''Remember... Remember when you said I might consider myself stupid for having said yes to your training?''
''Actually, I said it in terms of you saying 'I'm not stupid to turn down training from Batman' "
''Yeah, that... I'm starting to think about it.''
There was a laugh from across the room, Robin was sitting in a chair watching the two of them train together, his mask off.
Batman or Bruce had already asked if Leo knew their identities, he said he didn't know Robin's, but he knew Batman's. That led to them showing a sign of trust by taking off their masks....
Or, now Leo might be crazy for thinking this.
Maybe it was because, after a month of training, they just deemed him not a problem worth worrying about? Since not once had he been able to hit Batman...
Actually, Leo's crazy for considering he'd be able to even touch Batman within a month.
''Can you go again?''
''You already know I'm going to say yes,'' Leo grunted as he got back up from the ground, once he was up he brushed himself off before he took his stance once more.
''Your stance has improved, but relax your shoulders.'' Batman suddenly advanced, starting to do slower attacks than could be predicted.
Slow for Batman at least, as Leo still either got clipped or was barely able to get out of the way of them, it was after he ducked to the left did it feel like something unlocked inside him, suddenly his stance changed as he began to weave in and out of Batman's punches.
Robin's eyes widened as he witnessed the sudden change in style.
Batman simply began to press harder, adding kicks into the mix. Leo continued to dodge, even able to flip out of a leg sweep as Batman continued to press the advantage.
It was then his body moved with a natural flow and he spun into a side kick, aiming for Batman's abdomen, the foot being caught with a hand.
''Looks like you've unlocked the skill for Karate, how does it feel?''
''My body moves naturally now, everything you were instructing me about before is now flowing together in my head, actually making a lot more sense, it feels like I'm less learning it, and more remembering it.''
''Good, let's see how fast it is until you can master it.'' Batman suddenly swept Leo's single leg touching the ground as he released the other foot, letting him fall back onto the mat.
''-ACk FUCK!''
''Language, Young Master Metal.'' Alfred spoke from the side, setting down a tray of drinks.
Leo was pushing at the ground to get back up again, staying down to breathe for a few moments. ''Alfred, have you ever hit Bruce?''
''Master Wayne? Quite a few times, older in my years I might be, but I can still pack a mean wallop!''
Leo chuckled a bit, Robin calling from his spot. ''See! He's even finding amusement in you getting your butt kicks by an old man!''
"Robin, I don't remember excusing you from this exercise either, you and Leo need to learn teamwork, join him.''
Robin suddenly moved, sprinting to Batman, pulling out a spin kick only to get tossed to the mat beside Leo, directly onto his back.
Bruce then finished. ''On the mat, that is.''
Leo snickered, Bruce having a small smile down at them, Robin groaning. ''That's it, Leo, let's kick his ass.''
''Yeah, sure. I'll be right there, behind you.''
Despite the sarcasm in his voice, the both of them stood up at the same time, getting into a stance before they both advanced on Batman the same time.
Alfred called from over his shoulders as he was heading back for the elevator. ''Language Young Master Drake.''
''Name all the abilities and skills you can buy,'' Tim asked, practically radiating excitement.
''Currently? I can't buy any magic ones, they REALLY expensive, and since I'm training I get a passive income.''
''Focus only on abilities and or skills that are something you can't learn naturally. So all martial arts, and things I can teach you to avoid for now.'' Bruce corrected
Leo scrolled down the list, despite his limited selection, there were still quite a lot of things he could buy, but something that he didn't think he could learn naturally was something that would take everything he owned.
''How about Bullet time?''
Tim grabbed at Leo's arm. ''PLEASE tell me it's what I think it is.''
Leo nodded, Bruce was driving in the front seat, a contemplative look on his face. ''That would be a good choice, the ability to increase the speed of your perception... It can be acquired through extremely intensive training, however, it takes many years to show any progress... Any other abilities that stand out?''
''None really, most of it's related to certain types of studies, biochemistry, mathematics, electric engineering. Though even if I bought one, I don't think I'd be able to instantly make some amazing battle suit.''
''It is up to your choice, but I recommend Bullet Time, as it would prove the most immediate use of your abilities, and if you'd be able to... 'Activate' it freely like you said you would other abilities, then you'd be able to train it even when not in the middle of combat, such as during classes or free time.''
Leo didn't really have to be convinced to buy it, but Batman made good points. Once he purchased it he felt something unlock in his brain, and he stretched his hands a bit.
''How does it feel?'' Tim spoke up, still shaking with excitement.
''Again, like when I got Karate or Investigation, it feels like I'm more so just 'Remembering' the feeling of how it works. As if I always had it.''
Bruce spoke from the front seat, watching the road. ''Activate it, see how it feels.''
Leo did so, everything starting to slow down around him.
Tim was talking but it was annoyingly slow so Leo reached forward to cover his mouth as he started to look around toward the traffic around them, before he looked at Bruce who was watching him in the mirror, then his eyes slowly moved back to the road.
He kept it on for what felt like minutes before he flinched a bit, it stopping as he started to rub at his head.
''A headache?'' Bruce asked, understanding the signs.
''Yeah, I think it's like a limiter, for how long I can activate it, I felt like I could've kept pushing, but it might steadily increase the pain.''
''How did it feel to be under it?'' Tim asked, his mouth still covered, Leo releasing him.
''It felt... Kind of slow? Is this how the Flash feels?''
''The Flash experiences that at many more times the speed you do, I've talked to him about it before, to him if he focuses hard enough it feels like 'The world comes to a still.' He's also able to keep it up many times longer.''
''How did it seem like me under it?'' Leo asked, curious how it looked to them.
''When you activated it, we didn't notice anything at first, but when you moved a hand over Leo's arms and looked around. You were moving faster than normal, and your reaction speed to changes in your surrounding had increased exponentially.''
''How long?''
''Depending on when you activated it? A minute, give or take a few seconds, continue to work on it, but don't push it. Remember to stay combat ready at all times.'' Bruce said, Tim, using his hands to mimic Bruce behind his back.
''That goes for you to Tim.''
''I'll try and keep it at 30 seconds only, just to get used to the feeling for now.'' Leo responded, leaning back into his seat as he relaxed, the headache he had gotten was quickly fading away, it seemed he could keep it up for a minute, but it took possibly 4-5 before the headache went away completely.
''Good, because we're here... Have fun at school.''