Chapter 5 - Whatever the hell we want !

(Author note : Another note ,another thing that needs to be told. So as many of you may have guessed or realized, I will follow the plot to some extent . People will die, stupid decisions will be taken, relations will made and broken, friends will turn on each other, etc. What I want to say is that regardless on how the original plot developed, not everyone will be the same and no all of the people will live to see a better future. Also I want to know if until now the way I made some characters interact is ok or not, since it's kind of hard to make something that's not forced.)

Clarke being Clarke had to destroy even the tiniest bit of fun we had, but then again, she was raised with a golden spoon in her hands.

"Octavia, what the hell are you doing?"

Octavia turns back towards us and winks at me before leaping back into the Lake. Monty and Jasper began taking off their clothes and getting ready to swim. Just before the two of them were about to jump into the lake, I saw a long creature swimming directly toward Octavia.

"Octavia, get out of the water now!"

I yelled causing everyone to look at the river to see a giant snake coming straight for Octavia. Unfortunately, Octavia turned her head and when she saw the snake she froze still, lowering her chances of getting out of there alive even lower. As much as would like to ignore the snake, I wasn't playing to let another person die just because I couldn't do anything to help.

Before the snake could reach Octavia, a spear flew out of my hand landing right in the back of the creature. Sadly, my makeshift spear wasn't strong enough to pierce the snake's scales, but nonetheless, it still damaged the snake, stunning our dinner long enough for me to jump into the water.

Luckily for Octavia, as soon as the snake was hit by my spear, she snapped out of her frozen state and start swimming toward us. I quickly reached her, but just as I was about to lift her up, I saw the snake coming toward us. Time to put this SPARTAN body to its first proper challenge.

After I helped Octavia climb a rock, I dive underwater, swimming right below the snake and before the creature could react, I grab its lower jaw dragging the snake to the bottom of the lake, as the was no point revealing my strength to Clarke and co. that soon, especially when I felt that I was being watched from behind by someone.

When both I and the snake hit the bottom of the lake, I punch with all of my strength the left eye of the creature. Surprisingly enough, not even having its eye destroyed killed the snake, instead, it made it even angrier at me, struggling to get free from my hand. In a desperate effort of freeing itself, the snake decided to turn its head and bite my head off, as if that would work. Before its mouth could approach me I grabbed the spear that was impaled in its back and swiftly strike the top of its mouth with it, driving my spear right through its brain, killing the pesky creature once and for all.

Exhausted both physically and mentally from fighting underwater, I slowly made my way back to the surface, dragging the carcass of the snake with me, after all, who would throw away a free meal?

As soon as my head appeared out of the lake, I heard the familiar voice of the brunet that invited me on this trip.

"He's out! Guys, help me drag him out!"

Soon after she said those words, all five of them gathered together on the same rock waiting for me to approach them so that they could drag me out of the water. When they saw the carcass being dragged by me, the look on their faces was priceless.

"What's with the shocked look on your faces?"(L)

"We thought that you died, when you went to the bottom of the lake. Heck, we even had to stop Octavia from jumping back into the water. I'm glad that you are alright." (F)

The next thing that shocked me more than seeing an oversized snake, was Octavia hugging me and kissing me on my cheek. I'll be dammed, being a hero does really work. After assuring them that I was alright, we dragged the snake to the shore where it would be safe to keep the carcass.

Meanwhile, Finn, Jasper, and Monty went to make a rope so that we could traverse the lake without risking another attack like this, and while I was sure that I could repel it, it was better to find an alternative way of crossing than risking the lives of all of us.

Clarke quickly followed me to check if I was injured anywhere, so that in case I was injured she, as probably the only person that actually knows to how treat wounds, could patch me up. Thankfully, the snake didn't wound me, but the same can't be said for my clothes as the shirt was torn apart on the left side.

After she was done checking me, Clarke thank me for saving Octavia, before leaving, letting me talk with Octavia. She struggled to find the right words, but eventually, she managed to mutter a thank you.

