A Normal Day In The New Capital

Chapter 6: A Normal Day In The New Capital

Rimuru POV

I woke up, opened my nonexistent eyes, changed into my human form and got out of bed. It's been already three weeks since the meeting with Ainz and only two since Tempest 'received' a new capital city. It took some time, but I realized where I was and sighed…


{Because master was being asked every day for the past few years.}


I woke up in the newly built castle. It is quite the big building and the residence of the important figures of the country, some maids and close individuals of myself. Some high ups have their own homes and use the castle's chambers when they need to do overtime at work and can't go back to sleep in their houses or for other reasons. I don't mind if they don't use their rooms because I convinced them to have them. Simply because they wanted to dedicate the castle to me but the condition that I accept on was that they will use the castle as well. The castle is made of four main parts, the palace which is where I and the other have our chambers and where the throne room is. The royal library, it is inside the main wall but outside the second one and is open to the public. The garden is also inside the main wall but outside the second one and open to the public. Finally, the 'temple', it is a small place where there is a statue of myself. I accept this place even if I don't like it, simply because it is for people who want to worship me.

When you enter the palace, you are welcomed with the main lobby. There are two staircases on each side and a hallway under it. The path is covered with red carpeting and the decoration is made with quite a variety of stuff, such as curved stone, gold and the old unused armors. There is a chandelier made of precious stones and upstairs is a massive door. On the other side of this door are the chambers.

The hallway is leading toward the throne room. It is an impressive long room with a throne at the end of it. There are columns on the side and a balcony over them. From the terrace are pillars to maintain the dome-like ceiling. Precious stone made chandeliers are hanging from the said ceiling to enlighten the room. Some Tempest's flags are hanging from the balcony. The throne is at the end of the room with two bronze statues of slime on each side with two gold dragon ones behind it. The throne itself is made of bronze and gold showing on the chair back a motif of a slime and two dragons on each side of it.

That's it for the palace, now for the library. It is a large building as well, maybe the second largest after the palace. This is where books are stored tracing the entire history of our kingdom, allies' and other stuff we accumulate with the years. It happens to be the favorite place of Veldora and Ramiris, they go there when they take breaks, particularly the Japan section in the Earth part of the library, which is full of Japan related books, including mangas.

Then we have the garden, the third-biggest building in the estate after the library. It is big as an expensive house and looks more like one as well. The place is beautiful and full of plants, flowers and other natural things. There is a balcony with a view of the outside and an inside fountain. The garden is mainly taken care of by Chloe, Luminas also helps when she is here. It is most likely their favorite place, mine is my bedroom which has the best view over the city.

{Master, it is time for the daily meeting with the executives.}


With that said, I am making my way through the hallways to the meeting room. It is close to the chambers, it is literally at the end of the chambers' hallway. The meeting room, which is also my office, is a medium room with a rectangular table and chairs. There are enough chairs for everyone, but we do have some more on the sides if there are extra people. I sit behind my desk which is facing the door and is in front of the windows. The room has a cozy atmosphere, it is enjoyable for work and meetings.

During the meeting I did something I planned for years. I ditched paperwork on everyone depending on the subject. I also said to only give me the one that absolutely needed my attention. With that done, I don't need to do the paperwork related to military, development and research, with some exceptions. I also asked that the paperwork be delivered to my office, which is here, only once a week except if there is an urgent one or too much.


{Why did master wait so long to do this?}


{You can't say that master.}


{Because it is my line. *pout*}



During that conversation I was walking towards the hallways. I am making my way outside the castle to visit the city, something I couldn't do because of the paperwork, but now that I have ditched… ahem, I mean generously gave the job to the others, I can.

The city is now separated into five districts, each district has their own sub-districts. The castle is in the main district and the fields are in the outland one, for example. I was actually walking toward the center of the city, where the labyrinth and the training grounds are, so there isn't much building except the labyrinth entrance, a guard tower and some shops for the adventurers.


Chloe POV

I woke up in my room in the palace. I know Rimuru doesn't like it, but I do. It is such a peaceful place and there is much to do. However, today I received a request to train the new members of the army. The military corps are not used that much these times because they are peaceful ones and no one dares to attack Tempest which is good, but that doesn't mean the troops aren't training.

I left my room and made my way to the garden. Someone needs to take care of it and I asked for the task because I love the place. When I'm done taking care of the garden I left and headed to the training grounds where the apprentices are.


After a few hours of training them I saw Rimuru heading toward us, I believe he was just checking in. As I thought he stopped outside the terrain and just watched us. When I finished that session of training, I walked to him and greeted him.

(Note: I will make Chloe call Rimuru just Rimuru.)

"Hi Rimuru, how have you been?" I asked my teacher.

He didn't give any answer for a few seconds and then said "... Ah, Chloe, sorry. I've been good and you?"

"Oh, I'm fine, and this city is something, I love it." I responded.

"Y-Yeah, you are right." he said in a discomfort tone.

I noticed that he seemed distracted and asked why.

