
(Note: Sorry it took a while, but I am back and here to deliver a new chapter. You should know that I have less and less time to write, so chapters will take longer than before. Also, in the last chapter, during the discussion between Ciel and Rimuru at the end, some of you might have thought I was doing a ship, however it wasn't the case. This scenario was just to demonstrate how Guy does the same thing he did with Leon to Rimuru and Rimuru just endures, but still pushes him away like Leon did. It also shows that Ciel messes with Rimuru about that because she thinks he should do something instead of letting it off the hook each time. For more details, Rimuru let it loose because if he were to beat Guy up he would have to take his seat as the Demon Lords' ruler, which he doesn't want, even though he is the strongest and is called a God. If you have any other questions about that, just ask away.)

Chapter 9: Rulers

Rimuru POV

*Few days earlier*

Today really is the best day of my entire slife. I woke up in my bedroom to the melodious sound of screams. It was Milim play— ahem, training with Gobta, I hope at least. They do this often however, not in the palace… normally…


Thus, I headed toward my office for work. On the way there I was greeted by many people as always. These guys are the ones that keep the castle running. Without them, I think the place could be confused with ruins. Many nobles and royal families don't care about the citizens that work for them, they consider them as trash or simple servants. However, I am not like this, that is why I greet them in return and acknowledge their exploits with praise and sometimes gifts.

Now entering the office there is a certain Oni already waiting to force work—… I mean pouring tea for me. It's Shuna, she always helps me and is always devoted to the country. There is also Shion, who is also in the office. She helps more and more these days. Before she never stopped arguing with Diablo about who is the best secretary and all, so I made a drastic change. I told Shion that she was the secretary, meaning she is to inform me of the important news, plan the schedule and more. However, that didn't help because Diablo was throwing a tantrum, so I assigned him as my personal butler instead, which didn't change their behavior. Now they fight about who is the most helpful and all, it is such a drag, really…

"You will finish your work today, huh, Lord Rimuru." Shuna said with a scary look.


"Of course I will, I always do!" I responded and she left.

Anyhow, I sat and said "What is on the list today, Shion?"

"Today's schedule is—" she started and concluded with "—that's what is on today's agenda."

*Discussion with Ainz*

I let out a little "Oh…"

"Is there something wrong, my Lord?" she asked out of concern.

"I just received some interesting news."

"What kind, if I may ask."


{It is indeed Shion.}


{The reason she is acting like this is most likely because she tries to prove herself better than Diablo.}


"Remember the ruler I met recently?"


"Well he just informed me he wanted to create a nation."

"Ah… it is as you expected, right?"

"It is. Thus, I will do that, please reorganize the schedule to add everything you said tomorrow." I informed her.

"I-I see, however my Lord, please do not anger Shuna. Last time she restrained the kitchen's access to me and I wanted to make a meal for you." she demanded.

<<… Did Shuna use that as an excuse to stop Shion from cooking or was it just because she didn't want me to have a meal?>>

{All of the above, master}


"Okay then, please inform her of the changes." I asked.

"Yes!" she told me, as always, while leaving.

"Now then, let us get to work" I said to no one.

*Present day*

There are envoys or rulers from many places: the Kingdoms of Ingrassia, Blumund and Farmenas, The Sorcerous Sarion Dynasty, the Holy Ruberian and Eastern Empires, the Warrior Nation Dwargon, even Frey and Milim are here…

(Note: I definitely reused the sentence. But I corrected the Blumund and Ingrassia's names.)

Basically, 'Tempest Allied Nations' is assembled. It is called this because Tempest is the highest, best and most prosperous country of all. I promise it wasn't my suggestion to name it like this, it just happened.

Anyhow, how should I proceed about this… I already know that Ciel won't help me. So, either I do like last time, and we do this outside or~ I will see them one by one.

That will be better. Not only will I be able to answer their questions, but they might be more open because there won't be any other nation listening.

{(*sigh* It is like watching a newborn trying to walk.)}




{Just your imagination}


"Shuna, let one by one the country's representatives enter. During that time the others can wait outside or wherever else they want to be as long as they are ready when their turn arrives." I informed her.

"Yes, Lord Rimuru." she responded.

The first nation's representative who entered the office was Gazel, I guess it is normal. Dwargo was the first nation with whom we entered political relations after all. Gazel and the captain of his Pegasus Knights walked towards the table in the middle and sat on the chairs.

We did a little stare contest before Gazel started and said "Say, Rimuru. What does this peculiar ruler you talked about have that picked your interest?"

"Well you see—" and I started the explanation.

