
When Leo came to, he was stripped of his vest, only wearing his shirt and pants, his boots and socks gone.

As he sat up he held his head, while he was out he had been reliving a life, not like his own, he had the same name, the same looks, and identity, but it was a life of someone in a different world, with a game like a system.

He had learned a few things about his system while he was out.

One: He had all things a normal game system would have, a Status to show information about his character, and where all his skills and information about equipped items would be shown.

He had an inventory, a shop, a quest system, and even a journal system that would hold personal information he wanted to keep available for easy access.

Two: He could get anything from this system, from magic to more guns, to skills such as martial arts and even things like being able to enter bullet time.

Three: The reason he couldn't use a weapon he picked up was that he didn't 'Buy' it from the system. The ammo was saved to his inventory, as his earlier thought was correct, the guns however would be 'Sold' in his system, to work on points so he could buy things from the system.

Four: Skills could be earned through missions, practicing, or buying them. It was also made clear that unless he actively trained the skill, he wouldn't get the full 'Use' meaning even if he bought a 'Gun-fu' skill, he wouldn't be good at using it without practice.

Five: Anything that came from his system was considered 'His' meaning no one else could use it, however unless he willingly recalled it back, it wouldn't return to him.

He also learned a few other things, like the fact he was now in a DC universe of somesort, which would've been easy to guess without the memories, since he got punched by Batman.

After he got his bearings together he took a deep breath and looked up only to jump nearly out of his skin as he seen Batman standing there at the end of the bed.

''Jesus fuck, don't you knock?''

''I did, but you were asleep.''

''So you stood there... Watching me while I was sleeping? That's kind of weird man...''

''So is a kid running around the docks at night, shooting criminals waiting on a arms deal.''

Leo's lips thinned as he nodded to that, having no real comeback to that as he sat there a moment in the silence.

''Is this where you question me?''

Batman watched the kid, noting how despite how scary it would be to see Batman, the kid was calm, as if he already came to terms with it.


Leo leaned back against the headboard as he watched Batman. ''And, I'm guessing that I won't be able to lie in any way because you'll definitely be able to detect if I'm lying?''

''Also yes.''

Leo's head hit the back of the headboard. ''Question away.''

''Your firearm, is it made so only you can use it?''

''I'm not sure how it's made, but I can confirm that only I can use it, though you should be able to unload it, load it, and even chamber a round, but won't be able to fire it.''

''The ammunition you use, it's live ammunition, but when you shot those criminals last night, none of them died, there wasn't even a sign of them having been shot, how is that?''

''I have a magical game like system that makes it so when I fire, I can choose between lethal and non-lethal.''

Batman stared hard at the kid, the first thing he said so far that was hard to believe, but no matter how hard he tried to read the kid, he sensed no lies, and the multiple pulled up images that zoomed in on the kids facial features, eyes, even throat to watch his pulse showed he wasn't lying either.

''So... You know magic?''

''Magic as in being able to conjure flames and bend water? No, but you could view my ability to summon my gun, or chest rig to me as magic.''

''You can summon your gun?''

Leo nodded, causing Batman to watch him for a few moments before he spoke. ''Summon it.''

Batman had put it within an extremely safe and secure location, that only he and Alfred could possibly get into, so when the gun appeared within Leo's hand, finger off the trigger his brows raised a bit behind his mask before he watched as Leo offered him the grip.

''Do you plan to use it if I let you keep it?''

''Aha! Yes, because I'm going to try and use a gun against Batman of all people! Honestly, even if I had magic I'm sure you could knock me out before I tried anything.''

Batman found that amusing, but his face gave nothing away, seemed the kid was at least aware of his skills and not arrogant.

''Why were you at the docks?''

''I was summoned there by my system, and given a quest to take them out. I even got a reward to!''

''A reward?''

''A meeting with the Batman.''

Batman watched him a moment, his mind going over the possibility of the system knowing he was there, was it made by some higher power?

''What else can this system of yours do?''

''A lot of things, but the basics is having a character profile, a shop, a system, and a quest section.''

''Do you have any quests right now?''

Leo looked to his left, the system menu appearing in his view as he did, going to the quests he noticed he did. His brows raised a bit as he noticed it.

Batman spoke the moment his brows raised, already knowing why. ''What does the quest say?''

''It's a multiple-ending quest. 'A talk with Batman.' I either try to lie to you, which leads to a lot of question marks, or I am as truthful as I can to you, and it has a 64% next to it, but it also ends in question marks.''

''Did it just raise in percentage?''

''Yeah it-.... Pft, hehhe.''

Leo had to contain the laughter threatening to break out as he watched it, his shoulders shaking a bit before he choked out. ''It says 69%''

Batman watched him a few moments longer as Leo compiled himself back together.

''These... Abilities of yours, how do you plan to use them?''

''Honestly? I couldn't bring myself to be a bad person, it just... Goes against my morals. Could I bring myself to kill a person? I could, but technically, I already died trying to be a hero... But that won't make me turn into some villain.''

''You've died before?''

Leo nodded. ''Before I got summoned here, I saved a couple with their kid, he was trying to rob them. I tackled the guy, and I think the gun went off in my gut or something.''

There was a slight movement on the corner of Batman's lip for a moment before it was gone just as fast.

''And even after that experience, you wish to be a Hero?''

''To the best of my abilities, and most likely at the cost of my life sometime down the road, which is hopefully a long one. Yeah.''

There was a soft ding, attracting Leo's attention to the system window still up, it showed A talk with Batman at 100% completion, the question marks gone as it said 'Trained by Batman.'

''So... It's even able to see that? Interesting, what do you say?''

Leo turned to look at him as if he was crazy. ''Turn down being taught by Batman? I'm not stupid.''

''You might think you are in due time.''