Chapter 136

Not only did we look at Clarke strangely, but even Sinclair and Abby looked at her as if she was crazy. Nevertheless, Raven still answered her question.

"Yes. Becca was trying to find a cure for cancer using this radiation chamber. However, as Leon just said, that would mean that we would have to expose a human being to enough radiation that would implode every single cell in their body. I'm not saying we can't succeed, but... I don't like our chances."

Clarke nods her head, understanding, but both me and Abby shake our heads at the blonde, not liking this discussion at all, despite what I have done to keep my friends and people alive over the few months we had been down here.

"I know that this is inhumane mom, but we have no choice."

"No, Clarke, we have to make a choice. Moreover, that choice is related to who we test the Nightblood on. Who do we use as a test subject that might or might not die as soon as we start the procedure?"

Clarke stood there silent realizing that inevitably one of them would be the one that would have to become the test subject. Just as Abby was about to continue, I saw a girl, one that I haven't seen until now looking down at us mortified by what she had just heard.

"Who's that?"

All of them turned around in such a hurry as if they were robbers that just got caught by the owner of the house they were stealing from, looking up to the landing of the stairs to see a familiar face for most of them.

"Hey, I'm heading up to the house. Does anyone want anything while I'm up there?"

"No, we're fine, thanks."

"Emori, hold on."

Emori looks at Abby with a smile on her face, as if she hadn't just heard what we were just talking about. Thankfully, this girl wasn't the type that would lash out just because she heard a part of the story or at least if she was one, Emori knew when and how she would do it. Meanwhile, Abby looked at her before turning toward her daughter.

"Clarke dear, you and Leon should go with her. I'm more than sure that it was a long day for all of you and I'd rather have you two rested than exhausted."

Despite everything that went between us and how much she detested me, Abby was one of the few people that could read Clarke like an open book, and right now, she was right. Even though I wasn't exhausted, Clarke was and if our past experiences taught us something was that when you are tired you make dumb choices. Unfortunately, for all of us, our princess had other plans.

"No, we just got here. I want to be here with you and help you, mom."

"There is nothing for you to help me with right now. It will take a few hours before the samples would be ready to be tested. Go up there, take a shower and we'll figure this out when you get back."

Seeing that her daughter was stubborn, Abby turned towards me almost begging me with her eyes to take her daughter away from down here. When I saw Abby looking at me like that, I could only sigh, before nodding as I grabbed Clarke's hand, practically dragging her up the stairs, and closer to a hot shower that I miss taking. The whole time, Emori simply stood at the top, waiting for us, and just as we reached her, we heard Raven's voice coming from down in the lab.

"I'll lower the drones. Also, Leon, bring me a cup of coffee when you came back."

"Roger that, mam."

We left the lab and as Emori was guiding us through the forest, she decided to make so casual conversation, seemly out of nowhere, at least from my POV.

"Raven says the black rain will be here soon. We should get used to living underground since I don't think we would see the sky for a while once we are inside the bunker."

"Raven's right. I used to love the rain, now with how dangerous it had become, it terrifies me, more than anything."

"Not even in my wildest dreams would have I thought that Wanheda would be scared of rain out of all of the things that want you dead out there."

For some reason Clarke stopped walking, instead, the blonde turned and looked at Emori with a strange looked in her eyes. Seeing this, the poor girl looked at me, not knowing what she had done wrong.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"Not exactly, it's just that Clarke doesn't exactly like that nickname. Besides, she threw away that name a long time ago."

Hearing my words, Emori nods, understanding instantly what she had done wrong, before quickly apologizing to Clarke. As soon as she heard the apology, Clarke let out a small smile before she decided to forget that this ever happened. Instead, she decided to ask Emori more about her, trying to learn more about this new girlfriend of our friend.

"Murphy said you used to work here. Is that right?"

"Something like that."

"If you worked on this island before, doesn't that mean that you were scavenging technology for A.L.I.E?"

Surprisingly enough, Emori stiffen up as soon as she heard that question. As soon as Clarke saw that her question made the whole atmosphere awkward she immediately apologize.

"I'm sorry, for asking so many questions."

"Don't worry about it. Forget that ever happened. I'm just upset that our mission here has failed. Hopefully, your mother will come up with another way, always so willing to do anything to save her people. Skaikru's lucky to have her."

"We're not just doing this for Skaikru."

However, instead of commenting on that, Emori holds out an arm, stopping us from walking any further as we reach the edge of the tree line. She lifts her radio, before containing the lab.

"We're at the tree line, can we go further?"

"Roger that, all of the drones are down. You're good to go."

Once she got the good to go, Emori leads us through the trees and into a large lawn that stretches out in front of the largest house that survived the nuclear bombs. Now that think about it, the whole island seemed to have been protected by the blast and the aftereffects for some reason. Anyhow, while the house, not the mansion at this point was easily the biggest one we had ever seen, not that we have seen many mansions or any as a matter of fact, but it was simply way too huge for one single person to live in it. When we reached the door, Emori slides it open, and just as the door opened we were hit by some rather good yet loud music. We passed the white living room and went straight to the kitchen where we saw Murphy dancing from one counter to the other, singing and cooking at the same time.

Clarke and Emori smiled when they saw Murphy like that while I, on the other hand, decided that it would a good idea to greet our professional cockroach with a joke, one that I admit was bad.

"The world is ending if John Murphy can cook."

He let out a chuckle at my joke before throwing one of his own in response. "Did you guys just find out about it? The world is already ending. Anyhow since you and Clarke are here, you might as well wait for me to cook our dinner."

Both of us scoff at his remark as we rolled our eyes at him. At the same Emori was looking at her boyfriend in adoration, not forgetting everything about my bad joke.

"A good cook is rare. John would be celebrated by any clan that had him."

"Yeah, he's a real catch, despite everything about him that makes him one of the hardest people to kill."

"You see this, Emori, that's what jealousy does to people.

After saying that, he pulls a spoon out and dips it into the dish, holding it out towards us, hand cupped underneath, looking expectant for our appraisal of his work. This might just be the first time in my life I was scared that I might die in the next couple of seconds. Clarke on the other hand was terrified of what she was about to do. However, despite the fear that we were overwhelmed by, we still took our turn tasting the food Murphy was cooking. So like a proper gentleman, I lean down and drank the whole food from the spoon, chewing slowly, waiting for the taste of death to come, only to be pleasantly surprised when instead of a horrible taste, I was greeted by a myriad of spices that were somehow working together to bring forth the best test of all of the ingredients.

"I take back my words, this is … wow."

Murphy smiled before he turns and tosses the spoon into the sink, then he sweeps Emori into his arms, leaning down slightly so she can whisper in his ear. At this point, I felt like a third of a fourth wheel and before the situation could get awkward, Clarke and I exchange a look before she turned toward the couple. "We're gonna take a shower and then rest."

"Yeah, let me show you where to go." Just as he was about to break the hug, Emori cuts him off pointing towards the bathroom as well as the rooms. "Upstairs. Down the hall. As for the rooms, any room other than the one with slightly bigger doors."


"Good luck Murphy."

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