(Note: I will put many details for this explanation and just put *Similar explanations as for Gazel* for the others, it will be faster. I will still make different scenes though so continue reading!)

I started by telling them about how I noticed his arrival in this world. At first, he was a bit shocked and I totally understood that. There were many people who ended up in the Cardinal World. These guys are called otherworlders, I am one of them, by the way. Normally otherworlders arrived here by summoning and are called summons, they were used as tools for wars and other stuff. Of course, when Tempest announced that they despise summon rituals and banned them in the alliance, many other countries did the same. Thus, it only happens on rare occasions and by malicious beings whose intentions are obvious and actions easily dealt with. Another way of entering this world, the way I did, is by getting reincarnated. However, beings who were reincarnated and kept their memories is rare, so rare that to the True Dragon's knowledge there is not more than two or three. I do believe they can be more in other worlds though. He was shocked because the way Ainz arrived was unknown, or at least for them. I do know the cause, but I can't really do something about it, not now at least. Thus, I didn't inform them.

Anyhow, after that I explained the basics of why he wants a nation and how I find it noble. I mean, not only does he want this to spread his guild name in hope of finding his old friends, he also has the objective of a world peaceful where heteromorphic races live with humans. The heteromorphic race is considered as Demi-Humans here in Tempest. For example, Adalman is undead like Ainz, thus both are part of the heteromorphic race, however Adalman is still considered a Demi-Human, so does Ainz. In fact, Demi-Humans include all races or individuals that are not humans but have the same level of intellect. I said individuals because slimes are not considered Demi-Humans, but I am because I possess the intellectual level, and that is because I was human before.

"I surely did not expect that… with what you told me I do understand your motives." Gazel said.

"Well that's good." I responded.

"However, he will have to pass my test." he added.


"W-What test?" I asked

"You know, the test." he told me.

"Yes… the test…" I said in a low tone while trying to find out which test.

"You understand why, don't you? About the test." he asked.

"Y-Yeah, right, the one that enables you to discover if someone is or is not a malicious being." I spoke.

"Yes. What other test could it be?" he said.

"No idea. Anyway, I think it is time, feel free to stay as long as you wish in Tempest. Sorry to cut it short, there are others waiting, and I need to see them all today, ideally." I tried to stop the meeting there. I do like our talks, it is just that there are other people waiting outside.

"Of course, by the way, this new capital of yours surely is a sight to be seen. I was surprised when I saw it." he said while leaving.

"Thank you for the compliment, I guess." I said, and he left with his commander, who stayed silent the whole time.

"Well that's that…" I sighed and said through -Thought Communication- [Shuna, please make the next representative enter.]

[Of course, my Lord] she responded.

The door busted open, and I already knew who it was.

I said "Hi there, Milim, how is it doing?" then I looked at Frey and said "Frey." while saluting with a node of my head and so did she.

"Why did you make me wait? That's not fair, not fair at all." Milim said while jumping on me for a hug and pouting.

I hugged her back and said "Now-now, Milim, you are here now, so why don't you sit, so we can talk?"

"Fine…" she responded and headed toward Frey who was already seated.

"So, Frey and Milim. What brings both of you here today" I asked, as if I didn't know the answer already.

"Well you see, we received your letter and weren't sure what to do about the information. Therefore, I was going to head toward Tempest to ask more details and Milim ended up following." Frey informed.

"I see… Then let me explain the whole story." I said and started explaining, again. I know I will have to explain the story many times, but I think it is worth it, so everyone understands correctly what happened.

*Similar explanation as for Gazel*

"That is quite an interesting story." spoked the harpy.

"I want to fight him!" exclaimed the Dragonoid.

"Milim… I don't think you can, not now at least." I informed her.

"Why not?" Milim demanded.

"Well you see, I think it will be more fun for you if you wait until he has trained a bit." I said, totally trying to refrain her from killing Ainz.


{Do you, now.}


{It is not.}


{It is useless.}


{Individual name Ainz Ooal Gown has already reached the maximum power level authorized by the system.}


{Well you see, when the individual name Ainz Ooal Gown was transferred to this world, he took the body from an undead monster from a game.}


{Well this game had a level limit which the player can't surpass.}


{Individual is still restrained by that limit. You could imagine it as if its potential was sealed.}


{Master should concentrate on the current task before talking about this.}


"B-B-B-But I–" Milim tried to say before I stopped her saying "I didn't say you can't, I said not now. Maybe later, when he will be able to, you know."

"F-F-Fine…" she added.

