The Raid

Chapter 7: The Raid

3RD person POV

*Few weeks earlier.*

When the Great Tomb of Nazarick entered this world a group of adventurers was doing a mission in the Land of Puppets. They were minding their own businesses until a structure appeared out of thin air in front of them. It looked like a tomb, but 'why would a tomb come from thin air… could it be that it was hidden with a spell?' was what they thought. They finished what they had to do and headed back to their country which is in the Barren Lands.

When they arrived they rapidly told the story about the structure to their guild master to which he sent a message to the King. Normally, this wouldn't be necessary, but because it appeared out of thin air and was in a 'No Ruler Decided For Now' area it was. The ruler then responded by demanding the sending of a party to explore the tomb. However, little does this King knew, this building was now an ally of Tempest, the country to which every sane person knows not to mess with.

Rimuru POV

*Present day.*

It's morning, we just finished the meeting, and I was doing the weekly paperwork I have to do. It isn't multiple giant piles of paper now, it is more like 10-20 sheets depending on the city's activity. The paperwork is mainly just approving the projects that already are approved by the executives. However, I still need to put my seal on it to confirm I have seen it, at least. Apparently it is something common for countries to have their ruler approving, or more like saying 'I saw it', on big things such as a new public building or road. My seal is a slime with two wings sprouting from the back.

While I was doing the work a familiar figure teleported in the room, it was a young-looking Fair Oni, with blue hair and eyes with a withe horn on his forehead.

"Souei, something to report?" I asked the Oni whiteout looking up from the paperwork. I am now used to him suddenly appearing.

"Yes I have." he said and bowed.

"What is it?" I demanded, still looking at the paperwork.

"My troop have spotted a group of approximately 100 adventurers heading towards Nazarick. While listening to their conversations, we learn that they were heading to raid the tomb and were coming from a foreign nation." said the Oni.

I looked up and said "I see… Send a messenger to this nation to inform them to not mess with this place and tell Adalman to come see me. Then, continue to investigate while reporting the major information to me and Adalman via -Thought Communication- so he can manage with the Nazarick leader."

"Yes my Lord." he said before teleporting away, not thinking too much about the last part.

I then mumbled a little sad "I think we can't do anything for these adventurers now… They have sealed their faith by going there, not my problem right now."



{*Sigh more intensely*}

*Adalman arriving in Rimuru's office.*

"What does a Supreme Being like yourself wish from me?" he said with a reserved overjoyed tone while bowing.


{You are the one who approved of Rimuruism.}



"Adalman, I need you to inform Ainz Ooal Gown about the group of adventurers that are coming to attack their home. I would like you to assist them, if they need it. Souei should inform you of the movements of the group via thought." I told him.

"Of course my Lord." he said and left after bowing.

"Lord Rimuru, may I ask why you send Adalman instead of Souei?" the pink-haired Oni who was serving tea asked.

"Simply because this leader is also an undead like him. He also happens to be a lich-like being as well. So, I believe it would be an interesting meeting between both of them. Maybe they could learn a little from each other." I said with a little grin.

{Master, you sounded like Guy when he prepared schemes.}





"I hope you are right." Shuna said.

"It should be fine, he is capable." I informed her.

*Few hours later.*

Ainz POV

[Lord Ainz.] said Sebas via -Thought Communication-. (Note: I don't remember how they called it, so I will go with -Thought Communication-.)

[Yes, what is the matter, Sebas?] I responded.

[There is someone trespassing…] he informed me.

[Just dispose of this intruder as always.] I casually told him.

[I was about to, however this said intruder informed me he was an envoy of the ruler you met with recently. Therefore I believed it was wise to inform you before taking actions.] he said.


[I see… Indeed, you did well. Send this envoy into my office.] I said.

Few minutes later there was this lich-like undead that entered the office with Sebas. I told the butler to leave us alone then informed the visitor to sit in front of the desk and tell me what he is doing here.

I still have the -Communication Ring-, so why did he send a messenger?

"Welcome to Nazarick visitor. Tell me, why did you come here from Tempest?" I asked.

"Thank you for receiving me, I am here under the demands of my one and only God, Lord Rimuru." he said.


"He asked little ol' me to inform you that a group of 100 foreign adventurers are coming to raid this place. Our Lord also demanded that I help you if you needed it." he said.

"I see… Very well, I appreciate the information, we shall prepare." I said.




Then I made my way, with the other undead, toward the throne room. I waited for the summoned guardians to come discuss the subject. They arrived, and I started telling them the information that the lich-like being told me about the adventurers.

"I don't believe we need to prepare for this attack. However, I would like to use this opportunity to test our forces. Therefore, I will send 20 adventurers for each of you to dispose of and send the 20 left here. I shall be here as well with this envoy who will show his strength representing our new allies, Tempest." I said while moving my hand toward the undead.

