
(Note: This chapter is to add more details about the capital. We follow Falmea and her discovery of it and her impressions, etc. With that said you should know that everything in this chapter happens a little bit after the fifth chapter. It is shorter than normal, sorry.)

Chapter 10: Falmea

Falmea POV

Today is a big day, they start to transfer people to the new capital. At first when I was summoned to Lord Rimuru's office I was scared, who wouldn't be scared in front of the one they call 'God'. I made my way to the castle gate, and was stopped by guards. Normally some places inside the first wall are public, but you still need to register at the gate. They asked me what my business was, so I showed them the letter. Their eyes widened a bit, and I was guided to the second wall's gate. I was told to wait, they said that someone was supposed to be here for me. That someone arrived, and it was Shuna, she is such a great person. Recently she finished my custom order for a bunny hat. I already had one, but I loved it so much I asked for a special one.

Anyhow, Shuna led me towards Rimuru's office, she opened the door and signaled me to enter before her, so I did. When I entered, all eyes were on me. All the executives were there, probably in a meeting.


3RD person POV

"Hello there, Falmea" said the slime.

"G-Gr-Greetings, my Lord!" responded the girl.

<> Thought Rimuru.

"Falmea, do you know why I summoned you?" asked the Demon Lord.

"N-No, I-I don't, s-sorry!" almost yelled Falmea.

"It's fine, it's fine. Don't worry about it. I will explain." told the Ruler of Monsters.

Thus, Rimuru explained why he summoned Falmea in his office. The slime informed her that he and his subordinate discussed a way to know if the citizens enjoyed their time in the city. The silver-blue-haired being had already asked some inhabitant, but he believed that because he was the one asking, the results may be wrong. To resolve this issue he decided to ask the unique expert he knew in this domain: Falmea.

Rimuru had already worked with Falmea, it was during a festival. He wanted a guidebook of his old city with ratings and information about the best places. He had found a notebook with good notes about the infrastructures in Tempest, when he found the author's name he called for her to ask if she could make that book, which she did. The pamphlet was useful for the visitors because they could easily know about the best places to eat, sleep, buy goods, etc.

Now the slime wants Falmea to explore the new city, note, and rate every new attraction. He also wants her to make a survey and see if people are happy about the changes. This will help him know if the citizens are enjoying themselves or if they are not.

"Is this really all you wanted from me?" Falmea asked.

"Yes." was his response.

"Why me?" she asked

"You did a good job last time." one of the executives added.

"Indeed." the slime said.

"I-I see… I will do it then!" enthusiastically responded the rabbitman.

With that done, the girl left the office and was guided back outside the second gate by Shuna.

Falmea POV

Now that I am outside, let's start with the castle's public places. Thus, I started to walk toward the park. The public places are; the garden, the library, and the temple. In the middle of those is the park, the difference between the park and the garden is that the garden is in a closed area and is mainly composed of flowers, rare or exotic plants. I walk through the park, and there are many inhabitants here. I was greeted by many. I asked some questions, such as 'do you like the new city' or 'what do you think about this place', to which I received good thoughts. 3/5

I now entered the library, it was spacious. The library is separated in parts and in those sections. I come here regularly, I love to learn about the world. I came across some people and asked the same questions to which I get positive reviews. 4/5


I proceeded with the garden. There wasn't much to do there, but the place is beautiful. It was like entering heaven, well not that I know what it looks like. 4/5

Finally, I headed to the temple. It is a building with stairs and a statue of a slime at the end of it. People come here to worship this world's god which happens to be Lord Rimuru. I won't ask questions here, it is a place of worship, so I'd rather not disturb. 3/5


Now that this place is done, I started to walk through the city. I was in the commerce section of this district. The city is separated into districts, I already noted all of them as whole, but I didn't really walk through them and ask questions like I do now. The results were;

Central District: 3/5

Northern District: 4/5

Southern District: 2/5

Eastern District: 4/5

Western District: 4/5

Which gave a rating of 3.4/5 for the entire city.

I am in the Northern District, it is where the castle is. I looked at the shops, there are many I recognized, such as Shuna's. Her shop is good quality, they work fast, and the customer service is incredible, I think even 5/5 isn't enough. Asking sometimes questions about this part of the town, I got once again good reviews. Well, sometimes people say they are a bit sad to have left the original town, but are happy that everything is more refined than before.

