Chapter 14- And the crowd goes wild

(A/N: Sorry for posting this chapter this late,but WN wasn't working properly for me today )

After catching Bellamy and stopping him from doing something that he would regret, I decided to wait for the rest of my team near the closest place that our hunters had marked as safe. Thanks to Finn, most of the hunters were able to track down animals or even people which in my opinion is a great skill to have, especially down here where we don't the technology we had back on Ark.

Thankfully I didn't have to wait for too long before I saw Finn leading the team, followed closely by Clarke and Miller. As soon as they saw me, they raised their brows, as if they were asking me why Bellamy's legs and arms are bound.

"Don't look at me like that, he was the one that tried to do something stupid. He forced my hand and I had to knock him out or else he wouldn't stay still."

Clarke quickly went over to Bellamy's side checking, before she turned towards me.

"What did you give him?"

"Jobi nuts. I had to make him more passive one way or another."

"He's not hurt anywhere from what I can see, but we can't leave him behind."

"We won't leave him behind by any means. Even though Bellamy tried to reach the pod before us, he's still one of our friends and I for one, won't let him die here in this forest."

There was no point talking anymore about Bellamy, since not only were we on a rescue mission, but we were also at war with the grounders, and who knows how many of them could be watching us right now. As soon as I put Bellamy on my shoulder for the second time today, we continue our journey toward the lake.

The whole way, I felt as if someone was gazing through me, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't pinpoint the exact location from where that gaze was coming from. I rise up my hand in a fist stopping everyone from making a step forward since I wanted to let the whole party know that we are being followed by someone or something. As soon as they heard my words, all of them went into a state of high alert preparing themselves for a fight, but even after a few more minutes, nothing changed. The feeling was still there, but whoever was tailing us, didn't want to face us.

Two hours later, we finally made it to where we believed the drop pod had fallen. Before I could order the team to search for it, Finn shouted from up in a tree

"Over here! The pod's in the lake!"

"All right, people, we have to move fast!"

I quickly run in the front, as Finn also made his way down from the tree, before he tried to run by my side, but failed miserably. When we get to the cargo pod, I, Finn and Clarke went to the door, while the rest of the team formed a circle around the pod, ready to defend it if the situation calls for that.

Meanwhile, Bellamy, who had woken up a while ago, was contemplating what he almost did, but that still didn't make him lose his focus, since he decided to accept whatever penance the council was going to give him when they would find out that people can live down here.

Finn tried to pry the door open but to no avail. That damned metal door was stuck and no matter how hard he tried, the door wouldn't even budge.

"I thought that you were stronger, or am I lighter?"

"Don't be like that Clarke, you'll hurt his pride."

"You guys are assholes. Try your luck, Leon, maybe you are stronger than me."

Finn mutters under his breath. I would have loved to find out when those two did become a thing, but right now, the person on the other side was more important than some gossip. I firmly planted my hands on the handle and before anyone could react, I simply ripped the whole metal door off its hinges, letting us save whoever was inside. As soon as the door flew away, I saw the familiar face of the girl that I had a crush on, smiling when she saw me acting like a prince on a white horse saving the damsel in distress.

"Leon?" Looking at the person that was inside the drop pod, I come face to face with a bloodied Raven Reyes looking at me as if she saw a dead man walking.

"Welcome to the ground, Reyes."

"I told you to call me Raven, you dumb muscle head. Wait! Does that mean that I've made it?"

"You sure did girl, you even made it in one piece nonetheless."

"Abby was right, we can really live here."

Seeing that she was about to leave her seat, I gave her my hand, helping her get out of that damaged pod, before signaling Clarke to take a look at our new engineer. While Raven was being bandaged, I walked next to Finn, since I saw him looking conflicted.

"Troubles in paradise?"

"Not really, it just…"

"Hard to imagine your ex-girlfriend talking with your current one amicably?"

"After you were taken away, Raven and I got in an argument a few months after that. It ended pretty badly with me yelling at her and the next thing that I know was me telling her that I shouldn't go to prison for her."

"You know, we are friends, but still, that wasn't nice. We both know how much did Raven suffer for that."

"Tell me something I don't know, Leon. Raven and I broke up and that was it. Neither I nor she wants another chance between us, besides…down here…I fall in love with Clarke."

"For God's sake, you and the princess? For real? I thought that it was a one-night tight, but who would have guessed that she would make Spacewalker walk in her heart…"

Suddenly a spear flew out of the forest right in front of me. Whoever was stalking us got bored it seems. Well, then, time for diplomacy. Picking the wooden spear, I slowly walked a few meters away from the crash site, hoping that the grounders wouldn't attack my people as I was a better target, since I'm the only one that had killed their kin as of now. Just as I was about to walk further, I stopped and turned my head towards the drop pod.

"Raven! Contact the Ark, tell them the truth."

Unfortunately, the grounders took my words as a threat, and soon after I spoke, a couple of arrows descended upon me. Luckily for me, all of the arrows missed either by luck or just because they weren't meant to hit me in the first place. At the same time, deep in the woods, I saw a woman with dark blonde hair ordering the grounders around. Whoever that woman was, she was definitely high in the chain of command for those savages to listen to her orders.

Before any grounders could react, a spear flew right above the woman's head, impaling itself into the nearest tree, making all grounders panic. Strangely, that woman didn't take her eyes from me and in return I just smiled at her, showing her that I wasn't scared of her merry band of savages.

After that little show of mine, the grounders left us alone, but not before throwing a spear at my feet, most likely a gift for the strength that I've shown.