Chapter 7 - Good morning

I once again woke up, but unlike the other times, now I clearly felt the warmth of the sun falling on my skin. Unfortunately for me, I also felt a soft hand on my chest cleaning what I presume was my arrow wound. It was only when something rough raked its way over his chest that I finally cracked my eyes open, revealing the not-so-familiar tent.

I quickly glanced at my wound and I saw the hand of a girl gently wiping the dried blood. When I turned to look at her face, our eyes met and she jumped back in fear, clearly not expecting me to wake up anytime soon. My head was still hurting, and my memories were a blur, but one thing I remembered clearly was what happened last night.

Why did I kill that guard? Why did I fought back? Why do I hate the council? Why don't I fear death?

I always avoided those questions, even when I, would ask them, but not anymore. I killed the guard because they killed my father. I fought back because I was scared, alone and above all I was angry. Same thing for the council and their rules…as for death, why should I fear the only thing that keeps me alive? That gives me a purpose?

Meanwhile, the girl didn't know what to do. Should she scream? Call the guards or just stay there and finish what the warriors told her to do. Just as she was about to get on her feet, she saw me looking at her.

"Thanks for cleaning my wound."

I didn't know if she could even understand me, but at least I would know that I'd thanked her. Surprisingly, the girl responded even in English.

"It was my duty. We learned everything we needed from you yesterday. Tomorrow when you'll fight to the death, you will at least be clean and not dirty."

And here I thought that she was a nice girl. It seems that there's no point playing nice any longer. Before the girl could react, I broke my restraint and grabbed her neck. The look of horror on her face told me everything that I need to know. She tried to yell for help, but not with my hand tightly gripping her slender neck.

Suddenly I felt something piercing my left side, forcing me to drop her. Looking down at the wound, I saw a small knife sticking out of me and before the girl could recover and yell, I punched her with all of my strength. When my fist connected with her head, her neck bent, being broken by the impact killing the girl almost instantly, a painless death as my way of thanking her for cleaning my wound.

If Finn and the other kids that I had befriended were with me, they'd be reminding me that this wasn't who I was. But sadly, they weren't here or anywhere near. And this was what I had to become if I ever want to get out of here alive. If killing these grounders was the only way of living then I'll become a cold blood killer like how the council thought I was.

Grabbing the knife, I slowly opened the tent, a little to look outside. While it wasn't anything impressive, this small camp had more than enough of these savages to kill almost all of us, especially now that they aren't prepared for anything.

I quickly left the tent and made my way toward a darker part of the camp. Using some of the tents as cover, I moved as stealthily as I could, slowly and painfully until, I arrived at one of the tents that were on the outskirt of the camp. I slowly opened the tent, only to see the snake that I'd killed at the lake being prepared by a tall man.

When the grounder saw me, he yelled out loud before slashing towards me with what I believe to be a cleaver. Instead of cutting me, the cleaver hit the leather wall, while I thrust the knife through the neck of the grounder. The grounder tried to stop the bleeding, but alas to no success. By the time he hit the ground, another two warriors slashed the tent's door open. As soon as I saw them, I grabbed the cleaver and throw it right in the chest of one of them while at the same time tackling the other one.

Punch after punch, I hit the grounder until his head was nothing more than a mess of blood and gore. Taking its sword and the cleaver, I quickly left the tent only to see all of the grounders waiting for me in the middle of the camp. Eleven versus one, I don't know what to say, it didn't seem to be fair …for them.

In the blink of an eye, I hurled the cleaver toward one of the archers. Unused to the weight of the weapon, my throw was off target slightly but still impaled the unfortunate grounder through his shoulder, making the man cry out in agony. While wounded, the grounder was still a threat, with no more weapons to throw, I simply charged forward and slashed across the stomach of a young blonde, woman, before punching her in the face. As soon as my fist hit her, a hammer missed my head, hitting the ground, but still shocking me more than enough to quickly dodge to my left before spinning and violently decapitating the hammer guy. Blood sprayed all over me as the headless corpse dropped but I was unfazed, by this point, it won't matter how many lives I'll take if that's what would get me and my people alive.

All around me were screams and panicked warriors running away, desperately trying to escape their attacker. Not all of them were bloodied like the ones that attacked me first. Just as I thrust my sword into the chest of another warrior, someone managed to cut me that back. I gritted my teeth before spinning around and punching the man in the neck, forcing him to kneel in front of me.

Gripping its hair, I raised his face to look at me.

"Next time, pick another guy to torture."

Kicking the man, I turned around looking at the remaining grounders shivering in fear as they saw me killing all of the proper warriors they had. They were just kids for fuck sake, my body didn't move even if I tried…who would have guessed that I had a soft spot for children?

"Run back to your people. "

The kids didn't have to wait another second before running as fast as their legs could run, not even bothering to look behind at their dead friends.

With the kids gone, it was time for me to leave as well, but not before taking my prey back home. As heavy as the snake was, I still managed to carry it on my back, but at night, the forest wasn't the easiest or nicest place to walk.

Unknowingly to me, Clarke, Finn, Jasper, Monty, and Octavia convinced the kids to form a searching party for me.

Just as I was about to climb down from a rock, I heard a familiar voice coming from somewhere in front of me. At this point, all the fatigue has already accumulated to a dangerous level, and sooner or later, I would either be forced to rest or simply push myself to the limit, hoping that I'll reach the dropship before my body fails to work.

I could barely move, but that still didn't stop me from yelling, scaring them in the process, before lying on the ground waiting for them to come and pick me up. The pain was killing me at this point from all the running and fighting.