Dick Thoughts

Experiencing being a speedster had opened a lot of new doors for Leo, it was only for a few hours in 'normal' time, but in 'Speedster' time, it felt a lot slower, like it was days.

He learned a lot about the speed force, it didn't 'speak' to him directly. It was more like feeling the guidance of an ancestor when you made kool-aid.

A gentle push in the right direction, to make better movements, to make better calls, to perform better while using it. It was guiding him like a long term friend.

''You're the best conduit for the speed force I've seen, other than fellow speedsters.'' Flash commented as they speed along the shore.

They had got a call from Central city, one of Flash's personal teams had picked up information on a possible 'Rogues' incursion, a small team of 'Super Villians' who worked under Captain Cold, who operated under a strict code of not killing unless absolutely necessary.

Problem was that this person was an imposter and was killing when it wasn't needed, meaning Flash had to step in, and decided that since Leo was already participating in the speed force fast juice, why not experience some crime fighting from someone other then the big bad dark knight?

Leo had no reason to refuse since not only Batgirl, but also Nightwing had made it back to Gotham so unless they needed him personally it would be fine if he went traveling with the estranged fun uncle.

''It's most likely due to how my powers work, at least I think. Since it allows me to 'gain' more powers, does my ability also make me a good user for these powers? I've actually recently started to practice magic, which apparently I also have a good talent for.''

''You do? That's cool, I've tried my hand at magic before, can't get it right at all... Though there was one time I was able to slip on a green lantern ring and, that was pretty fun.'' Flash laughed as they moved, hitting land they suddenly phased through the ground before landing on what looked to be a tunnel that they ran in, only to end up in the Bat cave again.

''Well, that was fun wasn't it?'' Flash laughed as they stopped channeling the speed force, coming to 'normal' speed for a speedster.

''It was, I have to admit it was pretty cool to experience not being a vigilante and being able to go out while the sun is out... Are you sure my presence there will be fine?''

Flash laughed, patting Leo's shoulder. ''Don't worry, Central City is used to speedsters, and time Revenant's of myself. Cisco is already working on saying you were just a Speedster that got lost from their own earth and was asking help to get back.''

Leo nodded before he took a deep breath and relaxed. ''Alright, I'm ready.''

Flash nodded as he set his hand firmly on Leo's shoulder before he began to slowly 'steal' the speed from Leo, removing the connection he had with the speed force, at least that was what was supposed to happen.

Multiple dings happened and Flash raised his brows a bit. ''Weird, you don't have speed anymore, but you're still connected?''

Leo flexed his fingers a bit as he checked the notifications, he didn't have his speed anymore, but he did have multiple level-ups in bullet time. Along with a notification that stated.

[The Speedforce sees you as a friend, and asks in return that you help it if it ever needs it, do you accept?]

''I got a notification... Like an Alliance request from the Speedforce. It says 'The speed force sees you as a friend, and asks in return that you help if it ever needs it, do you accept?' "

Leo answered while he clicked yes, getting a notification that 'Speed force' related purchases were now cheaper.

''Really? You must have accepted because the speed force is more natural in you than it was before, you still don't have speed though.'' Flash commented as he took his hand away.

Leo opened his shop and noticed that all prices for 'Speed Force' related things became cheaper, a lot cheaper as all prices he could see had been cut in half.

Making 'Forced Activation' now only 5,000 instead of its original full price of 10,000.

''It's like an Alliance buff, all speed force upgrades are now cheaper. Forced Activation used to be 10k, now it's 5k.''

Flash smiled, not only did he himself feel good to have another person to help the speed force, but he could even feel the speed force and seem glad that Leo accepted.

''Well, I'll leave you to your normal version of crime fighting now, stop by the Titan's H.O before you do though, I heard Nightwing was crashing there as well and he wanted to meet you face to face.''

Flash gave him a salute before he was simply gone.

Leo chuckled a bit before he checked his watch, despite the time he spent magic training, and being a speedster it was still only a little after 8, so he decided to head over now. The sun was still technically out so he thought that he should still be over there.

Taking the Zeta Tube in the Batcave, it didn't take him any time at all to appear in the Titan Hideout, when he stepped through he exited the arrival/departure room and made his way to the living room.

''Hello, friend Leo!'' Starfire said from the couch, waving excitedly toward him. She looked to be watching something on the T.V., looked like a drama of some sort.

''Hey Kora, have you seen Dick?''

''Friend Dick? He is in the lab with Friend Victor!'' She beamed to him and he nodded, walking off only for a flash of red to appear as her hair fell in front of him as she floated upside down in front of him, offering him a doughnut.

''Friend Flash said you might want this!'' She continued to beam at him.

Actually, he was pretty hungry. He might need to get a meal in him before he went out for the night.

''Thank you Kora, enjoy your show.'' He took the doughnut and took a bite into it as she returned to the couch to continue watching T.V.