"Octavia, you don't have to thank for saving your life. Regardless of what y our brother may have told you about me, I'm not a monster that doesn't care about the lives of my people."

"Your people?"

"Yes, O, since the council floated me down here, that makes us all a family of sorts, maybe family isn't the best description, but what I mean to say is that we have to stay together and united if we want to survive down here. We don't have doctors, Engineers, guards, or whatever job you can get on the Ark. We are just kids sent to die on Earth. If we don't help each other then who would do it?"

"The truth is that I act like this because I was forced to hide all of my life. Just because I was born, my mother had to die, and because of me, my brother was forced to resign from being a guard. I just wanted to be free for once and look where that led us…I almost died if not for you. You even got us a nice dinner, maybe even a breakfast if we ration, as for what you said about us being one single family, I guess you are right, we have to survive together.

Meanwhile, back at the camp, Bellamy and the rest of the kids were slowly getting rid of their wristbands. Wells, who got himself injured, tried to get through the crowd that was encouraging each other to take something off. When managed to squeeze through the rest of the kids, he saw Bellamy and Murphy taking the wristband of one of the kids.

When Murphy successfully removed the wristband of a girl, she raised her wristband in the air as if the wristband was some sort of trophy. When the crowd saw her, some of them raised their fists and cheered loudly, while a small percent of them stand behind the loud crowd, trying to be as silent as possible, most likely being worried about what was going to happen to them.

Bellamy who stood on the left side of the fire yelled at the crowd.

"Who's next?"

Before anyone could walk out of the crowd, Wells made his presence known, confronting Bellamy.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?"

Just as Wells was about to continue, one of the goons walked forward to shut him up, but Bellamy stops him, deciding to use Wells as a way of changing everyone's mind.

"We're liberating ourselves. What does it look like?"

'You are killing us! The wristbands are the only way, the people from the Ark would know that Earth is safe. If we take them off, then they won't know that the Earth isn't radiated. They would think that we died!"

"That's the point, chancellor." Bellamy's words made a few kids giggle, especially when they saw the face Wells made.

"We can take care of ourselves, can't we? We don't need the Ark to live any longer!"

Once again, Bellamy made everyone agree to his words, causing quite a few of them to loudly agree with him. Sadly for Bellamy, Wells wasn't the type of person who would silently go down.

"Those aren't just our friends and our parents up there. They're our farmers, our doctors, our engineers. I don't care what you call me. And I don't care what he tells you. We won't survive here on our own... and besides, if it really is safe, how could you not want for the rest of our people to come down?"

"I don't know about you, but for me, my people are already down. Those people that you hope to come down here, locked my people up, they even used us as an experiment for fuck's sake. So why would I want to let those people know that Earth is safe? Just to get locked again? To hell with that! They killed my father, locked my sister and everything happened at the order of your father!"

"My father didn't write those rules!"

"No, Wells, he didn't. Jaha just enforced them. But not anymore and especially not here."

This time, no one defend Wells or even took his side, since Bellamy's words, were the truth.

"Down here, we do whatever the hell we want, whenever the hell we want! Now, you don't have to like it, Wells. You can even try to stop it or change it, kill me. Do you know why? Whatever the hell you want. You are free, like everyone else, to fight back. I won't stop you."

After he said those words, Murphy, Bellamy's follower repeated Bellamy's words, instigating the rest of the 100 to yell those words.

"Whatever the hell we want!"

"Whatever the hell we want!"

"Whatever the hell we want!"

"Whatever the hell we want!"

"Whatever the hell we want!"

"Whatever the hell we want!"

Just as Wells was about to leave, defeated and sad that no one was going to listen to his words, not because he was the son of the Chancellor, but because he wanted to help them, it start raining forcing him to stop in his tracks.

He quickly turned towards the crowd and yelled.

"We need to collect it, Bellamy!"

"Whatever the hell you want, Wells!"