did I get into myself??..' Leon screamed inwardly looking at her strange smile as she was muttering the same word multiple times, which gives Leon goosebumps all over his body.

Shortly after that, the food he ordered came into his table, and the two of them start eating their food before it gets cold. The food was so good that they didn't let the food go waste.

After filling their tummy they paid their bill at the counter and leave the tavern, the two of them directly moved toward their inn.

The two of them on their way back to their inn from the tavern, they see holding each other's hands as they walk down the road.

Suddenly, Emily stopped in the middle of the road, Leon was very confused at her action.

"Why did you stop Emily, we're about to reach the inn!" Leon asked.

"Can..can you give me a..a kiss..?" She asked while blushing very hard despite how embarrassed she was.

"How about when we reach our inn? I can give you as many kisses as you want, you know?" He was not surprised by her asking him for a kiss.

"Really?!" She asked in excitement.

"Yes, I promise you! Now let's go." Leon said.

"Mmmm" she nodded and continue to move forward.

After walking for a few minutes, the two of them reached their inn. They walked inside and saw Miss Maya sitting at the counter table, she was calculating her today's income.

"Miss Mayaa we're back!" Leon greeted her.

"Ahh you two are back, how was your first hunt?" Miss Maya asked.

"It went smoothly and we even get some extra money!" Leon said with a smile.

"That's good to hear, are you two gonna have dinner or not?" She asked.

"We have eaten outside, we're going back to our room now!" Leon said, " let's go, Emily!"

The two of them headed toward their room leaving Miss Maya alone.