Chapter 8 - Living in fear

(Author note : Before anyone says anything about the spartan body, please understand that its not yet at full power, meaning that the MC isn't at the level of Master Chief or any other spartan as of now.)

I could barely move, but that still didn't stop me from yelling, scaring them in the process, before lying on the ground waiting for them to come and pick me up. The pain was killing me at this point from all the running and fighting.

Just when I thought that they didn't heard me, I saw Clarke quickly making her way towards me, being followed closely from behind by Finn and Bellamy, alongside seven other kids armed with some wooden spears. I didn't even have the strength to raise myself back on my feet, but thankfully that wasn't necessary for Clarke. Being in the front of the group, she was the first one to arrive and as soon as she saw me bleeding from various places, she kneeled near me before she opened her bag, taking a few things to patch me up for the journey back home.

"I'm glad to see a friendly face for a change."

"Don't talk Leon! You are bleeding severely from your wounds, especially the one from your back."

Well, she knows better than I how to treat those injuries. When the rest of the searching party arrived, they were shocked when they saw my injured body, but that still didn't stop Bellamy from asking an important question.

"Clarke, he can still answer one question, right?"

"Just one Bellamy, it's already a miracle that he didn't die, so please don't push your luck with him right now."

"Don't worry, princess, I don't plan to let him die. He saved O, after all. Leon, the ones that did to you, are they hostile to us?"

Gritting my teeth, I barely opened my mouth to speak, but it was more than enough for Bellamy.

"They…see us as …invaders."

The adrenaline really did a number on me, till now, I didn't feel a thing, but as soon as I stopped, my whole body decided to start hurting all of sudden.

Once they heard me, all of them become worried, but I have to admit that despite how dangerous our situation had become, Bellamy still retained his composure.

"We have to move back. We are way too exposed here. Clarke, can you make a stretcher for Leon?"

"It should be possible."

"Good, you and Finn do that, we'll defend you three until then. When we'll leave two people will carry Leon and probably another two will carry that dead snake."

Meanwhile, back at the dropship, Octavia was left in Atom's hands, since Bellamy was worried that his baby sister would do something stupid again. The whole camp was busy cutting trees down and making a wall around the dropship.

"Hey, guys, the wall's not gonna build itself. We can't be lazy or we'll die!"

"Atom, walls won't stop what's out there. We saw how easily they shoot Leon, we need weapons to fight back."

"So build a weapon… Look, Octavia… Your brother wasn't kidding about what he said. He'll shoot the grounders if he sees them. They took one of us, he won't let Leon die in their hands."

"Come on. We were just talking, you don't need to apologize for anything. You're way too hot to be my brother's bitch. "

"I'm no one's bitch and especially not your brother's!"

"Mmm. If you say so, then prove it. Come with me. Just the two of us."

"Hey, At—hmmff"

Unfortunately for the poor kid, he didn't manage to say anything before Atom shut him up.

"Get out of here."

"Nobody's bitch, huh? Maybe one of these days you'll realize you can't control me. Bellamy can't do it, you definitely won't do it either. No one can! "

"You know that guy you were with? The one that the grounders took, Bellamy told me that he was locked for murdering a guard. Your brother will hurt any boy you get close to. Do you want to know something funny? I'm trying to protect you here, Octavia, whenever you like it or not. Who knows what your brother can do if someone gets too close to you?

At the same time he was speaking Atom, quickly made his way towards the hatch and as soon as he finished speaking, he sealed the hatch, locking Octavia on the upper level."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! What are you doing?! You bitch!"

"Consider yourself controlled. It's for your own good. "

"Is this all you got? They locked me under the floor for sixteen years just for being born! This is nothing. Sooner or later I'll get out of here!"

"Ahem. Do you want to keep it down? I'm trying to concentrate here."

"Shut up Monty!"

Two hours later, the whole camp was waked up by the voice of one of the guys that were on watch. Almost all of the able bodies picked a weapon and gathered around the improvised gate, ready to defend their home if it will lead to that. Fortunately for all of them, the shadows that the kid that was on his watch turned were actually Bellamy and the searching party.

As soon as they were visible, the watch guard ordered the rest of the kids to open the gate.

Seeing that they were recognized, Bellamy immediately yelled at the camp.

"Make way, Leon's wounded! Bring cloths and water at the dropship!"

Meanwhile, I stood on the stretcher looking at the worried kids as I was being carried inside the dropship, where I will most likely have to rest for the rest of the day. Note to self, next time when I'll fight, first take out as many enemies from afar before going into a melee with them.

Luckily, my body was better than anyone on Earth, at least that is what I hope, which means that I should heal at a faster pace than anyone else.

Soon, I was laid inside the dropship while Clarke and another girl that I didn't know were helping her to change my bandages and clean my wounds so that my wounds won't become infected, further putting my life at risk.

By the time, Clarke finished doing her magic, almost all of the kids were gathered around us, looking at me as if I was some sort of alien creature, which made me yell at them.

"The fuck you guys? Can't a guy heal in peace for god's sake?"

Thanks to my yell, Bellamy, Miller, and Finn managed to send the kids back to building the wall, while letting Octavia, Clarke, Harper (the girl that was helping Clarke), and Wells look after me.

With the situation under control, Bellamy sits next to me, ready to retake the interrogation that he wanted to do back in the forest.

"Tell me, Leon, what are we up against exactly?"

I winched in pain for a second before I turned my head towards him.

"Savages, trained warriors, and probably a shit ton of them. To be fair, we won't last long if they attack us, at least not with our current armament."

"I know that this may bring back some unpleasant memories, but we need to know what they did to you."

"They tortured me, not physically from what I can see, but they drugged me using some kind of plant, at least that is what I believe, forcing me into a hallucination where they tortured me philologically. I don't know what I've told them or what I didn't, so we better assume that they know how many we are and how poorly armed we are equipped."

I know that what happened there changed me to some extent, but that didn't mean that I'll step aside when the only people that went through a grounder-infested forest to find were at risk of being killed. Looking at all of their faces, I could see that they didn't take this bad piece of news too well, but no one resent me for that, which surprised me.

"Leon, thank you for surviving and telling us what happened to you, we'll let you rest now, you have done enough ."

I tried to say that it was my fault, we were going to be attacked sometimes in the future, but my words didn't want to leave my mouth, as if I subconsciously knew that I wasn't at fault.