Chapter 6 - Painful memories

(Author note : My first take at a Psychological torture. I looked at over fifteen books that have torture's scenes to actually put something decent that's not torture porn. To be fair, I still don't know if its good or not, but I guess you people would tell me that.)

"You wanted to go first. Now quit stalling, Mount Weather waits, not to mention that if we want to return back in time we need to move."

Clarke says to all four of us as Jasper and Finn consistently retighten the make-shift vine rope.

"Just hang on till the apogee, and you'll be fine," Jasper says standing beside Monty on the rocks below us.

"The apogee like the Indians, right?" Finn being Finn, decided to make the most of this conversation, most likely to earn some good points in Clarke's book. I don't know what happened between him and Raven, but one thing is for sure, he had fallen hard for our princess.

"That's the Apache, not the apogee Finn,"

Monty, who had stayed silent until now, suddenly spoke, correcting Finn for his mistake.

"He knows that already. He's just being a smart ass. Today, guys, we don't have the whole day."

"Aye, Aye, Captain. See you on the other side."

Finn remarks doing a peace salute, before tightly grabbing the rope. Just as he was about to swing, I stopped him. I don't know who or what was observing us, but my instincts were yelling at me to get as far away from this place. Heck not even being threatened with a gun in my face made me feel like this, but just knowing that someone was aiming a weapon at me, made me think about all possible outcomes and none of them would have a happy ending.

"What happened Leon? "

"Let me go first, just in case we have to deal with some wildlife on the other side."

Finn glanced at me for a few seconds before he reluctantly gave me the rope, but not before he whispered be careful to me as he walked down. That jerk still cares for his friends.

As I saw no point in wasting any more time, I swiftly run with the rope in my hand, and as soon as jump out off the rock, I swing my body to the whole shore. Jumping off the rope, I landed and roll onto the shore. As soon as I landed, I turned toward the worried faces of my new friends and yelled at them that I'd made it.

Seeing that they calmed down, I decided to walk up top and pick the sign that I have seen when I dropped to the ground. Unsurprisingly, it was a sign that said Mount Weather, which means that we've made it to where our food was being stashed.

Before I could even raise the sign to show them that we are on the right track, I felt everything slowing down all around me. As if it was on auto-pilot, my body moved on its own and before I could react or even see, a spear landed right next to where I stood a second ago.

"Take cover!"

All five of them quickly hide behind some rocks as soon as they heard my voice, but just as I was about to pick the spear, something hit me in the chest, throwing me into the nearest three. My whole felt weak as if my strength was being sucked off my body. I forced myself to move my head down to where I was hit and that's when I saw an arrow sticking out of my chest.

Another arrow hit my left leg and the last thing that I saw before passing out was the sight of my friends hurriedly running away. At least Finn was smart enough to take them away…

Just as my vision was about to darken, for a split second I saw a black man approaching me. Then everything become black and I lost my consciousness.

Blankness. Silence. Peace. And above all of these was an unsupportable headache that made me yell out in pain. Where was he?

I opened my eyes, thankful that my headache had subsided to some extent. Taking a quick look to see where I was, I become dumbfounded by what I saw. I was in some kind of tent, but slowly my whole vision become foggy before the walls flickered, the brown walls made of leather morphing briefly to silver steel.

Still confused and with a killer headache, I quickly got on my feet, but not long after I stood, I almost fell down, thankfully I managed to stop myself from falling by placing my hands against the silver wall.

I thought that I would feel the smooth leather that was made into a ten wall, but instead, I felt the cold metal that I was all too familiar with. The same metal that kept me locked for years back on the Ark. Strange, I remember being hit by two arrows then I woke up here I quickly span around the room, only to freeze at what I saw. The walls were all around him, dotted with the same tiny silver dents that made my cell. In the corner was a basic cot with a series of vertical scratches on the wall above it, all etched around a singular date: December 16, 2149. At the far side of the room was a singular, small porthole offering a view into what lay beyond. It was pure black as if nothing was on the other side of the door. I felt his jaw drooping when the sudden realization hit me.

I was back on the Ark. Once again locked in my cell, in my own room in solitary containment. Was everything just a dream? The 100, the dropship, heck even the fight against the snake? How could this be real? A sudden noise made me turn in a heartbeat, only to find that what had once been a solid wall was now a transparent window, but that wasn't what made me freeze, it was what stood on the other side of the window. There she was, the girl that I had a crush on, Raven Reyes, utterly resplendent against the pale background she stood against. Brown eyes shimmering and dark brown hair cascading over her shoulders angelically.


The girl said nothing as if she didn't even hear me. I yelled louder this time, but the same thing happened. Only a trace of a smile graced her lips but that was all I needed. All else was forgotten as I ran towards her, fully intent on wrapping her up and holding onto her like the last time before I was locked away, beaten, and electrocuted daily by the council and their watchdogs. She and Finn were the only people that actually didn't give a crap about who I was and instead, they befriended me. Raven more than Finn thanks to my mother and her love for all mechanical things which I inherit from her.

Just as I was about to pass into the next room, I came to a sudden stop when my whole body slammed hard into a wall – an invisible barrier locking her away from me. The impact knocked me backward forcing me to land on my ass, I gathered himself shakily and looked back at her in disbelief.

"What is this? Why can't I reach my friend?"

I yell in confusion, but above all in anger. Again, Raven gave no answer, merely standing in front of me smiling, judging me almost. And then she spoke, but that wasn't what shocked me, her words were.

"Why?" The single word tumbled from her mouth, carrying with it the weight of a thousand questions. "What do you mean by that Raven?"


Utterly lost and confused, I got back on my feet and punch the wall, hitting the damn barrier with all my strength in vain.


"What do you want from me?"

I continue to bash my fists against the barrier, chest heaving in a mix of panic and desperation. Then her face morphed, and suddenly her face morphed into the face of the guard that I've killed years ago. "Why?"

Blood welling in his eyes, I trembled in fear as saw the man's face next to the wall chanting the same words.


I slowly backed away planting my hands on top of my head, giving up on any semblance of reality. The faces kept changing, faster and faster. Morphing into all of the guards that I've almost killed, to all of the people that hate me, resent me then back to Raven. Then to my parents. Octavia. Finn. Murphy. Jasper, Clarke, Bellamy, slowly driving me into madness. Each of them chanting the same question. Under the onslaught, driven by madness and fear I backtracked until I was plastered against the far wall, all desire of seeing those I've met now forgotten, replaced with a desire only to escape.


I screamed, sliding down onto my knees. Tears flowed out of my eyes. Once again, the only response was why?

The cacophony of noise just kept building… building... the agonizing pressure on his head escalating with every passing second, reaching an excruciating crescendo and then Blackness once again. The world dimmed around him, his mind finally surrendering to unconsciousness, the voices fading with it. The last thing he heard was a soft feminine voice belonging to the one person he hadn't seen.

"How many of you are there?"