The envoys

(Note: Certain events will not happen in the same order as in the original stories.

I also add a new punctuation key: -skills/spell-.

I didn't use Japanese honorifics)

Chapter 2: The envoys

Rimuru POV

Back to Tempest after the Demon Lord's banquet, and it's already anarchic, the executives wanted to trow a big party again, but I stop them. Instead, I created something call 'The Great Banquet' so when they want to celebrate my returned it doesn't become a festival, plus it can happen whenever. Besides, this banquet is only for high ups, so it's better… even if sometimes they are exception, but it's a story for another time.

The banquet started, I like it, it is more relax when there is only people I know, probably because they don't reserve totally themselves around me. The rest of the evening goes well, unfortunately we stopped around midnight because everyone has to work tomorrow, which is understandable, I too need to work tomorrow. When the executives started to depart, I ask Shuna to change the morning meeting planning to add a moment for the talk about the tomb.

"As you wish my Lord." she said.

*Next morning*

I'm currently heading toward the meeting room, I just hope it goes well. Last time when we had a meeting an 'anonymous' dragon made a terrible proposition and the executives weren't happy, it took a lot of time to calm them down. Anyway, I open the door, made my way to my seat and started the meeting.

"Good morning everyone, I hope you've been doing well since last night."

They all responded with 'Yes' or similar answers. We then started talking about a lot of stuff as budgets for school equipment, buildings and roads. I also received all the daily report from the executives, it seems nothing big happened recently.

"Now… I need to inform you about what happened during Walpurigs." I said.

*Small pause for dramatic reasons*

"While we were discussing what to do with the land that the bas… I mean Clayman left behind after his death, I received a troubling message." I continued.

"And what was the content of that said message my Lord?" asked Benimaru.

"Well, you see… apparently a portal of some sort appeared and left a tomb-like structure behind before closing." I responded.

"A portal you say?" demanded Vesta, in a worried tone.

"That sure is trouble." said Rigurd.

"Indeed." responded Rigur.

"Yes, so I think the best option is to send Souei to investigate the area without entering the building." I informed.

"Yes, it is the most reasonable way to handle the situation." Benimaru said.

"Mmhmm." the others agreed while nodding.

"Then…" I was about to say something but…

{Alert: Disturbance in coming.}


{Yes, in about 12 seconds, 11, 10…}

When the count-down reached 0, the door busted and a familiar littl… ahem… a girl enter the room interrupting the whole meeting.

"Bestiiieee !" yelled the pink haired girl running toward me.

"Milim… w-what are you doing here?" I said a bit chocked and angry that she not only destroyed the door again, but also interrupted the meeting.

She realized that I wasn't that happy and continued with her pleading face, almost crying:

"I-I… I want to help with t-the thing Guy d-dumped on you."

"I see, but does Frey know you are here." I asked.

"Eu… uh… yes?" she asked(?).


Then a certain harpy entered the room with an annoyed/angry face and started to drag Milim back to the door.

"Sorry… she fled again." apologized Frey with a smile.

"Oh… don't worry…" I responded.

"F-Frey! Let me help Bestie pleeease." Milim said trying to escape her grip but couldn't.

"You didn't finish your work Milim." the former Demon Lord responded.

*Few seconds while Milim try to free herself.*

"Fine…" pout the dragonoid.

"But I will come back to play with Rimuru!" she added.


{No master, she did.}




Milim left with Frey and Shuna closed the second door. We installed a smaller sliding door so if the main one is destroyed in events like this we can still continue the meeting in privacy. It was a good investment if you ask me, event if the others didn't believe it was until now.

"Well, looks like another of Lord Rimuru's idea was useful." state an executive.

"Agreed." said the others.

*Few second pause*

"Ahem." I got everyone's attention.

"Souei, can you investigate the area without entering the building?" I asked Souei.

"Of course my Lord." he responded confidently as usual.

"Perfect, now that we are done with that, the meeting is terminated, so you can all go back to your occupations. Oh, and if you find someone who says he is coming from the tomb send him to me right away." I informed the group.

"Understood." they said.

Ainz POV

*Two days later*

It has been 3 days since we arrived in this unknown world. Nazarick is still functioning correctly, but I do have a hard time acting like a supreme ruler. I am sitting on the giant throne in front of the guild's banner in the throne room. The room lies on the 10th floor, the deepest one of the dungeon, it is a marvelous gigantic room enough to fit several hundred people. From the ceiling hang multiple chandeliers made of precious stones, but the most important is the numerous flags with the symbols of each 41 Supreme Beings. But now I wait for the guardians to arrive. I asked Albedo to summon the floor guardians here, except the 4th… for space reasons.