"Of course, if that is what you ask of me I shall oblige. Under the demands of my Lord, I, Adalman, shall show you my strength as you requested." he said.


It took about two hours for them to arrive. When they entered the tomb I teleported them to the floor like I planned. I believe it shouldn't be hard for the guardians to deal with them. However, I wonder about Adalman's performances, that is why I am here, in case he can't handle it even if I doubt so. I am practically sure he is a strong individual. (Note: He knows Adalman's name because he said it earlier)

3RD person POV

The groups of adventurers were all shocked and wondered what just happened. They were all teleported to different places in groups of 20. The groups advanced through the floor's challenges and all ended up dying before arriving in front of the guardian. As expected, they didn't last long during their battles, all 20 of them were wiped out on each floor. However, one of the group wasn't teleported to a challenge room like the others. Instead, they were in the Lemegeton, a theater-like domed hall with crystal lamps hanging from the ceiling with statues of demon-like creatures. This hall was the bridge between the rest of the tomb and the throne room where the two skeletons were waiting.

In the Lemegeton is a double door that is at least five meters in height with some designs. The left side was representing a good-looking goddess and the right was most likely a cruel demon. Those designs were so realistic that someone could imagine them attacking from across the room. This door is called 'The Gates of Judgment' and on the other side resides the throne room where there are now the two undead waiting for their prey to pass through.

When the adventurers arrived, Adalman did a little speech as he always does to the labyrinth visitors, but this one was different, and more threatening.

"Trespassing on the ground belonging to one of Tempest's allies is like trespassing on its grounds. You shall perish by my hand intruders!" said the Wight King.

Ainz POV

That's quite the speech, I sure didn't expect that.

"Hahaha, as if a lowly undead could bring us harm. We are 20, and you are alone." one of the adventurers said regaining his composure after arriving in the room.

"T-That's right, i-it is a w-waste of t-time, you are j-just a weakling on o-our way." another one replied, still afraid.

"Indeed, this is a waste of time. You ants don't compare to the ones you visit me on the 70th floor." said Adalman before extending his arms.

<<70th floor? Perhaps Tempest has some sort of dungeon?>>

All the adventurers were on their guards, some even raised a barrier around themselves.


"You shall be honored as this spell was devised by the one and only God in this world, Lord Rimuru." he said before softly shouting "-Holy Ray-" and rays fired from his fingertips, every shot killing two intruders ignoring the barriers.


"Splendid, that was such a sight. You did well, Adalman." I praised.

"Of course, I wouldn't want to make a bad impression as one of Lord Rimuru's patrons." he said.

I think I felt one of my eye twitch in disbelief, even if it is not possible because I only have bones left.


Brushing those thoughts away, I spent more time with Adalman before he returned to his homeland (Tempest). It was interesting talking with an undead skeleton like myself. I have lichs under my rules but someone who has the same level, if not higher, as mine is unusual thus this meeting was useful. I also learned about the Labyrinth of theirs. Apparently, it is a place where adventurers can come to gain loot and money. He also told me that if you were to


3RD person POV

*During the attack.*

The guardians received the 20 adventurers on their floors. Shalltear, Demiurge, Cocytus and the two dark elves had intruders on their respective floor and so wanted to deal with them, but the adventurers ended up dying before the guardians could accomplish that wish of theirs. Therefore, they were quite upset with it but blamed the fact that humans are a weak race that can't handle themselves.


With all of that, none of the guardians actually fought the intruders because they all perished before arriving at their rooms. Ainz thought that it wasn't a big deal that the guardians didn't fight. There are many reasons why the tomb is hard to attack. First, in this world the adventurers are weaker than in YGGDRASIL. Another reason could be that Nazarick was considered a dungeon for player level 80 or more to conquer and that was before it became the Nazarick known today, meaning that the level of difficulty augmented after the guild made the dungeon their own.

The only 'Guardian' that fought was the 'Floor Guardian' of another dungeon, the one in Tempest. This individual known as Adalman fought to show Ainz the strength of Tempest. However, the fight was short and one-sided, so he couldn't assess that much except that he was killed and so are probably the others. Even with this, Ainz took a liking to Adalman and so did he. Being both undead skeletons it was quite the friendship that bloomed.

Ainz still had a concern, he wanted to spread the name of Ainz Ooal Gown among the inhabitants of this world in hopes to find his guild mates. He knew that Rimuru is working on a way to get Luci★Fer back from where he was sent, but he hoped to find other members as well. The idea then came by itself, 'why now create a nation' is what Ainz thought. He could use the help of Rimuru to do so because he already has one.

(Note: I hope you enjoyed it, do not forget to leave a review. Next chapter will be out maybe at the end of the week.)

Next time: The Sorcerer Kingdom

Approximately 2334 words.