Chapter 11 -Panic, fear and luck

In the morning, the dropship become a hub of activity as all of us were doing something, from dragging the carcasses back inside the safety of our walls, gathering our weapons, or simply doing anything else other than lazing around. As for the creature that we managed to capture last night, I had some of the boys build a small cage for it until we find out what this thing was exactly and how big of a threat was to us.

But at the same time, thanks to how much effort I put last night throwing that spear, my wounds had opened up once again, forcing me to get an earful from our princess while at the same time waiting for her to disinfect everything so that she could sew my wounds back.

While Clarke prepared the tools for me, Harper checked the other people that were burned by the fog as well as the ones that got paralyzed last night. Most if not all of the burn wounds were not life-threatening, but as always, just a small infection can make your life a living hell, which is why it's better to treat it as soon as fast as possible. When the last girl got her shoulder checked, both Clarke and Harper turned towards me.

"Alright, your turn now Leon. Show me your back, but slowly, I don't want you to force yourself, further aggravating the injury."

As soon as I saw the face both of them made, I could shake my head, since even I knew that something wasn't right with my wound.

"That bad? It's infected, am I right?"

"Yeah, it seemed that whatever was on the sword that cut you, remained behind. We have to cut the infected flesh."

"Fetch me a bottle of moonshine, please. I won't go through this sober and you better get a few boys here otherwise I may just move too much."

I know myself better than them and if by any chance I end up hurting them, I won't be able to look at them again. Not long after that, Clarke came back followed by Finn, Bellamy, Murphy, and Miller alongside Harper, who had a full bottle of moonshine in her hands. As soon as Harper gave me the moonshine, I drank the whole bottle in one go, almost making me throw up at how bad it tasted, but alcohol was alcohol.

"Whatever happens when Clarke cuts me, I'm sorry. You are free to punch me as much as you want if that's what it takes to keep me still."

"Don't worry Leon, one of the hunting parties found these seaweeds. They are actually helping the wounds heal faster for some reason. Harper tests it on some burns and they are a game changer, courtesy of the team that found them. Apparently, one of them cut themselves and the only thing that could keep the wound from bleeding was either a tree leaf or these seaweeds. That's how we found out about them."

"Here goes nothing I guess."

I sit on my belly while the boys grabbed my arms and legs, keeping them in place and as steady as they can. Harper took a pot that had the red seaweed seeping in it and brought it next to me. Meanwhile, Clarke took a knife and put it in the fire. When the blade was hot enough she took it and came back to me, ready to keep me alive and help my wounds heal without any problems.

"Ready for some pain?"

"Just do it, Clarke."

As soon as she cut the first bit, I yelled out in pain. It wasn't pleasant, but I gritted my teeth and choose to bear the pain, not moving even an inch from where I was lying Luckily for me, the whole operation didn't take that long and after Clarke was done, she and Harper put the seaweeds on top of my wounds, before quickly bandaging me.

Just as the girl finished taking care of me, we heard the cry of one of the sentries. Even though I shouldn't move that much, I couldn't stay still either so, together with all of them we quickly made our way towards the wall for the second in 24 hours.

Who would have thought that one of the patrols would find Wells dead right outside the wall, especially after the incident from last night? He and a few others had volunteered to keep watch over the night, in case there was going to be another attack, so no one had seen him getting killed, but everyone assumed it was the Grounders. But even for them, this was way too sudden and reckless, since he seemed to have seen his murder, after all, why would he have his fingers cut, if he wouldn't have seen the killer?

For now, we decide to declare that he was killed by the Grounders, and since we didn't have any proof of who had actually killed him, we didn't pursue this incident further than necessary. After we buried him, all of us returned back to what work we had to do, I included.

Since I couldn't do much, I decided to help Monty build what he calls a Morse radio of some sort to contact the Ark. I may hate the council, but that didn't mean that in our current situation they are probably the only ones capable of giving us information regarding places where we could scavenge for stuff thanks to the database from before the nukes.

"Any luck with that machine of yours, Monty?"

"Not at all. The wristbands are fried as soon as we take them off our hands and I can't repair them so that they would work again no matter how much I try. Maybe if we had a working me, I could have succeeded, but since we don't have one, we won't know."

"What If I bring you a volunteer, would you be able to take the wristband off then, without frying it?"

"I can try, but I don't know if it will work. I'm not a proper engineer so I don't have the experience, but theoretically, I should be able."

"That's good enough for me. I'll be back in a few minutes with a volunteer."

I quickly found someone that was willing to help us and brought her to Monty and while it was true that I could have just taken someone from around the camp, it was better to ask a friend rather than force someone. Harper and I climbed the ladders to Monty only to see him and Jasper arguing.

"I don't care Jasper. I have work to do here. I can't just go out and get drunk whenever the hell I want. We both know that neither Bellamy nor Leon would let us get drunk before it's dark, and not even then would they let us all get drunk, only a few people would be able to drink to not diminish our fighting force in case we are attack again."

"Come one, they won't even kn-"

Before Jasper could finish his words, I put my hand on his shoulder smiling menacingly at him. That's when he knew that he fucked up.

"You know what I say about drinking in plain day, right Jasper?"

"Sorry, Leon, but Monty didn't leave this place since he began working on that radio. He deserves a break for god's sake!"

"He's free to leave, I'm not forcing him and neither is Bellamy. We aren't dictators, but we have to follow some basic rules. And for once, I have to agree with you Jasper, Monty needs a break. Go out and relax. We can work on this thing later, you deserve a break."

"Thanks, Leon. See you later then?"

"Sure thing, we'll work on the damned thing later. "

After the two friends climbed down, I was left with Harper on the top floor.

"Was this your plan to get me to come with you up here alone?"

"Come on, Harper, if I wanted to do something, I wouldn't have beaten around the bush for fuck's sake."

"That's true…so…do you want to do something then?"

"Why not ?"