Then I saw Shalltear arriving with her -Gate-, she already started arguing with Albedo about you would make the better wife, but thanks to Cocytus, who just arrived, they stopped. It took a few more minutes for the rest to arrive. When they were all here they kneeled and Albedo started talking.

"All the guardians, except the 4th, are here. We await your orders Lord Ainz."

"Excellent, then I shall relay to you the discovery about this world we are in." I replied

I then started to explain everything that the scouts we send when we arrived found about the world. Example, the fact that magic work differently and that the spells here are unknown for us. We also discovered that we are in a land once ruled by a Demon Lord named Clayman and that he was killed by another Demon Lord call Rimuru Tempest.

"This Rimuru his also called 'God of Chaos' by the residents of this land." I said to the group.

"Unforgivable! The only being who can claim the title of god is Lord Ainz!" stipulated some guardians.

*Few arguing seconds later.*

"Enough!" I yelled to get everyone's attention back.

"Sebas, you will be charged to go find that 'god' and talk to him, we need him to stay out of our businesses, and take Yuri with you." I informed.

"Yes my Lord." responded Sebas.

"Why not send me Lord Ainz?" interrupted Albedo angry at Sebas for taking her place.

"Well… ahem, it is because I need you here Albedo." I responded hoping she will fall for the trap.

"Well if it is because you need me, I shall stay."


"With that, you are all dismissed." I said.

When everyone had left, Albedo came closer, almost climbing to me.

"Lord Ainz, what did you need me for." she said blushing and approaching more.

"I… um… I-I need you to…"

"Strip and wait you in your chambers? I can do it right here if you wish." she said exited as she started stripping slowly.

I rapidly stop her and said 'N-No Albedo, I need you and the dark elves to find a way to hide Nazarick from the public.'.


"I-I see, I am sorry Lord Ainz, I will go do that right away." she responded a bit disappointed that I didn't let her strip and ran off.

*sight* <>

3RD person POV

Souei came back to Tempest two days after departure and reported to Rimuru.

"Lord Rimuru, I am back from the investigation." said the blue-haired man.

"I see, then tell me what did you found." asked the slime.

"I conversed with some resident of the land who happen to have disused with the tomb inhabitant, and they informed me that this tomb is called Nazarick and that it is led by someone named Ainz Ooal Gown." said the ninja.

"I also found out that they send a messenger to meet with you." added the Fair Oni.

"Meet with me! Why?" respond the god.

"I do not know, sorry my Lord." said Souei a bit disappointed in himself for lacking the answer of his master's question.

"Don't sweet it Souei. We will just have to wait and see." informed the God of Chaos.

Sebas POV

It's been a day since I departed from Nazarick with Yuri. We just arrived at some kind of big road. I believed it was from a human nation, but I can clearly see many types of monsters using it.


I then spotted some goblins riding wolves, and travelling people greeting them like they were some important figures.


I asked Yuri to stay put while I talk to these goblins, and she accepted.

"Hi there, do you need something mister?" politely ask a young goblin.

"Yes indeed, I wondered where I am." I asked trying to get some information from him.

"I see… well you are actually on one of the roads from and to Tempest." he said.

"And we are the Goblin Riders, we make sure everyone is safe in the country by doing some patrols." another goblin added.


"Mmmm… I thank you for this information, I am an envoy from the Great tomb of Nazarick and wished to talk to a certain Rimuru Tempest." I said, hoping he will help me enter in contact with this Rimuru who I presume is the king of the nation.

He paused for a moment and asked me to follow him. I called the pleiade name and informed her to come with us, she came, and we started heading toward the town. On the way to the city he informed me that his name is Gobta the leader of the Goblin Riders. He also told me that the king of their nation, Rimuru Tempest, asked to bring everyone claiming to be from a tomb to see him.


*Few minutes later*

We arrived in the capital city, and it was a sight to be seen. There are many farms and shops, interracial people are talking together without discrimination. We can even see human child playing with monster races.


"I see that you have notice." said Gobta.

"Notice?" I asked wondering what he implied.

"That here in Tempest all races are equals." he responded.

I see so that's what he meant.

"Indeed, but I do wonder how it happened." I said.

