Solo Patrol

''Well, we've now understood how it works, but we haven't found the 'scientific' reason as to why it does.'' Victor added.

''Then we find someone who is not only on 'our' side, but also has a proficient amount of time, and study into Neuroscience and ask them to look at it.'' Leo said while crossing his arm, leaning against one of the tables. Most of them were bolted into the ground not to be moved so his leaning against it didn't bother anything on top of it.

''Neuroscience huh?'' Dick rubbed his chin a bit before he spoke. ''I might know someone, Mister Terrific, he has like... 14 PhDs, right? Maybe one of the ones he studied was Neuroscience.''

Leo went to the computer in the room, typing away on it before he called them over. ''It was actually his most recent one, the thirteenth one that he got. Now you guys just need to go and ask for his help.''

''A great option, but he's kind of. Eccentric?'' Dick chuckled, getting a look from Leo.

''Yes, every Hero is a little quirky, because apparently wanting to help people with our powers makes US the weird ones... Anyway, I'll leave you two to decide on what to do, this is your project after all.'' Leo waved.

''I'm going to go take a quick nap before patrol starts, if anyone needs me, you know where to find me.''

After Leo left the lab he headed back to his plain bedroom, still pretty empty actually.

Ah, he needed to go shopping for some decoration items, to give this place some life to it.

His room at the Manor was already decorated, but it was mostly old decorations, stuff to fit the aesthetic of the old, and beautiful mansion and its grounds.

He scratched his chin, momentarily thinking about how would he even decorate it before setting the alarm on his watch and laying on his bed.

The moment his head hit the pillow, he was out.


Night had fallen upon Gotham, the night life as busy as ever as Gunmetal took a knee on top of a building.

He had awoken to a few goodies from his rich quirky Father, Batman.

A grapple hook, specialized to match the rest of Gunmetal's outfit, this made scaling buildings, and lowering from them a lot easier.

It was even easier as since it had become a registration to his equipment he could summon it into his hand at will, or summon it back into his inventory.

The second goody was a pair of binoculars that shared similar functions to his mask, just at a much higher zoom rate with a stronger source of power so it could be used for more in-depth looks.

Currently using them he was in the shadow of a building, so unless someone shined a bright light up towards him on this high building they wouldn't spot him.

The whole 'Bad guys don't look up' trope was something quite a few people did, you would think they would start since one of Batman's MOs is taking people out from above, but the biggest problem was most normal crooks didn't deal with batman directly 'all' the time. Despite the man's efficiency in taking out criminals, he was only one man.

And due to him working more and more with the league, that time in his own city was becoming less and less. Which is why he was so willing to train more people, to put time into making more hero's, because there were already to few for the problems of the world.

But this wasn't what we are here for, a lesson as to why bad guys don't look up.

Gunmetal had learned in stealth training it wasn't always about being 'one with the shadows', it was simply about placing yourself in the right place, at the right time to make yourself hard to spot.

Stealth was easy to achieve, there was the 'ninja' way, of course, being invisible by using shadows, stealth, and hard-to-reach places.

But there was the easy way as well. Breathing right, knowing how to blend in with people around you, knowing how to make yourself blend in with the 'NPCs'.

Leo thought Stealth was simply 'not being seen.' but it was much, much more than that.

Especially when it came to trained people like Batman, they didn't need to 'see' you, to know where you were, or to know that you were there, to begin with, shit was crazy cool.

Switching his binoculars to the next setting, the building he was watching changed to thermal.

A few heat signatures in the building, but one matched the general size of the man he was targeting,

Terry 'Viper' Hanson, a man who worked for a pretty nice chunk of change in a unique business practice.

He was able to 'soften' metals with his powers, of course not that useful since it required quite a bit of time, and patience for it to happen apparently, but the man had found a way to turn this strange power into a nice profit, simply by getting hired by people who could benefit from destroyed buildings, like construction sites, or finished buildings as well.

He wasn't well known, but by people who knew him were mostly high executives in certain circles, people who pulled the game from the top, above the 'clouds'.

Above Leo's pay grade for now, but smaller criminals, people like Terry who they used their power through?

They were up for grabs.

Leo already had specially made polymer handcuffs that couldn't be softened with his fancy powers, along with power-dampening cuffs.

He wasn't entirely sure that the powers the man had were meta in nature, so there were MANY powers in the world, so the Polymer handcuffs were more for emergency purposes only.

He had chosen to do this solo for one reason, he had spent a lot of time casing the place, making sure everything would be in his favor, making sure that it would be fine to do so alone.

He had police standing by for the best as not only was this location where his target was located for the incident.

But it was also where a small-time drug operation was being held, nothing big or a part of a large crew so the 10 bodies in this building were all there was, except dealers of course but he was 'hoping' to find something he could use to find even them would be in here.

After confirming the number of people, in the building and around it he put his binoculars away, attaching his grapple to the lip of the roof he stepped over the edge and let the high strength microwire spin out as he lowered to the street.

Once his feet touched down, the claw released the lip and began to reel back in, other then the soft hiss of the line spinning in there was no other sound as he put it back into his inventory.

Walking across the street like he owned the place was easy.

Getting behind the building into the alley, and getting a window open so he could climb in without entering one of the guarded rooms, or guarded doors? Even easier.

Once he was in the room he looked around a bit, noting anything of interest, and checking any loose papers, or similar items that might hold information.

Finding nothing with a quick glance, said glance showed this room was just a side room with nothing really in it other than random pieces of furniture. He headed out into the lit hallway, problem is without having the time and effort into training like Batman had.

Gunmetal couldn't reliably just go around with a grappling hook and cape, taking out people before they were able to raise an alarm, or anything similar at the same time Batman did.

But what he did have, was a gun that magically didn't kill people, and magically suppressed his shots just like video games.

So the first thing he did while using his AR goggles to keep aware of the people in the building was head to the front door where a guard was sitting on a comfortable chair not to far from it in what looked to be a makeshift living room out of the front entrance to the building.

A few chairs, a couch, and a large T.V., but there only was one guard who was there and watching it.

Leo stepped behind him, watching both the man and the T.V. for a moment before he saw the T.V. flicker to a dark screen, showing Gunmetal and the man's reflection for only a moment.

Gunmetal's appearance was not the best... 'look' to instill courage or hope into people. He was aimed to be a nighttime hero, one meant to instill fear into the cowards, and scum of the night.

So when the man saw an armed hooded figure, and a gold skull peeking through the hood, his first instinct was to scream.

Too bad he didn't get that far as Gunmetal noticed the screen, and without hesitation shot a round into the back of the man's head.

His head jerked forward as Leo caught the spent shell, sending it to his inventory instantly.

The man slid to the side, making it look like he simply passed out in the chair.


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