The Arrival

Chapter 3: The arrival

Rimuru POV

It's morning, the sun rises and Ciel just woke me up from my slumber. Well, I can't really sleep, so it's more like putting my mind in an inactive state for a long period of time. I then slowly opened my eyes, I don't have eyes in my slime form, but the feeling is similar, so I'll go with that. Then I jumped from the bed to the window and sighted.


{Yes, but unfortunately, master have work.}



I then passed around fifteen minutes at the window watching the town. We are in the capital city and the people start to wake up slowly. I am quite proud to have founded this nation with my subordinates. We had some issues at the beginning, but now it's nice and calm, people come from everywhere to Tempest because we accept everyone no matter what. Well there are some exceptions, but that's not the main point here.


{Yes master… but you need to finish your paperwork fast for tomorrow.}




{Tomorrow the leader of Nazarick is coming to see you.}



I then quit my house and started walking through the town's roads, people greeted me as always and so did I. When I arrived at my office, Shion greeted me and give me the important news. She didn't tell me all of them because we have a morning meeting almost every day for about an hour, and it starts soon. These meetings are a way for my executives to give me their reports and all, it's boring, but it's required, like paperwork.

"That should be it for the important matters. Oh, Lord Rimuru, Geld informed me that they finished building the city." said Shion.

"They already finished?" I asked.

"Yes!" she responded.


{Understood, using -universal sense- in the parallel world to see the entire city.}

At that moment I could see it all, the entire capital. It is quite the city if I do say so myself. After the war, the executives voted to rebuild the capital because they thought it would be better if we reorganized everything. To do that I created a parallel world in which only the future city's terrain existed and sent Geld's team to work there. In that parallel world one year was about a day or two here, so the work seems to have gone fast but in reality it took them a lot of time. The city is surrounded by walls to keep the enemies away. At first, I thought it wouldn't be useful thanks to the technology developed by Vesta and co, but they insisted on doing it for aesthetic, same for the castle. I don't like big and luxurious places or things dedicated to me, like the slime statue, but they insisted for about a year and I ended up unwillingly accepting the castle construction project.

*Start of the flashback*

"Lord Rimuru, w-we would like to..." the executives started to say and when I saw their eyes and faces, that's when I knew what they were going to say.

"I've already refused the proposition." I almost yelled.

*Pleading eyes from the executive.*



"I uh… u-uh… aaah, fine!" I said and left, it was the end of the meeting anyway.

*End of flashback*

Now we need to start to send everyone to the new city before transferring it into the 'real world'. Therefore, I adjusted the parallel world's time to the same as here, open a temporary portal, restricted for the moment, and waited for the meeting. According to Ciel it should take around a week for the people to change place if we do it right, everyone already knew so the house selection and all was already taken care of by the executives of the country beforehand.

After I analyzed everything I did some paperwork and the daily meeting started. The executives informed me of how they thought about doing things for the transfer. In a nutshell, we will send them to the parallel world one district at a time and when everyone and everything important will be transferred I will devour the old town with -Predation- and teleport the new city into the original world. Then I will recycle the resources, and we will reuse them for other towns or sell them. All of that should be taken care of in a week, so Nazarick's leader will be in the old town for the meeting.

3RD person POV

While Tempest is starting their moving operation, which will be called 'The Great Transfer' in history books, Ainz's party is a day away from Tempest. The Death King was traveling in a fancy black and gold carriage with Albedo and Demiurge, escorted by seven Death Cavalier, tree at the left, tree at the right and one leading. The other floor guardians didn't come, Ainz wanted to keep the Nazarick forces a secret from the outside world, for now at least. They are using popular public roads therefore they stand out, it's understandable people are not used to seeing a fancy carriage escorted by undead. The group traveled like this for the rest of the day and the entire night because they didn't need to sleep nor did they need to eat. When they finally arrived around noon at their destination, the leading Death Cavalier advanced to the 'gate', there isn't any gate, so more like the entrance of the town while the carriage waited behind.

"Hello there, we have a meeting scheduled with the leader of this country." said the black-armored knight to the demon butler, while riding a red-eyed black unicorn.

"Welcome visitor, I, Diablo, was charged to escort you to the city hall's private hotel where rooms were prepared for you." responded the first patron.

"Very well then, we shall follow you." informed the knight and signaled to the other undead to advance.

Then, the black primordial escorted the group through the town to the city hall's hotel. While passing through the capital the inhabitant noticed the carriage following Diablo, they cleared the way, stood to the side and bowed a little when the important figures passed in front of them.

Ainz POV

*Few minutes earlier.*

At some point on the way we stopped, and I wondered why, but we resumed the march a few seconds later, so I didn't ask. I could see through the window that we arrived in the city, people stood to the side and bowed a little when we passed.


I shook my head a bit, chasing these thoughts away. I don't have time to think about that, we have a meeting with the leader soon, and I need to find out if he comes from YGGDRASIL. According to Sebas, the leader said he was from Japan, and it happens to be the country I come from too.

*Present time.*

We arrived in front of a building called 'The Hall's Hotel' and I wondered why we were here, 'weren't we supposed to meet with the leader?' I asked.

