Luci*Fer’s Journey

(Note: Adding new a punctuation keys: *{Voice of the World}*. | Making the VotW talking like -Great Sage- because it's easier. | I consider it as 'skill of the world', so it will be written as -Voice of the World-. | I don't have much information about Luci★Fer's personality, so I created one with what I had from the wiki.)

Chapter 5: Luci★Fer's Journey

Luci★Fer POV

*5 years before the main events*

Today was the closing day of YGGDRASIL's server, so I decided to log in before the end. I stopped playing because I didn't have the time anymore but if it's the last time… I might as well. Therefore, I connected to the server around fifteen minutes before the shutdown at midnight and I didn't expect to see that the guild still existed in the guild's list. I was in the middle of nowhere for some reason and I started to scroll over my old guild's member list. When I saw Momonga online, I started typing a message, but the server shut down before I could send it.


I closed my eyes thinking that and waited a bit, but when I opened them again I didn't expect to see that… in reality, I didn't expect to see anything at all. However, there really was something, it was not where I connected, it looked more like… another world?


*Searching for the exit button.* <>

I was panicking a bit but when the other peop… angel(?) started to look at me strangely. I calmed down, or tried at least.


3RD person POV

Luci★Fer was now in heaven after the game closed. However, the fallen angel has come a few years before his comrade and a certain event will make sure to break his chances of seeing him.

*{Hidden Announcement: Individual Fallen Angel Luci★Fer was sent in dimension: Heaven by [Unknown].}* (Note: I will call heaven, earth and the rest 'other dimensions'.)

This message was heard by Ciel, Rimuru and Luci★Fer. Normally the -Voice of the World- doesn't notify when it comes to reincarnation, so why now? What does this individual have that make it important enough for the -Voice of the World- to notify of its reincarnation?

Well, after analyzing this being, Ciel theorized that it's because it was reincarnated through a proxy and by another unknown being. Furthermore, he was in heaven, and he is ranked high because he has a name. In a nutshell, the -Voice of the World- believed that Luci★Fer was a threat to the world and its balance, but couldn't do anything other than notify the 'proper authorities' (God) because it was sent by someone else. The system hoped that Rimuru would help dispose of it.

(Note: If you are wondering 'Then why VotW didn't notify about Ainz' it is because he was sent to the normal dimension as a 'normal' (not that much though) individual which VotW didn't consider a threat to the world.)

Rimuru POV

After receiving that message I wondered what to do. It's evening and I did paperwork all day. I just want to burn it all… However, that guy, if what Ciel says is true, which is always the case, then this being is dangerous, and I am the one the world wants to send to deal with. Well, I am the strongest after all…



I ignored that and decided to watch him before acting. It's not because I don't want to do it, but because I want to have more fun and see what he can do. It will be even more fun now that the angels all have egos. Still, I won't let him destroy dimensions or make a genocide, but at least I can see what he does. I teleported to him and hid myself.

<> *grin*

{Master is a stalker now…}

<> *pout*


Luci★Fer POV

I heard that voice telling me that I was sent here, 'I was sent to another world after all.' I thought. Therefore, I continued walking in heaven, I think it's heaven… the voice mentioned heaven and my name. Well, it's not like it matters now because I just need to see more. It is so beautiful, as I walked on the path leading to what looked like a city I noticed that the sun seems to always shine, but it isn't hot, just warm. There are flowers and trees all around, it's such a magnificent sight. The plants appear to resonate with the world and share its essence, it is so splendid I could cry.

I continued walking forward, maybe I can get information about here if I ask others, and that's what I did. My communication skills are horrible and even worse with strangers. However, because I am in this new world I can't stop talking, I am so passionate, and it seems to bother them which makes me a bit sad.

Anyhow, after asking about fifty angels I understood a little about everything. From what I understand, heaven and earth were at war recently, and they lost. I wondered why and learned that the one who recreated this dimension is the one who won the war, he was a Demon Lord who reached godhood. I discovered that when he was a Demon Lord he was called 'Chaos Creator' and the moment he became god, people started calling him 'God of Chaos', 'Void God', 'Void Dragon' and/or 'Chaos Dragon'. Why dragon, I don't have the answer, but if we are in heaven that must mean he is here, so I headed off in hope of finding it.

Rimuru POV

When he finished asking questions about me, he headed toward the shrine. There isn't anyone left because the 'praying hours' have passed. The 'praying hours' are just a moment that the angels believe God (me) listens better to their prayer, but in truth I can't really know what they pray for except if I read their mind. However, when I came here one or two times it was always the same thing, people were thanking me for the new dimension and asking me to make sure peace is preserved. Since then, they come almost every day to pay their respect to me at the shrine, there are millions of angels each time, so I can't go there anymore.

I appear close to the angel, he looks like a typical angel with the halo and the holy white robes. Even so, his body looks decayed, and he has only one wing.


{This seems to be his real body, but I cannot confirm whether it was like this before falling or not.}




If Ciel had told me that for some reason having this body affected him mentally I would probably have constructed another one for him. I want to see first hand how he is, but if his mental state is affected, I can't, and hat should help me determine if he can stay or if I need to dispose of him before a catastrophe.

