The Sorcerer Kingdom

(Note: Sorry it took longer than I expected, enjoy. Remember that Ainz and Rimuru's discussions are casual.)

Chapter 8: The Sorcerer Kingdom

Ainz POV

It has been a day since the adventurers' raid. They were weak, so it wasn't a problem, but it had advantages: I was able to see first hand the strength of one of the patrons of Rimuru, I made a somewhat bond with this said patron and I could see if the tomb's defense system is still working and efficient, which is the case.

It was a really useful experience, I could even say that I love it. I learned a lot about the undead of this world. For example, I discovered that Adalman wasn't a lich but a Wight King which is quite the powerful species, from what I assessed. While on the subject, species of monsters and undead are similar to YGGDRASIL but with different appearances and abilities. I also learned that naming a monster can make them evolve if the right amount of magicules, which is the mana of this place, is used.


Anyhow, I am sitting on the Throne of Kings, it is in the throne room. It is made from a chunk of obsidian and the back of it is so high that it touches the ceiling. This throne is not normal as we could think at first glance, it allows the one who sits on it to see everything inside the tomb. The object also grants defense against any kind of divination magic, knowing that, I still wonder how Rimuru found out we were here…

In any case, I am thinking about what to do next. I still want to spread the name of Ainz Ooal Gown to the world in hope of finding another YGGDRASIL player and hopefully a former guild member. I had no idea how to do it before, but now I think the best way to do that would be to create a country. That way I can spread the name of the kingdom by making allies, developing a peaceful place and all, basically making a good reputation, so it spreads more. With that everyone will know the name of the kingdom and therefore the king's, which will me. Now the problem is, how to create a nation. I believe the first step is relations with foreign lands and all that political stuff, I already have Tempest as an ally though.

I should talk about this with the others, so I called the guardians and announced what I planned to do for now. I could have done it without them, but they will play a role in the country, so I think it is better if they know.

We talked a bit about it, but they didn't seem happy about the idea at first, probably because it implied making good relations with humans and other 'inferior' races. During this meeting-like situation, Demiurge again said crazy stuff such as 'If you have the trust of many kingdoms we will be closer to rule over the world'. However, this time I stopped him and explained the real reason, even after doing this I got praised by the guardians. The reasons were not that special though, just to find people…

"Marvelous Lord Ainz." said Albedo, still kneeling.

"Kufufu, you are on another level as always, my Lord." informed Demiurge with a little bow and his hand on his hearth.

The reason why Demiurge is not kneeling with the others is because he is now my self-proclaimed assistant, Albedo was doing this job, sometimes, but apparently they did a bet on Adalman and the winner of it would be my assistant (still self-proclaimed thought), Albedo lost, so Demiurge took the nonexistent post. At this point I don't care that much. I mean, if that is what he wishes then I can't really complain.

Anyhow, back to the main topic, everyone agreed, not like they had a good reason not to anyway. However, the main issue is still present, how to create a country.


[Rimuru?] I asked the slime through the -Communication Ring- he gave me. It is morning, around 9h30 am, he told me he had a daily meeting around 10 am, so I shouldn't be disturbing too much, I hope.

(Note: Yep, even if Rimuru dumped the paperwork he still needs to attend the daily meetings.)

[Yes? Something wrong?] he demanded.

[I wondered if you could help to officially make a nation from Nazarick?] I said.

[Of course, I was wondering when you would ask. Everything is already taken care of, the only thing you still need to do is tell me the nation's name and who the king is. We can also introduce your nation to Tempest's allied nations. Since you are technically my ally, meeting them is a good idea, and it will give you the chance to be able to forge relations with them as well, if you wish that is.] he informed.

Already taken care of? What does he mean by that? How could he have already taken care of everything before I could demand to make a nation? Maybe he was hoping I would do it, so he prepared everything forecasting the request I made? He even thought about the relationship with the other countries…

[I-I see, then the country shall be named–] I said.


[–The Sorcerer Kingdom and its ruler shall be me, Ainz Ooal Gown.] I added, with an overly dramatic tone for the name part.

[I guess it's fine.] he said


[Let's make your nation before the meeting with the others, leave everything to me.] he added with a proud tone.


Rimuru POV

I am so excited, I waited for ages until Ainz asked to make a country.




{*Proud* Praise me more, master.}

It is obviously the best way for him to find his not-so-long-lost friend, or should I say guild member? However, I said I took care of everything, but I didn't, there is still a lot to take care of. I need to officially recognize his home as a country, I need to inform the Demon Lords that the territory is taken by someone and that I support the idea, finally I need to make the presentations to the allied nations.