"Well, it is all thanks to our Lord, he is the one who showed everyone that all monsters are not bad guys." the goblin said.


Gobta POV


I was patrolling on the roads with other Goblin Riders, and we met a man who said he was from somewhere called The Great Tomb of Nazarick.


[Lord Rimuru?] I asked him through though communication.

[Yes Gobta, what is it?] he responded.

[There is an individual claiming he is an envoy from 'The Great Tomb of Nazarick' should I bring them to you?] I demanded.

[... yes you should!] Rimuru responded like it was obvious.

I then informed him to follow me, he called the name of Yuri and a magnificent girl started to follow us. She is wearing a maid outfit with spiked gauntlets and a blue collar around her neck. I just wish she could wear that swimsuit…

*While Gobta daydream.*

Rimuru POV

Gobta just informed me that someone is coming from the tomb. Souei's findings were accurate as always, such a reliable fellow. I then asked Shuna to prepare the meeting room to correctly receive them. I could've just made them wait in the throne room, but I am not someone who like these kinds of things.

*Some time later.*

Shuna open the door letting one familiar figure with two unknown ones entering the room.


{Yes master, the woman seems to be a Dullahan and the man a Dragonoid}


{Dullahans are similar to animated corpses. They are immune to decapitation, poison and negative energy.}


"I present to you: Great Demon Lord Rimuru Tempest" Shuna presented, bowed and left with Gobta.

"Hi there, welcome to Tempest. Oh, and call me Rimuru." I greet them.

"We are honored to meet you, Lord Rimuru" the Dragonoid said starting a bow.

"No, no, don't worry about it." I said to prevent him from bowing.

I talked a little alone with the two envoys and I concluded that Nazarick wasn't a threat to the world… for now, at least. Therefore, I give the dragonoid named Sebas a letter, this letter contains an invitation for their leader. This invitation is for an official meeting three days from now, and it is to forge some friendly relations with each other. After a little more discussion, Sebas and Yuri, the Dullahan, left. It was some entertaining discussion, I learned a lot about them, but the most intriguing part is that giving name didn't gift them power like for us, strange.


{It most likely because they are from another dimension, but I do not have enough information to procure an accurate answer. More analyses should be done.}


3RD person POV

Sebas and Yuri are on their way back to Nazarick. They have learned a number of important information during their talk with the leader of the monster nation. They concluded that Rimuru doesn't have bad intention toward Nazarick and only wished to form friendly relations. The slime also told them about the world and who he is.

*Few hours later.*

The envoys arrive at Nazarick and are summoned to an audience with Ainz Ooal Gown. Ainz asked them questions about the meeting with the 'god' to which they responded with the founded information. But there is something that catches Ainz attention, Sebas said that Rimuru came from a country called Japan, which Ainz know too well.

Ainz POV

I just finish the discussion with Yuri and Sebas, who just returned from their little trip to Tempest. Tempest is apparently the country led by that 'god' Rimuru. More importantly, Sebas said something that caught my attention, Rimuru come from Japan…


We are in the middle of the night, so I decided to relax a bit in a magnificent slime bath while thinking about that.

*The next day.*

I summoned all the guardians again, except the 4th (again). I then told them about Tempest and the fact that I intended to accept the alliance requested made by Rimuru.

"Splendid, it seems like your plans are going well Lord Ainz!" said Demiurge.


"What plans?" asked Albedo.

"I think we should inform them about your ideas, Lord Ainz" says the Arch-Devil.


"Demiurge, I allow you to tell them the plans." I said.

"Of course, my Lord." said Demiurge.

"Lord Ainz want to form relation with this 'god' so he can gain the trust of the people. Then he will betray this Rimuru at the last moment to rule over the box of jewels that is this world!" he added.


*Pause before realization.*


*Intense thinking pause.*

<> do.

"Indeed Demiurge, you saw thought my plans, as always(?)." I responded.

"I do not deserve such praises Lord Ainz, your genius is far more advanced than mine, I just stated the obvious." complimented the demon.


"Now then, guardians, we shall prepare to depart this evening." I said.


3RD person POV

While Ainz prepared to depart, Rimuru was preparing to receive the Undead King in his town. He needed to make sure that they could pass through the city without problem, but Rimuru was confident because Diablo was in charge to welcome and escort them to the city hall while doing a little visit of the place.

(Note: I hope you enjoyed. Next chapters will have more details.)

Next time: The arrival

Approximately 3075 words