Chapter 4 - The lake incident

(Author Note: So I've seen that quite a few of you are questioning MC for his passive behavior regarding the threat to his life, but please understand that it would be explained in the later chapters why does react in that way.)

"You're not listening. We all need to go. Otherwise, the two of us won't be able to carry whatever we find there!" Wells was shoved out of the way by another guy, with slicked-back brown hair, pale skin, and your classic jerk attitude.

"Look at this, everybody: The Chancellor of Earth." (O)

Once more, his attempt of getting the situation under control was met with chuckles from the crowd, making Wells the laughing stock of the 100 kids.

Once Bellamy didn't step in to stop the guy who shoved Wells, I was more than sure that he wasn't a guard, at least not anymore. Maybe he, himself was a prisoner sent here, but from where did he stole that gun?

Meanwhile, Wells was still keeping a straight face, facing Murphy, who just pushed him.

"You think that's funny?" (W)

Wells yelled which made Murphy push him harder, forcing Wells to fall to the ground, twisting his leg. His blond friend tried to run to him, most likely to check his injury, but unfortunately for her, one of Bellamy's goons caught her hand forcing her to stop in her tracks.

Seeing that this whole thing could escalate into something ugly, I decided that it was my time to shine, and before anyone could say or do anything, a spear flew right next to the guy that was holding the blonde girl scaring the guy to death.

"I believe that's enough Bellamy. You had your fun, or do you want to play with me?"(L)

"Let's go back, we made our point clear anyways." (B)

By the time the whole crowd returned to their things, I'd already retrieved my makeshift spear, keeping it ready to be used against any unfortunate soul that may piss me off.

"Hey Leon," Octavia walked up flirtatiously. "Rescue me next, I'm definitely hotter than her."

The blonde girl looked pissed. Maybe she got angry at Octavia or maybe it was her pride as a princess? But when she saw that I didn't have the wristband on my hand anymore she freaked out.

"Hey, you took off your wristband?" the blonde girl asked me with a clear fear in her voice.

"Yeah, so what? It was uncomfortable."

"So, this wristband transmits your vital signs to the Ark. Take it off, and they'll think you're dead." The blonde girl was pissed, but that was interesting, even better if they think that I'm dead. That means that I won't sing how they want.

"And should I care, because?"

"Because your family may think that you are dead! Don't you care about them?"

"Princess, I don't have a family anymore. Jaha made sure of that when he floated my parents."

Thanks to the girl's yell, Finn and another boy rushed over to see what was happening. Finn went to check on the blonde, while the other kid went towards Wells. Who would have guessed that there's someone that would actually help Wells?

Seeing that the kid was struggling to raise, Wells, I put his arm over my shoulder and slowly walked Wells towards the dropship.

"Thanks for the help. I'm Wells Jaha, but you should have known that by now."(W)

"I'm Nate Miller, an acquaintance of his. Nice to meet you."(N)

"Leon Kennedy, nice to meet you."(L)

When Wells heard my name, I felt him shiver for a second, then he stopped and turned his head towards me.

"I heard about you from my father. You are the guy that put twenty guards in the infirmary for a few months. Why would they send you here with us?"(W)

"Because I'm not worth keeping up there? Almost all of us are expendable, after all, why should they keep me locked there when they could float me here?"(L)

That shut Wells up, and Miller just laugh at my words.

"Wells, down here it won't matter what we did on the Ark or who we were. Leon is right, we are expendable, that's why they send us here, they send us to die for god's sake."(N)

Wells didn't continue talking which was a good thing in my opinion. He was way too full of his father's bullshit for his own good.

When I returned to the place where I made my spear, I saw Bellamy talking with Nate about the wristbands, well it seems that I wasn't the only one that hates these things.

Just as I was about to lean on a tree, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Raising my head, I saw a smiling Octavia looking at me.

"Leon, are you free right now?"

"Sure, do you need my help?"

"Kind of. Clarke, Finn, Monty, Jasper, and I are going to Mount Weather to get the food for all of us. Do you want to come?"

"My, oh, my, Octavia Blake is asking me on a date in the forest. How could I refuse such a tempting offer?"

My cheeky response earned me a giggle from the brunette before I found myself being dragged towards the rest of the group. Looking at the four people, I could only see Finn's knife, which wasn't much in terms of defense, but better than nothing I guess.

As I and Finn led the way, Clarke and Octavia had a little conversation regarding me for whatever reason.

Octavia, who was walking next to Clarke, whispered to her when she was sure that no one other than Clarke was going to hear.

"Before you get any ideas, I call dips on Leon."

"I'm really curious why would that matter? I'm not interested."

"Then we are good. Forget about what I just said." Octavia replied with a friendlier look on her face. Clarke just nodded at her, ending the awkward conversation, before she hurriedly went in front of the group.

As soon as Clarke passed us, I saw Finn looking at her as if he couldn't see anything else other than her. Like any other friend, I gently punched his shoulder, earning me a glare from him.

"What was that about?"

"Don't you have a girlfriend already, spacewalker?"

"No, I broke up with Raven shortly after you disappeared. "

"Why? You two were almost glued together every time she came to visit you."

"Leon…I don't want to talk about it, ok? We broke up and that's it."

Before I could realize where we were, Clarke led the group near a lake. She and Octavia got into another argument and soon after I heard Octavia's angry voice yelling at Clarke.

"Good. After what they did to me, I say, float them all." Octavia says running forward ahead of the group.

"You don't mean that, Octavia!"

"She's not wrong Clarke!"

I quickly run after her, overtaking Clarke, only for me to stop when I saw Octavia taking off her pants and getting ready to jump into the lake.

Seeing her like that, I could help myself from whistling at her.

"Damn girl! You really know how to make a date interesting."