
Raven used magic to change, Starfire flew off to go get changed and returned quickly, BB changed into a Cheetah and shot off, Cyborg just sort of stood up since he was already pretty much suited up, and Robin went to go change as Leo's attire suddenly changed, he had a few upgrades since he started to be trained by Batman.

With each milestone he progressed in his training, Batman would give him a new piece of equipment, that would act as a mission reward as well, so the gear he got from Batman would be registered with the system as gear he could use.

The whole 'Gunmetal' name obviously meant he used guns, so Batman took a more military aspect to his suit Combat pants and boots the same, but now he had a bigger chest rig and tactical armor plates, along with a mask that was a black skull, inside it had an automatic filter and a few other useful things, like a comms unit, and an MP3 player.

He had a black hooded cloak as well pulled over his head that due to system magic, would never fall or be taken off unless he wanted to, in fact his whole outfit could no longer be removed unless he was knocked out, or allowed it to be removed.

Standing there he rested his arms over his carrier vest while an M4A1 appeared in his hands, it had a laser sight only spotted through Leo's own eyes, as well as a foregrip and a four times scope and canted iron sights.

Despite Batman's whole 'No gun' rule, the man knew everything about them, including how to use them to a deadly efficiency, one of the more intensive things Leo trained in near religiously.

While he waited for everyone else he began to activate portions of his hud. His 'Party' showed the names of his team and their 'Condition'. It was actually because of this that Leo would be taking support and neutralizing role in the team. Through the party portion of his hud, he could identify how his team was doing, as well as a descriptive list of their injuries.

Medical supplies also worked like a game, meaning if he took time to apply a certain supply to a teammate, he could heal them, it took longer than a game's usual instant effect, but it was also much faster then normal.

Able to heal broken bones within hours, instead of weeks.

A map as well, updated by sightline. He had studied the blueprints of many, many buildings, as well as having access to the Bat Computers map database allowed him to have a great 'Base map'

Enemies showed red as long as he knew where they were, people on his side showed Green, people apart of his party showed up Blue and as long as he was within twenty feet of them, he knew where they were located even if he couldn't see them, something Batman already found a way around.

If there was a 'Shift of Alignment.' they would no longer be considered friendly and instead an enemy, meaning if he didn't see them, they wouldn't show up on his map.

Batman when he wants to sneak up on Leo for his training simply needed to consider Leo an 'Enemy' which was easy with the control Batman had over his emotions and mind.

With all his upgrades in both abilities and gear, he felt a LOT better with going out into the world. It was due to Leo's strong range of abilities that lead Batman to make the team an official thing to deal with 'Lesser' Crimes.

The League couldn't be everywhere all at once, nor could they deal with all the smaller problems that came with his position now.

Looking to the side as he waited, Leo watched as a screen came up.

[First Patrol with the team.]

Successfully stop at least three criminals (0/3)

Succesfully survive the night


There were no rewards shown, so he'd find them out when he got to them. Looking a bit towards Batman he noticed the man was watching him closely, a look he's come to understand.

''Stop three criminals, Survive the night, and a hidden mission.''

Batman watched before nodding softly as Leo began to check his equipment, making sure both his rifle and sidearm were in good condition. The system made it so all of his equipment stayed in 'Great' condition, but Batman still instilled how to properly maintain his equipment, as well to always double check.

Raven walked over to him, inspecting his costume and gear, chuckling softly. ''Seeing you geared up is amusing, especially since you have a firearm... Is it true that your firearms don't harm?''

Batman raised his hand, pulling his glove off to expose his bare hand.

Leo didn't even hesitate, letting his rifle rest against his vest with its sling, he suddenly drew his sidearm, mentally bringing the damage down to basically zero as he fire a three-round burst into Batman's hand.

Raven watched with her brows raised in surprise, Batman let her inspect his hand before he pulled his glove back on. Leo replaced the mag he used in a fluid movement before clicking the safety on and returning his sidearm to its holster.

Leaning down he picked up the shells he ejected and placed them into his inventory as he took the mag he used earlier and used fresh ammunition to refill it before returning it to his holster where other mags were stored beside it.

''That's... interesting, there's an energy to it, but it's not magic,'' Raven said, floating back over to them as the others began to join them now officially suited up. Cyborg chuckled as he shook his head.

''Well, now I know Leo's got the balls to shoot at Batman.''

There was a chuckle from Batman. ''His ability allows him to attack anyone with the intent to 'Kill', but makes it so they don't die. Even you all have only learned how to 'Subdue' so far... Leo's training is meant to kill.''


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