
Gunmetal continued to methodically get through the building, collecting any evidence on the way such as drugs left out in the open, guns, and anything that showed their activities.

Dealing with each solo individual was easy, the only real problem was the three standing around a table, to what looked to plan for expansion.

Ah, now that was good evidence, and it could lead to other possible bases of operation.

Leo drew his pistol and firmed his stance, activating bullet time he headshot all three of them, reholstering his pistol by the time they were all on the ground.

Pulling the plans into his inventory, and the guns and ammo off the bodies as he did with everyone he moved forward and continued up the stairs, all that was left was his target.

He had his AR goggles activated still, switching between thermal, and a view that allowed him to x-ray through walls and see electrical signatures. Just in case any hidden camera was watching him.

Even then he found nothing out of the ordinary as he climbed the stairs and made his way outside the man's room.

You had to admit, this seemed easy, only because there had been no indication that someone was here, taking out the goonies, a guy who did his best to stay under the radar, to stay off the police radar, to stay off any radar.

Why would he have to worry? All his recent jobs went just as normal as ever, to bad he was against someone like Gunmetal.

The first bullet tore through the wooden door with ease and impacted his forehead, causing his head to jerk back hard.

His vision clouded and blurred only for him to stumble, without a moment between seeing the stager another two bullets fire from behind the door. Both aimed at the back of his head that was to the door as he watched T.V.

It was after the second bullet did his vision darken, but the third only quickened the process as he slumped forward in his chair.

Soon, Gunmetal stood behind him as he examined the man, having just learned three things.

One: Someone with abilities would naturally be tougher, requiring more ammo.

Two: He learned that he didn't need to triple-tap for someone at this level.

Three: Defeating people considered above 'Average' whether it be power or overall strength, leads to him earning a little bonus of points, as when the second bullet impacted he got a notification.

[+10 points for Defeating Weak Villian.]

Gunmetal wouldn't argue with that, but he would let Batman know. If anyone could let him learn and use his system for the best, he would be one of the Smartest men in the world.

Once he got the man cuffed in both dampening cuffs and the polymer ones he contact the police to begin moving as he drug all the bodies to the lower floors by putting them into the elevator.

Gunmetal made sure to also put out any evidence he found on the tables on the first floor in the living room as well as the police began to move in, first it was full geared swat, then other police officers who moved.

It wasn't 'well known' but each of the 'Vigilanties' in the city had a small detail prepared to move on their direct call, said job was alternating, making it so every Hero had a squad of police officers that could assist them when the time came.

Gunmetal knew this, and the officers already knew what he looked like so he got nods and thank yous as they passed, moving to clear out the whole building and collect anything he might have missed.

But what he wasn't expecting was the man himself to walk through the doors shortly after lighter-armored cops came in, James Gordon.

The current Police Commissioner.

He walked right up to Gunmetal and chuckled softly, noting the height difference between them.

''I see why the first officers to see you said you were a 'Different' type of intimidating.''

James reached his hand forward, which Gunmetal took and shook firmly.

''James Gordon, which I'm sure you already know.'' He smiled.

Gunmetal spoke, his voice automatically filtered through a voice changer, along with what Batman instructed as a way to mask his identity further, but all of the Titans agreed to it being called

'The Voice'

''Gunmetal, Rookie on the Block.''

James tilted his head a bit, listening to his earpiece as information was filtered through.

''Rookie, Hm? If you're what passes for a rookie nowadays, I think the Police Academy needs to increase its bar for training.''

''It does.'' Gunmetal responded without hesitation, which caused Gordon to chuckle.

[I tried to use James, doesn't feel right. I'll use Gordon for him.]

''You're definitely one of his alright, well you can be the one to notify him that we HAVE increased the training bar, three times even. Not everyone can be a master of all martial arts.''

Gunmetal chuckled softly, an ominous sound coming through his mask. ''But can't they?''