*Few days later.*

It's been a few days since I was tasked to do a survey. I already finished the Northern, Eastern and Western Districts. I still need to complete the Southern and Central Districts. I kept them for the end because the Southern one is the smallest district with houses and the Central one is more like a giant plaza and not a district. The rating is still the same, the work just made me more convinced.

I started to visit the Southern District, and it was almost only buildings; there were some shops, but it was for essential goods. I learned that it was the 'slums' of the city.


I asked around and learned that the residents here are people helped by the country. For example, when Eurazania was destroyed by Milim, all the country's inhabitants came to Tempest for refuge. Many of them still live here in Tempest, unfortunately, some of them are still shaken by that event. Those are supported by the country and live here. They are offered community jobs, so they can sustain themselves. I didn't know this story the first time I came here, so I never could have jugged it correctly. Now that I understand, this place is definitely 4 stars. I love to see how even people that weren't gifted by life still enjoy it here. I asked some Southern District's inhabitant if they were happy, and they all said yes for many reasons. It was surprising at first, but people here really are happy and just look like normal Tempestians. I didn't even see discrimination, the people living in the other districts are not disgusted or scared of the Southern District. I saw in other countries I visited that the more wealthy inhabitants were disrespectful towards the slums' inhabitants, but not here.

Anyhow, now it is time for the Central District. It didn't take that long, there isn't much to see here. There is only the training grounds, the school, and the Labyrinth. I visited the first two, the Labyrinth didn't change, so I was told not to visit it if I didn't want to. The training grounds are as it is said, places where people can go to train. They allow everyone in, as long as they work hard. The army does its training in the Labyrinth, they have special rooms for this. Those rooms are not open to the public, so I can't go there.

Finally, the last thing to visit, the school. I was guided by the principal: Hinata Sakaguchi. She asked me why Lord Rimuru asked me to visit the school and asked about the happiness of the inhabitants.

"Well, from what I understood, he is worried that the people lied to him." I said.

"Uh, I already told him the truth, why is he still worried?" she said, a little angry.

After that little conversation, we continued the visit, and I was able to ask some students here about their thoughts. I got similar answers, and like the others it was mostly positive. 5 stars for the school, it is such a great establishment. I learned all the history behind it, as well as its objectives. I am glad that such a thing exists that will help many people.

I put everything in the same notebook and I signed it. Then I sent it to the castle to Lord Rimuru as he asked me to do.

Rimuru POV

*The Next Day*

I just received Falmea's notebook. She told me that she put everything in it and that if I needed her help for something else I just needed to ask.

{Master could have asked me to do this.}


{I would have read everyone's mind and printed the result on a sheet.}


{T-That it was forbidden except if it was for the utmost importance.}


{Yes… here it goes:

*Falmea's notebook*


Castle's public infrastructures;

Park: 3/5

Garden: 4/5

Library: 4/5

Temple: 3/5

Final note: 3.5/5

Reviews: The many people asked during this survey responded with similar things. In general the inhabitants love the place. Some of them complained that they are interesting looking books that are not translated in this world's language.


Southern: 4/5

Northern: 4/5

Western: 4/5

Eastern: 4/5

Central: 5/5

Final note: 4.2/5

Reviews: People enjoy the city, some are sad that the old town was abandoned, but still enjoyed the new capital.

Author's impression: The city is well-made, the infrastructures are useful and captivating. People have access to education and everyone seems happy. The Capital really is a place for everyone, no wonder Tempest is the world's first country.}


{Indeed, it is Master's after all.}

I then took out a letter and handed it toward Shion before saying "Shion, please give this to Falmea.".

"Yes Lord Rimuru." she said and left.

I gave her a letter I just wrote, it is basically just thanking Falmea for her work. There is also a bit of money as a reward and I also asked if she could still make sure everyone continues to be happy.

(Note: I hope you enjoyed it, do not forget to leave a review. Sorry it was shorter, I am apparently not good with this 'describing the city' thing. I will make it up with a good chapter next time.)

Next time: Labyrinth I

Approximately 1949 words.