Walking into the lab the door slid open, causing the two people inside the lab to look up, Dick was examining what looked to be a piece of some metal stick and Victor was looking at something under a microscope.

''Hey Leo! Welcome back from your escapades as a Speedster, how was it?'' Victor asked as he returned to his work.

''Really cool actually, being able to run that fast was exhilarating.''

''Hey Leo, it's good to finally see you.'' Dick smiled as he opened his arms.

''I'm a hugger, and Barbara said you don't mind.''

Leo laughed as he hugged his new technical older brother. ''Did she forget to mention I said that because she was hot?''

Dick laughed as he pulled away, shaking his head. ''She didn't, but I'd like to think I'm pretty hot, at least hot enough to count on your hug list.''

Leo nodded. ''In the wise words. 'Would'. ''

Dick raised a brow, not quite understanding what it meant.

''It's a new slang going around right now, instead of saying 'I'm not gay, but' or 'I would bang' you simply say 'Would'. ''

''Are you... Ah, gay? I just need to make sure, in case Barbara has competition.'' Dick asked with a teasing tone.

''Depends on how much you're paying me?'' Leo asked without missing a beat.

Dick laughed, turning back to his tests. ''Damn, she said you were hard to tease.''

''Just to, lay down the ground rule though, you don't mind me jokingly flirting with Barbara?'' Leo asked, making sure proper etiquette was followed.

''It's all in good fun, and I trust her, and know she wouldn't attack someone underage even if 'technically' you are older then your body suggests. I also know you wouldn't be here if you would just go after another man's girl like that.'' Dick said as he moved the apparatus that held a large magnifying glass, moving it a bit to look closer at the metal rod.

''I also see it as training in a way.'' Dick nodded, seduction training all be it 'weird' was a staple of 'Bat-Family' training.

''Bruce flirted me up once.'' Leo said as he leaned over to look at the metal pole, something about it... Was interesting? Couldn't place his hand on it though, but it felt like he had a natural attraction to it. Like something was pulling him to make him more interested.

That got both Dick and Victor, Dick actually coughing as he turned his head away from swallowing his own spit down the wrong pipe.


''Well, technically he just complimented my high kick, 'Great form'. Not good, but great.''

Victor continued to giggle to himself as he continued to examine whatever he was examining as Dick sighed.

''I got teased by the new kid? I thought I was immune, seems I got a ways to go still.''

Leo chuckled before he finally cracked. ''What you two examining?''

''Well, Victor shaved off a small piece of it to examine it under a microscope, but despite all tests run on it, it seems like a normal piece of metal, right? But... Do you feel that?''

''How it feels like it's pulling me in, wanting to grab it?'' Leo questioned, both Victor and Dick turning to look at him.

''You want to grab it? Me and Victor only want to research it.'' Dick commented before he raised a hand, holding his chin as he began to think.

''Where'd you find it?''

''It's... A puzzle quest really, a game that's being passed around by Zatanna, the basic gist is 'See if Science can solve this'. Just one of the many harmless magical trinkets she's made for some of us.''

Hearing that it was harmless, Leo grabbed it and picked it up, it was a great weight in his hand, and spinning it softly in his palm he felt nice holding it.

''So she's playing a trick? Hm... What have you all done so far?''

''Well, we've tested it, examined it, put it under multiple lasers, different chemicals, everything we can think of and each time the test always comes back the same, it's just. Normal steel.''

''Maybe it is?'' Leo asked.

''Well, yeah. We thought about that to, maybe she was just messing with us, but we have solid confirmation that it, in some way is 'different' from steel.''

Leo continued to spin it, soon switching from open palm spinning it to switching it between fingers, twirling it like a baton. Something that Dick took interest in. ''You know how to twirl?''

''A little, nothing advanced. It was something that helped me focus on tests so I used to do it to my pencil, a friend asked if I could do it with bigger things, and then pulled out one of those comically large pencils.''

Dick chuckled with a nod, small circus things like that helped him focus to when he needed to.

''Well, it physical science doesn't work on it, should we try mental science?''

''Mental science?'' Victor looked up from his microscope.

''Yeah, they have things that connect to the brain and allow you to manipulate it in a minor form of telekinesis.''

''Like the mind flex toys?'' Victor asked.

''Sorta, it was proven that mind flex toys weren't as 'cool' as they made it seem because it would be much more expensive than it already was, but the science behind it isn't 'entirely' wrong,'' Leo added before handing it to Dick who took it.

''Think about it, we're able to enter a 'semi-medative' state when we enter our mental training grounds right, and technically despite the 'sprit-guru' stuff behind it, the brainwaves and emissions can still be explained with science. Dick you have the most experience using that part of your brain here, so see if you can't 'Influence' it with your own mind, since it 'influences' ours.''

Dick raised his brows a bit, that was a good idea actually. Turning to focus on it, at first nothing happened but slowly the metal pole began to shift, slimming down until it looked almost identical to a circus baton.

''Now THAT is cool as hell.'' Victor commented while he watched it happen.


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