"Indeed, but the meeting is scheduled for the evening, you arrived earlier than expected." responded the butler.

"You can explore the city as you wish during the waiting time, and this hotel is where you will be staying for the night, if that is what you want." he added.

"I see… then it shall be, we will explore this city during the waiting time and stay the night." I said.

I then unsummoned(?) the escort and whispered to the figure if I needed to 'hide' my undead threats by wearing a mask. He chuckled a bit and told me that the city accepts every type of race and that there shouldn't be a problem to walk around without a mask, but that if I wanted to wear one I could. We then entered the hotel and entered our 'room'. It was more like a penthouse, when you entered the room you were in a little hall, then further there was a small living room at the right, a dining room at the left, with a kitchen. Then there is the chambers' hall where the doors to the chambers were. It is quite the luxurious place, the decoration was expensive and looked good, it wasn't just for show.


We selected our room and left our things inside them, we didn't have that much stuff… yeah, more like not at all.

"Diablo, was it?" I asked the demon.

"Yes, how may I be of service?" the (almost totally) black-haired man responded.

"Could you be our guide in the city?" I demanded, I don't think we need a guide but if he is to stay around until the meeting he might as well.

"Of course, Lord Rimuru asked me to be sure you are comfortable. Therefore, if you need a guide I shall oblige." he responded.

We then spent the next few hours wandering in the city. We visited a fair number of shops. I found it interesting that monsters and humans were owners of their own store and even worked together, which made me a bit happy, even if this body can't feel emotion I still felt something. When I noticed that we avoided some districts of the city I asked why, and I was informed of the current project. I also concluded that he didn't tell me everything, just that they were actually moving to the new capital and that it will be done in a week.

"I understand." I told him.

Demiurge POV

This demon that is showing us around the town, I somehow have the feeling that he is like me. He is loyal to his master and seems to be quite the smart guy. I need to learn more about him, so I started to ask some questions about him and the city.

"Diablo, what is your role in this country?" I asked, I didn't use -Voice of Obedience- because not only are we here to forge friendly relations, but I also feel like it wouldn't work for some unknown reasons.

"Kufufufufu, my only purpose is to serve my Lord as his secretary and butler." he told me.


(Note: When it is not a Nazarick member POV, 'The Supreme One' is Rimuru.)

I then continued to ask some questions about the city. I hoped to find more information, but he remained vague without going into too many details. I can't blame him, I would do the same if someone asked me personal questions about Nazarick.

3RD person POV

After their little guided visit of the city, Ainz's group were escorted to the meeting room where they should be able to talk to the leader of this nation. Nazarick's members had many questions about and for the leader of this foreign country. However, the one which all have is 'Who could it be?'. For Ainz, this Rimuru is probably a player of YGGDRASIL, or he is Japanese, and if that is true, he wants to ask him questions about this world and have friendly relations with him. In Albedo's eyes, this ruler must be trash in the way that her master should dispose of. Demiurge however, believed that the God of Chaos is someone with great strength who shouldn't be underestimated, he thinks that the slime could be a useful ally to have.

Rimuru POV


I was informed by Diablo that our guest arrived in town, but I still had some paperwork to finish. That's the reason I told the primordial to directly go to the hotel and to make sure they are comfortable.

<> *Internal cries of pain.*

{Don't worry master, you are almost done.}

Ciel said that but the giant piles of paper on my desk tell me otherwise. And when I say giant I mean giant, I know one and the piles are almost as tall. Anyway, the meeting is only a few hours away so, if I must…





I will let you use a clone to do your stuff for a day.>>

{..... … … three days.}


{(I should've asked more…)}


{Nothing master, I will do it.}

I know Ciel could do it all in less than a second, but she doesn't want to because 'It is your job as the leader of the nation to take care of that.' she says. But sometimes she allows me to use 'The secret art of finishing paperwork fast'. The technique is simple: I (Ciel) create multiple parallel existences and we (I) take some of it each and finish it, more paperwork, more clones. The problem of having multiple parallel existences is something Ciel doesn't like, for some reasons… so I prefer to avoid it because an angry Ciel means that some universes 'somehow' disappeared, but now is a critical situation! With that said, the paperwork took a few hours, when I (we) was finished I asked Diablo to bring them to the city hall.

[Diablo, you can bring them now.] I said telepathically.

[Yes, we are coming Lord Rimuru.] he responded.

I changed into an older body, one around 16 years old with its usual outfit. The reason why I don't always use the older form is because not only is the 12 years old one more adequate for daily duties, probably because I am used to it, but also because people don't give me that look I despise. The 16 years old body is more for official things, like Walpurgis or meetings with other nations. Finally, the slime form is more for private or relaxed occasions, at home or with close friends. Anyhow, it is time for this meeting to begin, 'Shuna…' I said.

"Yes Lord Rimuru." She responded.

"Take them inside when they arrive." I told her.

She nodded and made her way outside to wait for them, they should arrive shortly.

(Note: The chapter will be like this for now on. I hope you enjoyed it, please leave a review.)

Next time: The Greats' Meeting

Words: 2515