"Well, I can't hide anything from you, can I?" he said.

He then told me what was in his mind. He said it was about that undead that visited not long ago. Apparently, Rimuru sealed one of his friends some time ago and now needs to unseal him, but he can't because of an unknown entity that did some bad stuff. He wasn't clear, but I told him that I was sure he could do it, which seems to have helped him a bit. Plus it is his day off, so he should just relax and enjoy the city. We talked for an hour or so, and it was time for the next session of training, so I returned, while he was heading toward the schools, probably to see how it goes.

3RD person POV


Somewhere in the labyrinth, the floor guardians, who couldn't get out recently because of the growing number of adventurers coming in the new city, were having a meeting to talk about the recent events.

"Adalman, you know a skeleton visited two weeks ago? He was here to meet Lord Rimuru." said one of the guardians.

"I-Is that so…" responded Adalman, worried that his Lord wanted to replace him.

"Don't worry, according to Benimaru, he is a ruler and wanted to form relations with Rimuru." reassured another guardian.

"Mmhmm, it's not like he wanted to replace you or something, you know." told a guardian.

"Of course, why would my Lord want another undead when he has me!" the skeleton exclaimed, still a little uneasy which made the others chuckle.

Their discussion continued for a bit, and they returned to their occupation: guarding the floors. The labyrinth was really active because of the number of people visiting the city. More people means that many adventurers were coming to the labyrinth as well.

Rimuru POV

After my little chat with Chloe I headed to the royal academic center. This place is close to the training grounds because they use them sometimes. It is an agglomeration of multiple academic buildings for the Tempest resident to study. There is all the required infrastructure for the youngest and oldest students to learn correctly. There are many schools in the entire city, but this one is the most supported by the country. The reason why is that it can welcome numerous students of every grade, making it a place for everyone. I entered the grounds and headed to Hinata's classroom because she teaches the students here.

I knocked on the door, opened it and said: "Hi everyone…" all of them were looking at me and I redirected my attention to the teacher "... Hinata, when you have some time, come see me in your office." I smiled, and the students were silent and choked because of the sudden arrival of the king in their classroom.

"W-Wa..." she was going to scold me for interrupting her class but didn't. She then made a serious-angry face and said "I will."

I closed the door and headed to her office waiting for her arrival. In fact, I came just to ask her how it was at the new school and capital and to know if the students and all are alright, some basic things.

Hinata POV

When he left I wanted to resume the class, but the students were all immobile and looking at each other, as if they just saw the… king… Well, I guess it's understandable… There are just a few minutes left of this class anyway, so I clapped my hands which made the students jump, and I told them that it was dismissed early. I could hear some students whispering while leaving the room.

"(Who was that?)" asked Student-1 who was new in the country.

"(It was the king you dummy.)" responded Student-2.

"(T-The King? You mean the one that people call 'God of Chaos'!?)" Student-1 demanded choked.

"(Well yeah, who else?)" informed Student-3.

"(What was he doing here?)" asked Student-1.

"(Who knows, it is actually the first time I see him. My mom said he rarely got out of his residence since we have the new capital.)" Student-2 said.

I sighed at those comments and made my way to my office.


Arriving at the office, he was there, in a chair waiting for me. I then asked why he was here, and he started to ask me questions about the city and how I liked it here. I really thought he would want to ask me some stupid stuff, but he seemed to demanded that because he was concerned that his city didn't suite me and the students. Of course, I told him that there were no reasons to worry and scolded him for interrupting my class. He laughed, thanked me for being honest and for teaching the students, then left.

3RD person POV

After leaving Hinata's office, Rimuru teleported outside and walked in the streets. He wanted to go see his friends to see if they were enjoying themselves in the new capital. The Slime only wished for them to be happy and was concerned that the sudden change in their living place would affect them or the inhabitants. However, he worried in vain because his people told him they were grateful for the new infrastructure that they had in the city. His subordinates also informed him that they were happy in the new city. The buildings didn't change much, they were just bigger, refined and looked more alive with new colors. The capital is larger and more evolved, it's a new sight to be seen. Everyone lived better and had places to live in, those who couldn't afford a place to live were supported by the country and only constituted a few of the inhabitants. They were providing cheap lodging in dedicated places and community jobs such as cleaning the streets, so they could afford food and their lodging places.

Tempest is a prosperous country that everyone wishes to live in. The country's allied nations were proud of being their allies and couldn't wish for more. However, even if the nation is loved by the majority, many still don't approve of the existence of it and tried to dispose of the country. Their efforts were however in vain and the nations were wiped out of the maps in a slip of a second and without any war. The only report that the rulers of other foreign lands received was that beams of light pierced the sky and disposed of the armies, as if the gods showed their wrath.

(Note: I hope you enjoyed it, do not forget to leave a review. I loved to write this chapter, but after re-reading it I noticed that it wasn't the best, so I'm sorry and next time it will be better. | Next chapter will take more time, I have things to do, but it will arrive.)

Next time: The Raid

Approximately 2604 words.