With a hiss Gunmetal stepped up onto the roof, using the speed and strength of the grappling hook to make it so he wouldn't need to pull himself up, though he still needed to use a bit of muscle to be able to land on the roof in a fluid motion like that, a trick he picked up after watching how his 'Elders' used it.
Robin would be jealous of the skill he displayed at it already.
He walked forward, joining the other three people currently standing on the roof, overlooking the precinct from the best advantage point that also concealed them.
Batman, Nightwing, and Batgirl.
Gunmetal had to suppress the excitement of being there with them because it felt really cool.
''You need to work on your weight distribution,'' Batgirl commented when he walked up.
''She means on your grapple... Though, with all your extra gear, I can understand why it'd be difficult. Your footwork is actually really good.'' Nightwing clarified
''No, she's right. He could be storing things in his inventory to lighten his load, then return them to him with a thought... You're late, complications?'' Batman asked.
''Surprised to see you back in town already, nice vacation?'' Gunmetal mused as he pulled the card from his inventory, showing it to them.
''I was actually stopped by a recruitment agent, crazy how persistent they can be.''
Nightwing chuckled at the joke. Nodding towards the card as Gunmetal put it away.
''You already got your recruitment card? Damn, took me two months on solo patrol.'' Batgirl joked.
''Keep it, he's a handy number to have... Though you could always look in my drawer for an extra.'' Batman stated before he pointed at something using his mask's augmented goggles.
Due to them now being close enough they could share the network, making the change happen on all of their huds.
It was zooming in on the department, but it was using the cool see-through filter that highlighted bones, and other weapons.
''Two wounded, one of them might be critical.'' Batgirl spoke up.
''Six gunmen, all of them have vests, but only one was reported. I'm guessing it's the guy standing on the table.'' Nightwing spoke up.
Lifting his wrists, Gunmetal looked down at the pad that was on his left arm, similar to the one that Batman had that could deploy from his glove but it was a solid screen and not a hologram.
Swipping his fingers a bit he used the backdoor they had into the security cameras and brought two online, one zooming in on the hostages where the wounded were, and the other on the group.
They couldn't see the vests through the camera, but they could see the man on the table who had his jacket off and was holding a switch with his thumb hovering over the button.
''Definitely critical, look at that blood.'' Nightwing spoke up.
''His hands off the button, so it's either the activation switch, or he hasn't activated the deadman switch yet, both good.'' Batgirl added and Batman grunted in response.
An affirmative grunt, for those wondering.
''There's a window, right there." Gunmetal highlighted the window he was talking about.
''I'll post up there with my rifle, not lights shining on it and it's got a good enough backdrop I shouldn't be spotted from below.''
''I'll make an appearance outside in the front with the cops, it'll make them relax if they see me with the cops.'' Batman spoke as he switched to comms, running to the side and jumping off the building.
''I'll use their relaxation to my advantage.'' Batgirl added as she began to move.
''Use my window for an entry point, I'll open it anyway because my shots won't be loud enough for them to notice it, but the glass shattering would.''
Gunmetal jumped off with her, getting around to the blindside of the building where he grappled up, using the recommendation and storing his heavier equipment, noticing how the hiss of the grapple was lighter when he did. He was also rising faster.
Nightwing's voice came over the coms.
Soon Gunmetal joined Batgirl and she had his window open for him, giving him a thumbs up before entering the building and running along the high-rise rafters.
Yes, the precinct had a large portion of it that was heavily fortified, but this was 'technically' the civilian entrance, where the small crimes came through, and where the public had access.
So there was glass, and high arches to make it feel more 'welcoming' which was stupid... But Gotham was ALL about its gothic-style buildings.
Setting up with his rifle he raised it into rest position, using his knee to keep his arms rested so he didn't need to hold it and let his arms get tired.
Damnit, why'd she have to be hot and have a sexy voice?
...Gunmetal needed to find himself a girlfriend, or girlfriends...? Sex friends?
How serious did he want to get with someone? Hopefully, they were hot, and only slightly crazy.
There was a snicker.
Gunmetal chuckled softly, Whatever information he had didn't prepare him for this, he thought it would be nothing but serious all the time, but it was actually pretty fun to be working as a Hero.
That was even before he got famous and got a hot girl fan club.
Gunmetal stopped his stray thoughts when he noticed one of the Civilians looking up.
The civilian looked scared for a moment before seeming to calm down, their eyes going wide when they realized and then quickly looking down.
Gunmetal began to look between the goonies, before noticing that Batgirl was making her move, rapidly descending on the one on the table when they were all looking away from him.
