Chapter 93 - Traitor

Anya dropped me off near Arkadia before she made her way towards Mount Weather, just in case Lexa would be foolish enough to attack the most defend place in the whole area. Even if Lexa does try, the bunker still had four more missiles ready to be used as deterged against the grounder army.

Watching her figure slowly disappearing in the dark, I steeled myself before walking towards the gate, not caring at all that one of the sentries may aim their guns at me, after all, I was an unarmed boy, right?

When I was only ten meters away from the gate, I noticed a small red dot resting on my chest, aiming just slightly below my heart. I have to say, for a teacher, Pike had really transformed Byrne's guards into some decent combatants, albeit they would still die if that mad man continues with his desire to start a war.

The closer I got to the gate, the more guards I could see waiting for me to do something that would allow them to shoot me. Sadly, for them, Bellamy was also there and like any good friend, he immediately recognizes me.

"What are you doing here?"

Time to become the good guy. Might as well get into Pike's good grace by saying something not quite true about the coalition, Clarke, or maybe even Kane and Abby.

"Let's skip the chit-chat, Bellamy. Color me surprised when I heard what you and Pike did. Moreover, as your friend, I had to see for myself the message you sent to Lexa and her people. I have to say, while it lacks the proper touch of an artist, it did send a clear message."

Before Bellamy could say anything to me, Pike walked out of the crowd of guards surrounding the gate.

"Why are you here, Leon? Last time I checked, you were away from Arkadia, doing god knows what with the grounders."

"I believe you heard what I said to Bellamy, right sir?"

"You are not wrong, but that still doesn't answer my question."

"I take you as a smart man, Pike, but while what you had done was…let's say justified, you still hadn't thought of the consequences of that massacre."

"Spit it out already, I don't have the whole night to listen to you."

"The coalition is already amassing their forces and let's be honest, you lack a good way of fighting against the grounder, Chancellor. Don't get me wrong, I see you and your people as some of the best soldiers Arkadia has, but what will you do once the bullets run out? You and I both have the answer to that question. Teaching people the skills necessary to survive down here is not the same as leading hundreds of people into a war. The grounder will be coming to Arkadia for retaliation and you will not be able to stop them by simply defending the gate and walls. You need someone who knows what they're doing."

"You tend to believe that I don't have someone that knows the way these savages wage war? I have faced them, same for most of the survivors from Farm Station. Byrne, Bellamy, and tens of other people have fought and killed these grounders, so for the love of god, don't start with that. We can win this war."

"Maybe, or maybe not, that depends on how many people are you willing to sacrifice for that victory."

"Rather than doing this pointless back-and-forth conversation, can you ask me what you intended from the beginning?"

"I spent time more time with the grounder than anyone on your side. I know their tactics. I could be useful."

"And what guarantee do I have that you won't betray me? Let's be honest here, you walking out of the woods, a day after we got rid of that army is quite suspicious. I need something that would prove you aren't lying."

"Fine Chancellor, you win. I'll give you something that I hope will prove that I'm not an enemy. Before I came here, Raven told me that someone was going to help Kane."

"Let's say I believe you. Who's that person and where do I find her or him?"

" Well chancellor, that person is after Kane, that's where you find her. As for who she is, well let's just say that the prettier Blake is inside this very camp. If you are fast enough maybe you will find her before she and Kane slips right between your fingers."

"You can come inside, but until your words are proven to be true, you will not step any further than a few meters away from the gate."

Pike didn't even have to shout an order as a group of seven guards made their way toward Kane's quarters, not long afterward, they brought back Octavia.

"Out of my way!"

Bellamy shouted as he forced his way to his sister. Octavia was on the ground, tears streaming down her cheeks while she was slowly touching the fresh wound on her face.

"Get away from her! She has to be innocent!"

Bellamy bellowed as he charged forward, not noticing the look on Pike's face. However, before he could reach Octavia, an arm hooked around his neck, nearly crushing it. Bellamy wheezed and looked around frantically looking for the party responsible for this inconvenience.

"What the hell, Leon? Get out of my way."

Sadly, for him, I was planning to transform this into the best acting of my life and I would not move even if he tries to kill me. Seeing that I wasn't planning to let him walk any further, Bellamy gritted his teeth and lunged at me, but before he could even hit me, I punch him with enough strength to forcefully calm him down.

Meanwhile, Octavia was still on the ground, her eyes wide with terror as she looked from Bellamy to Graham, who was standing over her.

"You liar! You better have a good reason or I swear I kill you if don't tell me what's my sister doing here?"

"I heard you and Octavia talking about Kane just before I arrived here. You two were talking about some reward from the grounders if your sister manages to take Kane away."

"I didn't even know she was here! Please, Pike, believes me, I didn't know about this."

"You're not going anywhere, Bellamy. Until I have some evidence, you and your sister will be locked separately. Thank you Leon for bringing this insubordination to light and for blocking this plot from succeeding."

"I aim to please."

Two guards came and grabbed Octavia, just in time for Lincoln to reach the commotion.

"Let go of her!"

As soon as he saw her, Lincoln shouted before he dove toward the nearest guard. Unfortunately for him, Pike stepped in and wrenched his arm behind his back, bringing the ex-grounder to the ground.

"Get off of me!"

He tried to wrench himself free, but there was nothing he could do to make Pike get off him.

"I had enough of you walking freely in my camp without actually helping. Lincoln of Trikru, you have been sentenced to death, in accordance with the Exodus Charter. Any last words?"

"Not for you!"

"So be it."

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