<> *Crying on the inside.*


*Intensification of Rimuru's cries.* <>



{Maybe I could help, master. *Proud*}

*Stop the internal cries.* <>

{... … … I have been tricked, it hurts.}

<> *Fake internal tear with 'sad' face*

{You do. However, I will still help you this time.}

3RD person POV

Rimuru and Ciel shared the work on the preparation for the birth of the new nation. Normally, there is nothing to do except choosing a name and ruling over the territory you have. The issue with this method is that other nations that don't acknowledge this new country would attack them. However, if the country is born with the support of another one, even better if this other country is Tempest, the new kingdom won't be attacked and probably will even have alliance demands from foreign lands. When Tempest was starting to be a kingdom, it was attacked by fools who thought they could win against them. The result of this war, or we could call it more of a massacre, was the annihilation of the ones who attacked and no casualties on the defender side. Well, there were casualties, but they were revived afterward, so it doesn't count…

Anyhow, Ciel was handling the messages that Tempest will send for the announcement of the Sorcerer Kingdom's birth. Meanwhile, Rimuru was planning how to announce to the Demon Lord the new nation and gain the territory. He still wondered if he should take the Land of Puppets or if it is better to give it to Ainz. However, if he does, that will make his country the biggest one in terms of territory, it is already the most advanced in technologies, military, demography and many other subjects, so another one is not a bad thing but not a good one either. Therefore, Rimuru believes that giving it to Ainz is the best option, and it is not like his country could exist in his territory, could it?

Ciel was done with the paper, it did not take that much time, as expected from her. With that done, she focused on finding the skeleton's friend. The most problematic is that he was sent to a completely random place with no one around, we could almost say that he was in an empty universe floating in the void, waiting to be awakened. When she is going to find him he will be put in Rimuru's -Imaginary Space- still asleep until they dispose of the 'issue'. Of course, Ainz will be informed and will have the opportunity to visit his friend during that time.

"Let's declare the place a nation and talk about the territory after, it is not like the Land of Puppets will be gone until then" said the slime.

{Do not raise flags master…} responded Ciel.

Normally, the territory is chosen before the nation is created, but because Nazarick is already in the former Demon Lord's land it is obvious that it will still be there. The problem is that Ainz doesn't actually know he will be given territory and that Rimuru planned to take him to the discussion.

Gazel POV

Sitting on my terrace, I was looking over my city. This is the Armed Nation of Dwargon, a nation that former King Guaran Dwargo, my grandfather, created. It is a place where millions reside in peace and away from danger.

I was enjoying the view, but I unfortunately got interrupted by a guard that was delivering me a letter. Normally, I would have asked to put the letter in my office because I was having a good time now, and it was not the time to do the paperwork. However, this time the letter was from Tempest, I would say that those are the only letters that I read when I am not working simply because they are good allies, and they don't make many requests, so it must be important.

Reading it I was astonished, I definitely didn't expect that to be the reason for them to send a letter. It was said something in those lines:

'Greeting King Gazel Dwargo,

We apologize for the sudden envoy of this letter, however, Tempest need to inform you of an important matter. Our country, Tempest, has recognized the creation of another country located in the Land of Puppets. In normal circumstances, Tempest would not acknowledge such a nation to be formed, but this one is different from the others. Indeed, the King of this kingdom was sent to this world in an uncommon way with his home a few weeks ago. Lord Rimuru, the King of Tempest, has promised to help this individual in this new world he doesn't know of.

Best regards,



I turned to the captain of the Pegasus Riders who was close by, and informed "Prepare your men, we are heading to Tempest."

"Yes my King." the captain responded and headed out.

3RD person POV

Unusual is an understatement, no country was born in the close lands until Tempest became the strongest kingdom of all. Only in foreign lands, such as the Barren Lands, new countries are born these days.

After reading the letters, the kings of Tempest's allied nation send scouts or came themselves to know more and ask questions to the Demon Lord. Rimuru was about to receive many important individuals, and he didn't know about it yet. What he didn't know as well is that all of it was predicted by Ciel, it was her way to get revenge from being tricked by the slime. She made sure to create letters with the minimum information so the countries that received it would want to know more because of the lack of the more important information and the vague ideas of some of it.

*Few days later.*

Rimuru POV

It's been some calm days, maybe too calm… and I was right. All of a sudden, Shuna entered the office and informed me that I had guests.




{Notice: I do not understand.}

<> *sigh*

{Notice: It is just your imagination.}


{Master has become too sharp for his own good…}



"Let them in please, Shuna." I said to the pink-haired Oni, she nodded and made the guests enter.

There are envoys from many places: the Kingdoms of Ingrasia, Brumund and Farmenas, The Sorcerous Sarion Dynasty, the Holy Ruberian and Eastern Empires, the Warrior Nation Dwargon, even Frey and Milim are here…


{You know exactly why.}

<<… I don't?>>




<<… really, just for that.>>

{Of course master, you need to learn from your mistakes, it is important. You need to know that it is impossible to win against me. *Proud*}

<<… Ahem, anyway… Now what do I do with this?>>

{You will manage, I am sure about it. You always find a way to do things when Guy do requests.}


{I see, is it because he is a male? Should I become a male as well so you–}



(Note: I hope you enjoyed it, do not forget to leave a review. The next chapter will be in a while, I am going on vacation for some time, sorry.)

Next time: Rulers

Approximately 2562 words.