The Greats' Meeting

Chapter 4: The Greats' Meeting

3RD person POV

Rimuru made his way to the meeting room while Diablo escorted Ainz group to the city hall. They entered and were welcomed by a 16-year-old looking girl. She had pink hair and two white horns coming from her forehead. She greeted them in a calm but certain voice, and so did they. They then walked through the hall, the building was refined with expensive-looking decoration, it was fitting for a good ruler such as Lord Tempest. The Oni asked them how they would like to be introduced, and she was told their titles. Upon arrival at the meeting room door, Shuna knocked and entered, she then informed the guild members where to sit and headed to Rimuru's side.

They were sitting at the end of the table in front of the King who was behind a desk. 'I expected to be received in the throne room… Why are we just in a normal meeting place? Maybe it has to do with the 'The Great Transfer' thing that Diablo explained to us.' is what Ainz thought. Now looking at the slime, he was 16-years-old looking like the Oni, but he had blue-silver hair and golden eyes, he was wearing his habitual 'work' outfit. The heteromorphic guild stared at him for a few seconds before the Shrine Maiden talked.

"Introducing the Undead King, Ainz Ooal Gown, from The Great Tomb of Nazarick. Beside him stand Lady Albedo and Lord Demiurge of the floor guardians." Shuna said while moving her hand in their direction.

"Greetings, I am Rimuru Tempest, but please call me Rimuru." said the Demon Lord with a warm smile. He didn't say his title to prevent wrong reactions from the guests.

The meeting continued for some hours. The two parties discussed mutual benefits of an alliance. Demiurge believed more and more that Rimuru is someone who would be beneficial for them to have under their hand. Albedo was waiting for the order to dispose of this trash in front of her and Ainz was more convinced by the minute that Rimuru was from Japan. He asked some trick questions that you need the other world's knowledge to answer correctly, and it paid.

Albedo POV

Since we arrived at this 'country' I was told by Lord Ainz to only act on his commands. That is why I restrained myself all along during our little visit to the town. However, I can't keep up anymore, this trash is not worth even talking to Lord Ainz! But I don't understand though, each time I look at him, he seems interested in this lowly human (Note: Nazarick's members don't know he isn't human, for now.). He even stopped me from moving a few times when I was going to crush this ant. Well I don't mind being restrained by Lord Ainz… I just hope it will be somewhere else. *Blushing* I will wait for my Lord, if that is what your wishes are, I will do everything to achieve them Lord Ainz…

*While Albedo daydreams and ignores the meeting.*

Demiurge POV

It is such I sight, each word coming from Lord Ainz has a hidden meaning. He is trying to subdue information about this human without him noticing, how splendid. However, there is still something I don't understand.


Ainz POV

When he responded to my questions I could easily determine that he was from Japan, but the doubt still remained. I couldn't discover if he knew or came here like me from YGGDRASIL. I didn't want him to think I was crazy by asking random questions about things this world doesn't have. Anyhow, after a few more hours of discussion, it was around midnight, and we had no more to talk about, so we left to our rooms. However, before leaving the room, Rimuru handed a gift to me. It was in a fancy little blue package with a red ribbon, there was a piece of paper hanging from the ribbon and on it was a note: 'Open this when you are alone, fellow otherworlder.'


I looked at him, he nodded, and we left. When we arrived at the hotel, I got into my chamber and asked that no one disturbed me. The chambers are quite spacious. There was a big bed, I would say big as the one I use in Nazarick and in front of it was a normal desk with an office chair. I sat on the chair and looked at the package.


I decided to open it and to my surprise there was another note and a good-looking ring. The note informed me that this ring is a -Communication Ring- he created using another one he had as a base. It allows its user to communicate with the other person(s) wearing the same ring. The note also said that for using the ring you need to infuse it with magic and talk through it.

(Note: Warning, in the following discussion, Ainz is a little more relax.)

"Hi, is someone there?" I ask through the ring, for testing purposes.

"Yep, I'm here Lord Ainz." responded Rimuru.

"Are you sure it is a private communication?" I demanded.

"Sure at 100%, I (Ciel) created it after all." he proudly informed me.

"I see then, why did you give me this ring?"

"uuuh... mhmmm.... Ah! Yes, I remember now! It's because I could see you had more questions but didn't ask them for some reason, so ask away now that it's just us."

Rimuru POV

I received a message through the ring I gave this Ainz Ooal Gown. This ring was designed by Ciel from the Demon Lord Ring every Octagram member has. She called it -Communication Ring-, normally it is not useful because I can use -Thought Communication- but when it's with someone I don't even know if this world's magic works on him the ring gains a utility.

