Chapter 137

Clarke and I both took turns showering and by the time we were finished, we heard a commotion coming from downstairs. At first, we thought that maybe Murphy and Emori got wild enjoying themselves when out of nowhere the door to my room is opened by Clarke followed closely from behind by Emori, both of them holding a weapon in their hands. Once I armed myself, we quietly went down where we met Murphy. Soon a grounder that had come here to steal most likely, walked right past the corner where we were hiding and just as he passed by, Murphy and I attacked the man, knocking him out before he could even realize what just happened to him.

"What do we do with him now?"

Before any of us could answer Murphy, we all saw Emori stabbing the man with pure hatred clearly visible in her eyes. Just as the knife was about to pierce the man's back, Clarke grabbed Emori\'s hand stopping the girl from killing the grounder. Once the knife was thrown away, still holding her hand, Clarke decided to get some answers.

"What are you doing?"

"H-he tortured me! He killed my brother and was about to kill me too! So why it is so wrong for me to kill him?"

Rather than staying and listening to what they were saying, I simply grabbed the man and move him to the hallway, where there was nothing he could use to fight against us, not that he had a chance, but it was better than keeping him in the middle of the kitchen.

Not long after that, Clarke alongside the couple walked towards me and informed me that we would take the man down to the lab where he would serve as our test subject, which to be fair wasn't exactly an easy way out. Since I didn't have any problem with using an enemy as Abby's test subject, Clarke radioed over to the lab and shares the rather grim news with everyone.

A few minutes later, Miller and Roan come to the house for the man, and since he was already out cold, they didn't have any trouble carrying the body to the lab. Due to this rather unfortunate event, we had to leave our dinner for later and follow them back to the lab. As soon as we walked with the grounder inside the lab, I swear I saw for just a second some unwillingness on Abby's face before she shook her head and look at her daughter, most likely weighing the choices we had.

Just as I was about to sit on a chair, I heard her calling my name.

"Leo! Kane and Byrne are on the radio and he's asking for you, apparently it's related to Mount Weather."

At that time, I didn't know why these two would call for me, then again, with everything going down south in the last couple of days, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that something bad must have happened

"Kane, do you read me?"

[I read you.]

"Abby said you and Byrne asked for me?"

[The black rain's here, and it's worse than we thought. It burns on contact…it kills fast. We were at Arkadia scavenging as much as we could when it started. Some of our people went further away to search for even more supplies and, sadly, some got stuck, straight out in the open, with no cover, and no one to help them. In an almost suicidal attempt, Sergey, Monroe Byrne, and a few guards managed to get most of the teams. However, two of them, Mark and his son Peter, were too far away for anyone to reach them. We tried everything, but… In the end, after arguing with him for almost a few minutes, Bellamy went after them in a broken suit, and tried to get to them, but failed. The rover got stuck, and with the bad suit, he has no way to get the rover free again. He's taking it pretty hard, and I tried to help, but I think I just made things worse. I was hoping you'd talk some sense into him since you are probably the only one he would listen to other than Clarke. Please Leon, and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid, I can see another one of our people dying just like that.]

"Don't worry about it. I'll make that idiot rethink his suicidal thoughts. What's the channel?"

[He's on Four.]

"Copy that, Chancellor. Switching over."

It took me a few seconds to switch over to channel four, hoping that my stupid friend won't kill himself. "Bellamy? Are you there?"

[Did Kane call you? I already told him that I'm all right! ]

I might not be a psychologist by any means, but it was clear from the pain in his voice that he wasn't all right at all.

"What happened, you don't seem all right to me?"

[Do you remember Peter? He was part of our group.]

"Yeah, he was one of the most hardworking guys we had, of course, I would remember him."

"He and his dad got caught in the black rain. It's coming down pretty hard, and it burns the second it touches your skin. They went for shelter the best they could, but it wasn't much. I grabbed a suit and tried to get to them, but the suit was damaged in the fire, cracked in a million different places. It was useless and a trip back to Mt. Weather for a replacement was also not possible. Then the rover got stuck along the way, and without the suit, I won't survive the trip outside unstuck this shit. When I radioed Mark to tell him I couldn't make it, he lost it. Reminding me that I promised I'd come to save them, and now I'm going back on that and killing them both. He stayed on the radio for a long time, and I could…]

This was the first time I'd heard him sobbing, but before I could say something, he continue between his sobs. [I could hear them dying, Leon. The radio must have been destroyed by the rain after that, or he was too weak to press the button because it's been silent ever since.]

"Bellamy, I know that it's painful, but this isn't your fault. Don't make yourself the villain here."

[No, Leon, Mark was right. I made them a promise and I went back on my words. It's my fault they're dead because I failed to reach them. I can't life knowing that because of me, one of our friends died…]

"Hey, hey listen to me, Bellamy. You couldn't have ever known that the rain would come today. It's not your fault that the suit was burned, and it's definitely not your fault that the ground turned into mud when it started raining."

[Octavia left, did Kane tell you that?]

"No, he didn't."

Hearing my response, he let out a sigh, before he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. [She was gone before I even made it back. My sister, my responsibility, and I failed to protect her too. I always fail. I've failed you and Clarke a lot of times. I've failed my sister. I've failed our people. I can't save anyone, Leon… I'm just a burden at this point…]

"I'm not good at this, but do you even remember how many times you saved me and even fought side by side with me? What about the kids that came with us down on Earth? What about our friends in Mount Weather? Clarke in Polis? You protected her so she could shut down the City of Light, which saved all of us from that A.I. She couldn't have done that without your protection. So for the love of god don't give that bullshit. You've made mistakes, Bellamy, that's what we do, however this, this isn't your mistake. You did everything you could to save Mark and Peter, and sometimes that's all we can do because we can't control the world."

[Thanks Leon.]

"Don't mention it."

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