After School

The school was exactly how Leo had thought it was going to be, boring as all hell. However, it did make progress in unlocking certain skills such as mathematics, General science, and a few other minor skills, one of them being acting was fully unlocked as a lot of questions got asked throughout the day.

That's definitely something that will help in keeping his secrets on his own... At least everyone except Batman, couldn't hide a porn magazine from the guy.

Rachel was nice to talk to, it took him some tries to get her to actually converse with him instead of getting lost in her own quiet world, but on the day they got to hang out he was able to gauge her 'Limits' about conversation, and it seemed she appreciated how fast he found them.

After school was done they all met up for Pizza before everyone seemingly quickly disappeared in their own ways.

Underneath the pizza place was a large headquarters that the team was able to 'Relax' in, the moment Cyborg entered he began to take off what looked to be a thin skin from himself that came off with relative ease, showing his cybernetics as he sat onto the couch with a heavy sigh.

Beast Boy stood before Raven, having her chant a spell before his skin color began to slowly turn green again as he immediately switched to the form of a dog and began to scratch at his ears.

Richard and Starfire didn't change much, they simply stopped trying to actively hide themselves, the movements, or in Star's case, the flying as she apparently refuse to use her legs now that they were in the base.

Once everyone got settled Leo stood before them all, eating from a bag of chips. ''Questions?''

BB's hand shot up instantly, or more so tentacle as he switched to an octopus to have a higher chance of being chosen. ''One question per person, then we cycle again.''

Beast boy shifted back into himself. ''So you say your power is like a game system?''

Leo nodded, storing the bag of chips into his inventory. ''I have things a game would have, a store, inventory where time doesn't pass, quests, all types of things.''

Cyborg asked next. ''How big is your inventory? Does it count weight and such?''

''No weight, meaning if I really wanted to I could store a jet, we found that out when Batman told me to store one of the spare Batwings. Inventory size? I have 100 slots, but I can purchase upgrades from the system, things do stack as well.''

There was a snicker from Richard, nodding his head upwards to Leo. ''Yeah, but how many slots do YOU have access to right now?''

Leo clicked his tongue, summoning his chips back as he continued to eat them. ''I only have 10 available slots.''

Raven rose a brow, the book in her hand turning the page without her moving. ''Why?''

Robin spoke up with a chuckle. ''Batman's got him carrying around enough supplies to hold off against an army. a few hundred thousand rounds, a few crates of fear toxin antidotes, along with a few crates of joker toxin antidotes. You should have seen the look on batman when he realized how much preparation Gunmetal could have at any time.''

BB's hand shot up once more. ''So, you really are allowed to use guns... But I thought that was like, rule one?''

''My guns don't kill, they use ammo and can be fired, but as long as they come from my firearms, some game bullshitery activates and they don't die, just get knocked out. No wound, but there is an impact from the bullet, so I need to be careful of other circumstances, such as location, if I shoot someone in the head and it jerks just right, they could accidentally go over a cliff or something.''

Rachel asked. ''What if your guns aren't... effective?''

''We tried that out actually if someone has armor against a bullet, they'll still feel the impact and experience the pain or bruising that comes with a shot, but they won't get knocked out. We also noticed that if I fire at someone in a car or vehicle, it will penetrate, but if an explosion goes off due to it, they are mysteriously okay.''

Cyborg spoke up. ''So does that mean... In technicality, if you were to shoot a nuclear bomb, and as a result, it went off because of your gun... The resulting explosion wouldn't do anything?''

Leo shook his head a bit. ''Batman thought the same thing, but we are not sure how powerful my system is, nor do we exactly understand how it works just yet, so in his exact words. -''

''Don't.'' Batman's voice suddenly spoke up, causing the kids on the couch to practically jumping out of their skin as Leo burst into laughter.

''YOU KNEW HE WAS THERE!?" Richard yelled, feeling betrayed he hasn't even been subtly warned.

''I did! He's been here since we entered, I watched him make a whole sandwich while I was talking!''

All of them turned around to see Batman had made a sandwich for himself, he had his suit on but his cowl was pulled back so he could eat easily. Moving around the couch he sat on a nearby chair. ''Continue asking your questions, I am just here to observe before our patrol.''

Raven spoke up again. ''You said you were able to learn all 'Skills' including magic, have you begun any magical studies?''

''Not yet, Batman has sent word to both Constantine, and Zatanna to see if they could spare some time to teach me a few things but he hasn't heard back yet. One of his reasons for introducing me sooner to the team is to see if Raven would be willing to teach me some, nondemonic magic such as Sorceries and the like.''

''That's fine, I'll give you some study material.'' Raven turned her head as a few books floated off the few shelves they had in a more study nook as they shot towards Leo who caught each one of them, able to store all of them when he got them.

''Good luck, I can't make heads or tails of what those books say, and trust me, I've tried.'' Richard chuckled as he shook his head.

Batman stood, not a crumb in sight. ''Alright, all of you Suit up.''