Gordon smiled, patting Gunmetal's shoulder. ''I like you, you laugh at my jokes, you know how hard it is to be funny for the both of us when I speak to Batman? Anyway, thank you for this. Drug Enforcement has been up my ass for the last week trying to get us to bust down doors down the block, with the information you've... anonymously donated to us, we have a better way to narrow down which doors to kick in.''

''I would act fast and hard, within the week. They just to a new shipment, so they won't be having anyone check in on them. But the records I glanced over showed it takes them about a week, sometimes two to move fresh supplies to dealers. So moving before then would be the best time to strike.''

Gordon nodded, noting that in his mind to bring up with the team that would be assigned to it. ''I'll be sure to relay that info, can I count on you if I need any help?''

''You have my information, and whereas I prefer to work at night, I know not all criminals wait in the dark.''

Gordon understood that meaning, it meant that Gunmetal should be able to slip away from his public identity during the daytime, unlike some heroes he worked with.

Gordon was about to respond but he stopped, turning his head to his earpiece as he focused on it.

Gunmetal immediately tapped into it and pulled the conversation up to his own.

''Gordon, I'm sorry but we've got a situation at the precinct, someone walked in strapped with a suicide vest, demanding he sees you.''

Gordon's face thinned as he became serious, Man he had a nice mustache.

Oops, random thought.

''I'll be there in 15.'' Gordon responded, looking up to see Gunmetal already moving.

Oh, he had the same habit as Batman being nosy.

Not that he complained, but that shortened his time down to 14 minutes instead of 15.

As they made their way out and turned the corner into the alley did Gunmetal's whole spine tingle from a presence.

Even Gordon noticed it as he reached to pull out his sidearm in a speed that can only be trained through effort and experience only for the slide of the gun to be caught as Gunmetal kept a hand from him raising it to the firing position.

''It's fine, he's not here to do any harm, he just knows I'm alone right now.''

Gordon growled at that, Gunmetal wasn't alone, he had a whole squad of police officers in the next building, armed to the teeth and ready to fight, but he understood what Gunmetal meant.

Because even against all that, it wouldn't be anything for the man standing in front of them, seemingly from out of the shadows.

Deadshot chuckled softly as he spoke, not bothering to mask his voice.

''Kid's smart, might be the best one ol' Bat's let out the cage yet. He's right, just here examining the new gun, good taste as well. Custom fitted, custom everything, though I'm not sure how you've made your silenced guns sound that silent, you even have one of those new toys Batman's come up with, that allowed him to seemingly store things... Break down of particles was it? Either way.''

''Gordon, Go. I won't be too far behind.'' Gunmetal spoke, Gordon gnashed his teeth a moment but understood so he backtracked out of the alley and took a different route to his car, there went his minute headstart.

Gunmetal stayed ready but in a relaxed stance, worst case he brings out the grenades he has in his inventory, already primed to explode.

Technically a 'Suicide' attack that guarantees he knocks out someone who's stupid enough to try and get close to him.

The problem is it would definitely knock the both of them out, and by the time the police got Deadshot in handcuffs, he'd be able to get out with ease before they even got him to the precinct.

''Yes... You're definitely the best one so far... Red Hood is dangerous for sure, but not even he started out like you, you have the conviction to kill, I can feel it in the air, feel it in your eyes as you gaze at me, wondering what the best course of action would be... A suicide attack, for sure. I have a habit of playing with things that amuse me, and for you, it would be me testing your skill in hand to hand.'' Deadshot spoke with amusement, walking up to Gunmetal and noting how he didn't tense but remained ready.

''Yeah... You're good, if you ever think the Bat is limiting your ability to work freely, give me a call, I could do with a student like you.'' Deadshot handed Gunmetal a card, who took it.

Once he took the card Deadshot turned and walked past him, there was a hiss of a grappling hook shortly after.

Gunmetal turned a bit, looking down the alley that Deadshot turned down before clicking his tongue a bit as he looked at the card. Staring at it for a moment before putting it into his inventory.

Should he get himself a card too? It was really cool to hand over a card like that.

Why did he keep it?

Why wouldn't he want the phone number of one of the best Assassins in the world? Like having an insurance line on speed dial...

Or a private instructor it seemed.


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