Chapter 12 - Murphy's Law

(Author note : So... I've decided to not add the R18 part here and make a patr3on exclusive, but fret not its nothing important so you aren't missing anything story wise)

After we fooled around for a while, both Harper and I decided that we should go back, or someone would definitely find out that we weren't anywhere. Nothing too big changed between us, we are still friends, well, other than some teasing here and there, but that was expected to some extent after what happened.

The rest of the following days didn't change that much other than the occasional hunting that some of us loved to do, we remained around our camp preparing for the worst. Even with the lack of firearms, Bellamy and I decided that it was a good idea to dig some trenches and at the same time make a few tunnels to take there faster and safer. But as always, everything had been peaceful and quiet for far too long.

While I was lying on my belly for my daily and probably the last session of bandage changing seeing that most of my wounds had already healed, when we heard Clarke's voice yelling at what I hope was the crowd and not to some rock or something like that, since it will suck if or only proper medic goes mad.

By the time Harper finished changing my bandages and we made it outside, a crowd had already formed, and I was forced to push my way to the center where Bellamy, Clarke, and Murphy were standing in some kind of Mexican standoff.

I quickly asked the closest girl what was all about and she told me that one of the patrols had found Murphy's knife alongside the missing fingers of Wells in the woods. While the murder weapon clearly points towards Murphy, I don't believe he would have just killed Wells in such a cowardly way. Yeah, they weren't friends or anything, but still other than the first conflict, they didn't fight anymore either thanks to Bellamy or due to me befriending Murphy back when the fog forced us all to stay inside the dropship.

"Is this the kind of society that we want? You say there should be no rules, that we should follow the rules of the people that sent us here to die! Does that mean that we can kill each other without - without punishment?"

"I already told you. I didn't kill anyone and especially not Wells." Murphy snapped.

"But you two fought!"

"And for that I just killed him!?"

"I say we float him." Someone that was in the front of the crowd suggested which was met with a cheer of approval from most if not all of the other delinquents. I looked over to see who was the one that gave the idea and unsurprisingly Connor was the one to incite the group into killing Murphy. While I don't know why he wants Murphy dead, this kind of thing would only make us murderers and will only weaken us.

"That's not what I'm saying. I don't us to kill each other! We can just lock him up until he's proven guilty. "

"Why not? He deserves to be floated! It's justice, murderers should be hanged!"

"Revenge isn't justice!"

"It's justice for Wells. Float him!"

Connor worked the whole crowd into chanting float the murderer. Things were quickly spiraling out of control, but it was when Murphy tried to run away and accidentally pushed Clarke to the ground that the whole situation erupted into pure anarchy.

Shortly after that, someone tripped Murphy followed by another delinquent, who start stomping his back. It didn't take them long before the whole crowd quickly started joining in while Clarke and Finn both tried pulling people off Murphy.

At this point, I had to intervene even if I would lose every single ounce of respect they had for me. I walked near Bellamy and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Are we really going to let Murphy die like this?"

"He killed someone, Leon, we can't let a murder walk free amongst our people."

"An eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth, huh? Tell me, Bellamy, if I agree to you, then won't we be the next in line for an execution? I've killed quite a lot of people, and even though I regret doing it now, I'd do it again if that's the only way of getting out of there alive. I'll still do it for you all if we are attacked, and before you try to lie to yourself, think about what you did on the Ark. You shot someone for god's sake, friend. If that man is dead, then you, my friend are also a murderer."

"I... how do we make things right?"

"It's quite simple. We lock Murphy in the dropship until we find the truth. There won't be an execution without any proper proof or they'll have to kill me too."

Meanwhile, the mob had tied up Murphy and threw him down a muddy hill. We quickly followed after them. Myles threw a rope into a tree while Connor tied the end around Murphy's neck. We saw Clarke going to help as they pulled Murphy up to stand on some kind of platform, but before she could reach, one of the goons caught her.


Clarke screamed at them and quickly turned around to see Bellamy and I just arriving at the top of the hill. She broke free and ran over and shoved Bellamy, poor guy, he has become the villain.

"You can stop this! They'll listen to you!"

Before either Bellamy or I could respond, we heard Connor, the guy who started the whole thing speaking.

"Bellamy, Leon! One of you should do it!"

"I saw you in the woods with Atom. I know you're not a killer. Bellamy, don't do this. Don't... Don't! Bellamy! You can't do this, Bellamy. You as well, Leon! Finn told me everything about you. I know that you aren't a monster! Please, don't do it!"

All of them looked toward us, waiting for us to serve justice for Wells' death. Being looked at by so many people wasn't the nicest thing, especially in a situation like this, but we had to do the right thing or we would be exactly the same as the people that sent us here.

I walked down the hill, followed closely by Bellamy and Clarke under the eyes of all of our people, waiting for the moment when Murphy would finally meet his judgment. When we arrived next to the tree, what I did shocked everyone, Murphy in particular since he didn't believe he would survive. I throw a knife that I've stolen from Bellamy cutting the rope that was holding Murphy, dropping him on the ground like a sack of potatoes.

Looking around, I could see that no one was happy with what I did, but due to the respect they held for me, no one said anything until I will explain myself.

"Back on the Ark, we all got locked for various things, being them small, dangerous, or just plain stupid, but down here, those rules don't exit. We aren't executioners or murderers and above all, we won't kill our friends over a knife found in the woods. "

"But we found his knife and Well's missing fingers!"

"You found a knife that can be easily stolen. Let's be honest, Murphy is an annoying prick with way too much attitude, but he's no murderer. He was on the wall when the velociraptors attacked us, he fought with all of us and would have bled for us, but that still doesn't make him innocent."

Murphy's face changed from happy to scared then to guilty when he heard my words, after all, I was the only person that could save him in this situation as well as the guy that would kill him without any remorse if he's found guilty.

"I swear that I will kill him with my own hands if it would be proven that he's the one that killed Wells, but until we are sure of that, he'll be locked."

No one argued back, instead, they nodded their heads at my decision finding it more humane than what they were going to do. With the crowd calmed down, I walked next to Murphy and grabbed him by the arm, forcing him onto his feet.

As we walked, I heard him thanking me for at least giving him the benefit of the doubt. I told him what I told everyone back then, accentuating his end if he's lying.

Just as we were about to enter into the dropship, something bright fall down from the Ark, or at least that's what I believe. At first, we didn't notice, but one shout made everyone stop whatever they were doing and turned to look at the sky where a small dropship of sorts was falling at an alarming speed before suddenly slowing down.

"Take Murphy upstairs! Miller gather a team, we are going out !"

Unknowingly for me, someone had already made a plan to be the first one to find the dropship.