*Resuming where we left the communication.*

"Yes, I do have some questions for you." he told me.

"..." I waited.

"Are you from Japan?" he asked me.


"Oh, I thought your butler... Sebas(?) told you. Yes I am from Japan." I informed him.

"Well that sure is good news, I am from there as well." he said, a bit excited.


{Individual Ainz Ooal Gown was probably acting like a ruler to keep the order.}


Then we were talking for about 4 hours, it's no problem at all, I don't need to sleep, and he doesn't either because he is undead. We conversed about a lot of stuff. He first explained to me how he ended up in this world, which I found strange and somehow familiar. He then told me about his guild and that he wanted to find his guild mates if they are here. After that it was my turn, I explained how I got stabbed and reincarnated as a slime. Somehow he seemed shocked that I was a slime, I got that a lot, so it's fine now. That's when it hit me, I remembered now, more like Ciel remembered me, the guild and the way he came into this world... it's like that fallen angel, Luci★Fer.

"Tell me Ainz, was there a fallen angel named Luci★Fer in your guild?" I asked him.

"There was indeed, do you know something?" he demanded.

"Well yeah, but I think we should talk about that in person. How about later today, around 10?" I suggested.

"Sure..." he responded with an interrogating tone.

3RD person POV

*Morning, 9h45 AM*

I didn't sleep for the rest of the night, it's not like I could've enjoyed it anyway. I mean, I am the one who sent his guild member somewhere unknown, so I feel bad…


{Master should say the truth.}


{Indeed, it was my suggestion after all.}


{You had more important things to take care of.}


{The entity can't do a thing other than send souls.}

*Rimuru think a bit.*


{Most likely.}

I jump out of my bed and change into my older human form. I need to talk to Ainz and see him off. However, my subordinates and his doesn't know we are close now, so I need to keep the formalities. Walking to the meeting room I asked Shuna to pick them up. When they arrived we sat and signed the papers for our alliance. However, because Nazarick is not a country it's more like a pact.

"Now, Lord Rimuru, tell me." Ainz asked me.

"About what?" I demanded to know what he was talking about.

"About that." he said, looking me in the eyes.

"Ah… yes, that." I responded.

The others wondered what we were talking about, they all looked confused. They waited for the rest of the discussion with open ears.

"Well, your friend is actually… uhm, somewhere wandering in the multiverse(?)." I told him with a guilty look.

"... and what is he doing there?" the skeleton asked.

Albedo POV

I was sitting next to Lord Ainz, my precious Lord Ainz… when that thing started to talk again. However, he was saying some interesting things for once. He said 'your friend' to my Lord, is he talking about another Supreme Being? Could it be that he met one of Lord Ainz's companions?

"Well you see…" the human then started to explain what happened to one of the other Supreme Beings.

3RD person POV

When Rimuru explained to the group how he sent away one of the Nazarick's supreme Beings. Albedo stood up and charged toward the god. She couldn't handle it anymore, not any does he disrespected Luci★Fer by saying his name without titles, he also confessed that he sealed him and threw him somewhere unknown. Demiurge seemed disappointed in Albedo for barging in, but he was also happy that someone reacted to those offenses.

"Albedo, stop it!" Ainz yelled, but it was too late. The succubus's bardish was already at the slime's neck. However, to the Nazarick's members' shock, it was stopped by the always active -Multi-Dimensional Barrier- around Rimuru's body. Albedo continued trying to pierce it, with each hit she was more and more furious until…

"Are you done now, you can clearly see it doesn't work" the Demon Lord said.

"I will crush you, insect." Albedo yelled and slashed again.

*Few more seconds of Albedo trying.*

"That's enough Albedo." yelled the undead king, making the succubus stop.

*Time for Albedo to process.*

"Y-Yes Lord Ainz…" she bowed and sat back down.

Ainz apologized for the inconvenience to which Rimuru just said it was alright. Albedo was now more furious about herself to have made her Supreme One mad. Demiurge accepted his Lord's wishes, he knew it would've endangered their new and essential relation with Tempest. Rimuru finished his story and Ainz understood, he said that they will meet again and expected that Rimuru would work it out. The group then departed; they are now on their way back to Nazarick.

The slime got back in his office after seeing them off. He was wondering how to handle the case. His manas chased these worries away telling him he still had time before worrying about this and that the alliance between Nazarick was more important.

If you say so…

(Note: I hope you enjoyed it, please leave a review. I know it was confusing about Luci★Fer but all the answers are in the next chapter, don't worry!)

Next time: Luci★Fer's Journey

Words: 2040