
''Alright, I don't have all the time in the world to baby-sit you all, I will be watching as usual, but I will not interfere unless I absolutely have to, I am only watching this time because of Gunmetal being new to the team, that is it. It is your job to search for criminals and subdue them.'' Batman stated, his arms crossed, everyone turning to look to Robin who nodded.

''Cyborg, connect with police radio's and keep an open communication for radio waves, if there is anything the cops can't handle we'll show up, the open communication to see if we can't catch any criminals dumb enough to use radio waves.'' Robin moved onto the next person, Cyborg already adjusting his communicator as they all began to walk to the elevator.

''Raven, you know your job, but since Gunmetal is new here, I'll repeat it. Your job is to monitor magical or energy signals that we can't pick up and determine if we should get involved or not, you're job is to focus on support and responding to situations as they arise.'' Raven simply nodded, Robin, turned to look at Starfire.

''Your job, as usual, will be overwatch, you're the fastest among us, and get to one of us in need the fastest, watch our backs Star.''

She saluted with a smile, turning to Beastboy. ''Keep your ears open, you know what animals are the best to use for each situation so I'll leave it to you.''

Beastboy put two thumbs up, grinning back. ''Right on Bossman!''

''Gunmetal, your role will be supporting, since you can act as a team medic, and overwatch please do so. We are your team so if you need to, ask for our help or rely on us. I know what you're capable of so I'll trust your judgment, but don't feel like you need to show off to the others.''

Leo chuckled softly, shaking his head as he place his mask into place, despite how everyone else looked, he and Batman looked more like villains than the rest of them did. No bright or shiny costumes, meant to be unseen, and hidden.

''Aye aye Captain.''

As the platform raised, Robin got onto his motorcycle, Cyborg hopping into the T-Car while Beast boy got in as well.

Starfire and Raven took to the skies.

Batman looked at Leo before he nodded, disappearing shortly after as Leo got into the car, deciding right there and then. He either needed to get his own mode of transportation or a skill that allowed him to keep up with them.

As they all pulled out, the wall opened as they all took off they began to patrol the cities of Gotham.

It took them a while to even find something worth getting involved in, a bank robbery, something that was actually a pretty often occurrence.

Gunmetal got out of the car and got into a building that overlooked the bank, whoever had decided to rob the bank and blow the entirety of the front entrance up, giving him a huge window to see into the entirety of the bank.

''We are Things three!'' Gunmetal heard over Robin's communicator as he arrived, boe staff extending.

''Things three yes! Thing one, Thing two, Thing Three!'' Leo was on the fourth floor of the building across from the street, having found a nice quiet hallway to set up shop within.

Looking through his scope he almost snickered as he seen the bank robbers, they were brightly clothed individuals, like, neon brights with lights and everything.

'Thing one' which had a bright and large 1 across his chest had two swords, a medium-built man stood a few inches taller than Robin.

'Thing two' which, like the first had a large 2 across his chest was huge, a massive what looked to be vault door in his hands as he swung it around like a shield, he didn't seem to speak just growl, roar, and occasionally burp, by the way he staggered he must've been intoxicated.

The third one had two detonators in his hands, his thumbs hovering over the detonators as he yelled out, he was smaller then the others, standing at a solid three feet. Explosive charge decorated the walls, they took no hostages it looked like.

Shifting his stance a bit he used his hand to steady his rifle against the open window, the hallway light was unscrewed out so he would be in the darkness.

Honestly he looked terrifying, the occasional police light would flash, causing his skeleton mask to briefly flash before was shrouded in darkness again.

Gunmetal spoke quietly over the communicator. ''Raven, if I shoot the hands of the third, can you get the detonators to Cyborg?''

''Affirmative, Cyborg?'' Raven spoke as Robin tried to begin communicating with the 'Things Three'

''Already got it, once I get them in my hands I can render the explosives duds. I've already checked, and they're all remote bombs, half on one detonator, the other half on the other.''

''Robin, on your cue I will fire.''

Robin didn't say anything, but by the small movement his left pink moved on the staff, tapping it twice meant he heard and was confirming.

He blocked out what the things were saying, their voices hurt his ears.

After Robin tried talking a bit more the Things three seemed to have enough as the one with swords leaped towards Robin, who easily deflected the swords to the side. ''NOW!"

Two suppressed rifle sounds sounded, the third much shorter thing screaming out as he dropped the detonators, just before they hit the ground dark energy seemed to wrap around them and quickly get pulled away, causing the small one to scream. ''MY BABIES!''

The moment Cyborg caught them, there seemed to be only a moment before he crushed them in his hands. ''Explosives are now useless!''

Just as that finished, the second swung the massive Vault door towards Robbin only to get shoulder checked by Beast Boy who was a massive Triceratops. Which caused the vault door to swing wide and smack the guy holding swords across the bank and into a wall.


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