"Hello there Luci★Fer." I said.

He looked around wondering where the sound came from and stopped when he saw me standing close by.

"W-Who are you?" he said, afraid for some reason.

"Me? No one." I responded with a joking tone.


"Pfufuf, I'm kidding, I am here to be your friend." I said.



*Awkward pause.*

"What, you don't want to talk or is there something else? You did talk a lot with those other angels, so is it because I'm not one?" I demanded Luci★Fer.

"You were watching!?" he asked.

"Well yeah, you were asking questions about me. Weren't you?" I informed him.

"No, I was asking questions about the… w-wait you mean you are…" he tried to say it but was interrupted by me.


{*sight* So childish, master.}



"I am God, but I don't like the title. Simply because it means I am above everyone and I don't like that, so call me Rimuru."

He stopped moving for some time, looking like he was thinking about what to say.

I broke the silence, "Soooooo, what's your answer, want to be friends?"

"..." his eye twitched, and he added "Why do you want to befriend me of all people?"

"Well that's quite the good question… because you come from another world?". I told him, which made him take a few steps back.


{Individual name Luci★Fer probably thinks you are going to dispose of him.}



I then talked to him a little more and learned about where he came from and how he got here. The conversation ended when I told him I would let him stay here, I don't believe he would harm this dimension. I gave him a book called 'How to survive in heaven'. I made it just now for fun, but I really think it can help him. The book is pretty basic, it informs about where important things and persons are… a simple leading book.


3RD person POV

*Three years later.*

The past three years Rimuru kept an eye on Luci★Fer. The angel didn't do much, he did cause some problems, but they were minor. Last year, he did a little 'party' in the middle of the town place, which disturbed many angels. However, Rimuru is still happy that the former Ainz Ooal Gown member is doing well and made some friends. The slime still needs to find out who sent him here, an entity who surpasses the -Voice of the World- is trouble. Well, trouble if you are not the strongest being that ever existed.

Today was a normal day. Like every time, the Demon Lord woke up when the sun rose, he watched over the town for a few minutes and headed to his office. His purple-haired secretary gave him the urgent news and the daily meeting started with the executives. Everything went well, until Milim busted the door and said the worst news that could arrive at a peaceful moment like this.

"Rimuru! There's an angel that got berserk and started rampaging out of nowhere." she said in a worried tone. Veldanava's child is now in charge of looking over heaven because it was her father's job before. She could have handled the situation, but because the Void Dragon told the principal forces of the world that he will watch over heaven for a few years, she preferred to inform him. Milim can be serious sometimes and that was one of those times, the dragonoid didn't want the dimension his bestie recreated to be destroyed by a random angel.

<> Rimuru demanded his manas.

{Most likely.} she responded.

<> he declared.

"I see, I'll handle it, thank you." the slime told the pink-haired girl.

[Shuna, give her something to thank her for the info, like honey.] the slime asked Shuna via thought communication.

[Yes Lord Rimuru.] the Fair Oni responded.

Rimuru then adjourned the daily meeting and used -Universal Sense- in heaven to see what was going on. As they expected, Luci★Fer was the one behind it, but why? The Chaos Creator then decided to make a flashy entrance and got into his 16-year-old self, he was wearing the usual 'work' outfit; black pants and a black sleeveless long shirt, he had white boots with white stripes, his arms had black detached long sleeves with golden ornaments and a white cloak over it.

The Supreme Deity swung his sword piercing through space and opened a breach to heaven. He entered it, for the heaven's inhabitants it looked like the sky opened, and their god ascended into the world to save them from the rampaging fellow, so they all kneeled.

"Luci★Fer, you shall stop terrorizing the people of this land." said the God.

"And why should I? It's way funnier that way." the angel said and grinned.

Rimuru POV

When he said that, I knew that something was going on. There was no way he acted when I was with him three years ago, and now he looks like someone else but doesn't seem to acte either.


{Analyzing… After a few analyzes, it seems the angel is controlled via his soul by an unknown entity, most likely the one who sent him here.}


{No, unfortunately, you cannot do the same as Kumara to this individual. However, we can send him into an uninhabited world and seal his power. Then put the individual Luci★Fer to a sleeping state until you dispose of this unknown being.}


Then I teleported behind him, and before he realized I did what Ciel told me to; I sealed his powers, put up a barrier to protect him during his slumber and sent him to a random place where they aren't any life form. I didn't want to send him away, and by doing that it broke my heart because it meant saying bye to someone I took interest in and came from Japan too. I can't imagine doing something similar to one of my subordinates, I would rather die… if it was still possible…

I then repaired the dimension he rampaged in and left through the hole in the sky before closing it. After that day, the angels started to pray more to me. I still don't like it, but I can't just tell them to stop. It will surely break their heart if I did. Anyway, now that we are done with that, I got back to my office to do paperwork and changed my mind.

(Note: Hope you enjoyed, it was for the introduction of Luci★Fer in the story. Sorry that it was a bit fast, but there wasn't much to say about him.

Tell me how many images do you prefer, none, sometimes or always.)

Next time: A Normal Day In The New Capital

Words: 2586