"Well then, Rimuru, if we may be excused. Milim still has work in her own country." Frey said and started to walk toward the exit.

"Frey! Not now! I want to stay with Bestie." the Dragonoid interjected.

"Milim, go with Frey and finish your work, if you don't, I won't let you meet Ainz." I told her which made her go quiet and think. After a few moments she talked again and agreed, however with the condition that she will meet him when she comes back.


[Shuna, next ones please.] I said to Shuna via thought.

[They are coming.] she responded.

Now entering the room is who I feared, Mr. Unknown. I am supposed to know every representative of those countries, but with the Eastern Empire, it is always a new one. Thus making it that I actually never know who is coming, and that is never good news. Habitually, Ciel would help me with that, however this time she doesn't want to, so I am supposed to deal with that somehow.

The unknown man sat down and spoked "G-G-Gr-Gr-Greatttttings, I-I a-am h-here fr-from th-the E-Esternn Em-Empire."


"Welcome to Tempest. There is no need to be on edge, just tell me why you came here today." I said with a little innocent and docile slime like I always do naturally.

"W-Well, I-I was t-t-to gi-give y-you th-this p-p-p-p-paper." he said(?) and gave me a paper.

I started reading it, and it was a letter from the Empire, not like I didn't expect that. It was written that they approve of the creation of this nation. It is also said that they don't need anything else because and I quote 'If this world's God is to approve of this, we don't have any objections.'.


{Master is wrong, it was Veldanava. Now that he is no longer here, master is.}


{Because nothing is stronger than you.}


*{Hidden Notice: Individual Rimuru-2 has deviated from normal course. Individual's thoughts are incorrect. Restoration is needed for the story to continue.}*


{Cannot answer, not enough information. Master I don't understand, everything is blocked, the VotW is not responding anymore. I am sorry, I can't do anything.}


*{Hidden Notice: Restoration starting…

Restoration completed. Time: 1 microsecond earlier.}*

(Note: Basically, 1 microsecond is a millionth of a second. It is the number of times the discussion between Rimuru and Ciel lasted.)



{Master is wrong, it was Veldanava. Now that he is no longer here, master is.}


{Because nothing is stronger than you.}


"Well, if that's it, you can go, feel free to stay in Tempest and enjoy the attractions." I said to the representative before he left.


[Shuna.] I thought.

[They are on their way.] she informed me.

(Note: I am going to speed things up with them all, I don't have anything else to add so… Also, note that the story is slightly different depending on the person, but the main points are spoked.)

Entering the room I see Luminous. She sat on the same chair everyone else sat on.


She greeted me and so did I. Then I explained everything to her as I did with Gazel. She was understanding and headed off to the baths. Well, I don't actually know if she headed there, but I guessed. It is already late, and I know she loves late baths for some reason. Hmm, maybe she headed to Hinata or the garden, who knows, and it's not like it is that important.

Next was the Sorcerous Sarion Dynasty, the representative was none other than Elyun Grimwald or Ellen. We talked a bit about everything and nothing. I ended up repeating the story again to which she was surprised, obviously. We talked again for a bit and she left. This time I knew where she was going, and that is where I will be going too after those meetings: Shizu's 'grave'. Well, she wasn't buried, so it is more like a memorial, but it is still there, at the top of the mountain where we 'first' talked.

Anyhow, after that meeting it was Youm turn, he was representing his kingdom, Farmenas. The same as for the others happened, we talked, and I informed him of the story, the same one I told everyone else. Then the representative for the kingdom of Ingrassia, he walked in and introduced himself. We had a fast talk about the kingdom, and he left. I don't talk that much with him, so I don't really know the guy, that's why it was faster than the other meetings. Finally, but not least, it was Blumund's turn. Fuze entered and sat on that same damn chair, curse you, chair. We greeted each other and talked about the establishment of the kingdom. I told him the same story and he left.


{I told you, master did manage.}


Shuna entered the room and poured tea for me. I had my forehead on the desk, so I looked up, and I saw her malicious smile.


"Lord Rimuru, with all that you didn't finish your weekly paperwork." she said, still with that smile.

"Y-Yeah, that's right. I was going to do it tomorrow, like I did last time." I said

She stopped moving, probably thinking and said "You are off the hook this time." and she added, this time with a lovely smile "Enjoy the tea, and rest well." then turned back to an evil look and said "Because tomorrow you will have to work hard." finally leaving the room, leaving me alone with me, myself, I and Ciel.



(Note: I hope you enjoyed it, do not forget to leave a review.)

Next time: Falmea

Approximately 3274 words.