There was a muffled sound before he was gone into the shadows of the rafters.
At first, nothing seemed to happen, but Gunmetal noticed movement in the crowd of hostages.
Needing to activate his AR goggles he squinted, due to how they were crowded, it was hard to see through all the bones and faint outlines of clothes and stuff, but he noticed one of them was holding what looked to be a second detonator.
Gunmetal had already activated Bullet Time when he saw the movement.
So he adjusted his aim, then fired.
The person in the crowd that held the detonator jerked slightly before slumping into another person's shoulder, the other shot encased the detonator in a foam substance that expanded in the person's hand quickly, preventing any damage or accidental fuck ups to happen.
Gunmetal released a breath through his nose slowly as he deactivated Bullet Time.
Oh shit, two double takedowns? Nightwing must have already been moving and changed his direction at the last moment.
One of the guys that had been watching Batman turned towards where the others used to be. ''He's still out in the cr-...OH SHIT!'' He began to fumble for his vest before his head jerked to the side and he folded like a bag of bricks, followed closely behind by the last one.
Gunmetal entered the window and used his grapple to descent into the precinct, a few gasps came from the hostages due to his appearance but seemed calmed down when Batgirl and Nightwing both landed and began to help the hostages out of their zip ties.
Going over to the two wounded he used his newly acquired skills to check both of the wounded, one would be fine as the bullet grazed him and hit nothing vital, the other though was in dire need of medical attention, the bullet was still in him.
The doors suddenly opened as police rushed in and began to grab the suspects, including the one that Gunmetal had shot from the crowd as Batman came up beside Gunmetal, pulling one of the capsules from his suit he pulled out a bullet wound kit.
''Light." Batman ordered and Gunmetal activated his helmet's light, leaning forward but still out of the way as he helped Batman retrieve the bullet.
Once the bullet was out Gunmetal injected him with a weak medicinal stim, it was made for combat recovery, its effects were boosted thanks to Gunmetal's knowledge and system, it wasn't as good as the 'Oh shit' stim as Gunmetal liked to call them, but it was good enough for a bullet wound like this.
''It's better than before... I see.'' Batman intoned to himself as he stood, letting the paramedics come in and take the two wounded away.
Gordan walked up to them as they walked away from the hostages, seeing Gunmetal fine he gave a firm nod, still upset about what happened earlier, but glad the events that happened now turned out good.
''Neat foam bullet you got, you just always have one loaded?'' Gordan asked as he looked at Gunmetal's rifle.
Gunmetal chuckled, it still not sounding 'hero' like because of the masks filter.
''Of course, it's the warning shot.''
''After the first?'' Gordan raised a brow and both Batman and Gunmetal remained silent, which got him to sigh heavily.
''Oh would you look at the time?'' Gunmetal said out loud before he grappled away.
Gordan was about to say something only to sigh, turning to Batman.
Who was already gone?
''Damnit... Well, at least he announced his departure I guess?'' Gordan said while looking around, all four of them were gone already.
In the batwing, Gunmetal was cackling as he flew it back to the 'Teen Cave' while it was under its stealth coating.
''You gave him keys to the batwing?'' Batgirl harumphed.
''He has proven himself responsible enough to have access to one of the Wings, yes.'' Batman answered, effectively avoiding giving her a proper answer which only made her pout, turning her head away.
''Look, you can drive it back to the Batcave, alright?'' Gunmetal offered, only for Batgirl to turn to Batman and stick out her tongue.
''You do know that I could lock the controls and have it fly itself back, right?'' Batman asked, causing Nightwing to chuckle.
Gunmetal came to float over the base from above, despite it being in the middle of the city, technology and magic kept it hidden very well.
''Well that was a fun night out with the family, too bad Robin wasn't here and was stuck on that stake out but I'm going to jump out of a flying ship and hope the tube is lined up properly.'' Gunmetal gave them a salute before he suddenly dropped from the pilot seat, the seats switching to let Batgirl take control.
Gunmetal fell, passing past the illusion barrier and falling into what looked to be a giant tunnel before his gear vanished just as he was sucked away by the zeta tube.
Only to reappear inside the base walking to the fridge to pull out one of the glass apple sauce drinks that looked similar to a beer and head to the couch. He tossed the cap of the bottle into the trash before he plopped down next to Raven who was reading a book under her blanket.
He took a swig from the apple juice like he was an old man with his beer before getting hit with the big news.
''Do you want to go on a date Monday?'' Raven suddenly asked, much to the not-so-good health of Leo's heart, or be- Apple juice.
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