Chapter 92 - I'm inevitable !

While I wasn't sure if Kane would come or not, I knew that with Pike in charge, no one would be able to leave Arkadia without his consent and since he practically declared war against the coalition, the camp was put on lockdown. Only Pike and his people can leave to leave the camp, while everyone else was to remain inside, where it was safe.

Because of that reason alone, I tend to believe that Kane would send someone in his place, someone that wasn't in Arkadia or inside the mountain, and that someone was no one other than Octavia Blake. She was one of the few people that didn't like Pike's way and because of that, she was the only one to leave before her brother and the new Chancellor massacred these people.

Letting the girls alone inside the tent, I just stayed outside sharpening my sword while waiting for Kane or his massager to appear. A few minutes later, a slightly tired Octavia made her way toward the tent. As soon as she saw me, she locked her arms around me before letting out a few sobs.

"I know, O, I know."

"Bellamy…he did this…"

"No, Octavia that was Pike's doing. Your brother, despite being dumb as an ass, wouldn't have killed these people in cold blood if Pike wouldn't whisper to him some sweet words of revenge."

Maybe my words helped her realize or maybe it was simply the presence of a friend, but after she heard my words, Octavia put on a determined look on her face before walking inside the tent.

No one inside the tent, expect someone to barge just like that when a sudden flap at the door of the tent made the three women turn only to see Octavia Blake walking inside, but a rather strange look on her face, as if the girl just found a new purpose in life.


Even though she hated Clarke for leaving them all just like she did, Octavia found the strength to forgive the princess for today. Before Octavia could say anything, Clarke, who just finished bandaging Indra, spoke to her in a hurry.

"Where's Kane?"

"Arkadia and the mountain are in lockdown, no one gets in and no one gets out. Kane included. Thankfully Raven managed to contact me through my walkie-talkie otherwise no one would have known about this."

When she entered the tent, Octavia didn't notice the wounded person that was laying on the ground, but as soon as Clarke got on her feet, Octavia kneeled beside the wounded woman, worried for the life of her mentor and friend.

"You said that Kane couldn't leave your camp. How did this happen? Has someone rebelled and taken over?"

"Not exactly a rebellion, but Kane and Abby lost the election after Pike did this. He became the new chancellor, and his first decree was to put both of their places under lockdown in preparation for war. He's planning to wage war against the coalition at all costs."

"How could your people vote for this madman? What did Kane do for the people to choose Pike over him?"

Just as Clarke was about to argue with Octavia and Lexa that the people weren't at fault, I walked inside the tent, not wanting to hear a conversation like this happening.

"The people voted for him, because of what the grounders did to my people."

My words earned some hateful glares from Lexa, Indra, and even Octavia, but since I'd already decided to break it to them, then I might as well go all out.

"I think I told you before that the reason why my people hate yours so much is that almost every one of the ones that are alive have lost someone dear to them to your people. "


"No buts, Octavia. Ever from the first day, the grounders planned to attack us. I was the first one to be captured and tortured, but I've managed to escape against all odds. Then the killing came and we lost a few of our friends. The same thing happened with the survivors from Arkadia, the grounders attacked us first and we fought back. That's why the sky people as you call us hate the coalition so much, but despite that, they tried to coexist with you, and yet you, the commander and leader of the coalition, let the Ice Nation do whatever they want and as a result, you have brought this war to your people."

"Even if what you say is true, have you forgotten what I am? I'm merely a vessel for the flame. They can simply get rid of me and make one of the night bloods the next commander. War is inevitable, no matter what you or I do or say. Pike chooses his path just like my people choose theirs."

Call it reckless or childish, but I wouldn't stay and watch as my friends and people are slaughtered when I could do something to help them. Lexa might not admit it, but she and Pike are quite similar in the way they are doing their things. After all, every warfare is based on deception and the better you are at it the easier, it would be for you to strike when the enemy doesn't expect it.

I walked out of the tent just in time for Lexa to shout out at her men to detain me at all costs. I was more than sure that she held a grudge against me for some reason unknown to me, but to send her men to certain pain wasn't exactly the best way of getting the respect of your warriors. The poor guards did everything in their power to fight me, but sadly for them, I was neither in the mood nor did I have the time to waste playing tag with them.

Thankfully, for me, my princess came to the rescue on horseback, truly a sight to behold. The last things that we heard as Anya and I left the camp were Lexa's angry shouts. Unknowingly to Lexa, Clarke, or even Indra, Octavia left shortly after the three women walked out of the tent, heading towards Arkadia.

Sometime later, inside Arkadia, Bellamy was dragging Monroe while four guards were dragging Sergey to Pike after he found out that they were trying to gather weapons and people and not actively help them in the war against the grounders.

"C'mon Blake, aren't we friends?"

"Shut up, Sergey! If you and Monroe wouldn't betray Pike, neither one of us would have been in this situation."

Suddenly Zoe stopped walking forcing Bellamy to use some force before he heard her speaking.

"Sorry Bellamy."

"Sorry for what!"

Before he or any of the guards could react, shock batons hit all five of them. The last thing Bellamy saw before he fell unconscious was the face of his sister looking at him in disgust as a few delinquents were helping Zoe and Sergey get rid of their handcuffs.

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