Chapter 139

Even though Raven and even Clarke tried to change my mind, I still decided to turn myself into a Nightblood. However, Luna, our only way of changing into one, was not too keen on helping us anymore after she saw the grounder dying in such a horrifying way. She tried to leave, but sadly for her Miller and Roan didn't let her take a step out of the room. In the end, we had to put her to sleep otherwise there wouldn't have been any kind of way that she would cooperate with us.

At the same time, Clarke talked both me and her mother into letting her join me in this suicidal procedure and after a lot of promises to her mother, Abby reluctantly agreed to let Clarke become a Nightblood, but only if I go first into the chamber and of course after the whole procedure goes perfectly, otherwise Clarke would not step even remotely close to that thing.

Once Clarke got the green light from her mother and after we got the bone marrow into us, we had to wait for almost two hours before Abby took each of us to a bed, ready to check to see if our blood has changed ever so slightly. Abby moves over to her daughter first, worried that her precious baby might feel sick or whatever before she draws a vial of blood from her arm, and we all watched the black blood filling the vial. After she was done with Clarke, Abby turned toward me and did the same thing. Unsurprisingly, my blood was the same as Clarke, indicating that the procedure worked and that the two of us had become Nightbloods.

"Congratulations Clarke, it seems that we had become Nightbloods."

"We still have to test it …"

Disregarding our conversation, Abby puts both of the vials onto the lab table behind her, before standing in front of Clarke again, still worried for her daughter. "It's been two hours, how do you feel, dear?"

"I'm feeling good mom."

"Are you sure? "

"Yes, there's nothing wrong with me."

As soon as we arrived beside the chamber, Abby grabbed Clarke and dragged her away, not taking no for an answer. "I won't let you do it, no matter what."

"But you'll let Leon do it! Besides, you were willing to use it on Emori. Now you have to be willing to use it on us too."

She was caught off-guard by what her daughter just said and before she could even argue, Clarke went past me and walked towards the chamber before she turned towards Sinclair.

"Turn it on."

"Sinclair, don't! Clarke doesn't go inside, please! I saw you die in there!"

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw it."

Suddenly, Raven how felt uncomfortable with how our relationship went since I choose to become a Nightblood and grabbed everyone's attention. "Like I saw the rocket?"

While the mother and daughter duo were having their argument, I felt like a third wheel, barely saying a word and mostly just standing there awkwardly listening and watching the drama developing. Even though Raven's question brought some comfort to the woman, she only nod in response while Clarke looked at her worried that something might be wrong with her mother.

"We're wasting time."

Clarke didn't want to simply waste any more of our limited time and broke free from her mother's grasp before walking towards the chamber. As soon as Abby realized that Clarke was heading right towards the chamber she freak out, pushing me to the side before grabbing an IV pole and charging right at the chamber. Just as I grabbed her from doing anything stupid, the woman turned and smacked me in the head with the pole staggering me for a second, giving her mother enough time to smash the radiation chamber until there was no way for us to repair this machine.

Once she saw what she had done, Abby drops the pole, sliding down to the floor before crying and apologizing to her daughter forgetting that she had just hit me in the head with a metal pole.

Rather than going to comfort her, Clarke quickly kneels before me, wiping the blood from my head and desperately trying to keep me from going after her mother. Once she was sure that I wasn't going to do anything to her mother that would destroy our friendship, Clarke gave me one last apologetic look before she walks towards her crying mother, embracing her as she tried to calm down the poor woman. I could only watch this scene in anger more than anything could, mostly because I was foolish enough to think that someone like her wouldn't attack one of her own people, but alas I was wrong. Shaking my head at this thought, I turn away from the group, and head upstairs again, straight for the office. Raven was already calling me on the radio, but I was in no mood for anything right now, especially after someone I genuinely thought was a friend, considering that she was the mother of one of my best friends that is still alive, smacked me in the head.

After half an hour of contemplating everything that just happened today, I picked up my radio and called Raven.

"Finally, I was getting worried, Leon. What happened to you?"

"Don't give me that bullshit Raven. You and I know why I'm like this right now."

"Everyone's angry at Abby for destroying the only hope the grounders had, but we can still find another way. Please come back here, we need you, no I need you here with me."

Hearing her words made me smile and I would lie if I were to say that I wasn't glad to have someone like her beside me. Despite still not loving the idea of being in the same room with Abby, for now, I will put everything behind me, at least until we get back to Mount Weather.

"I'll come back in a few minutes."

"Sure thing. See you soon."

After she ended the call, I massaged my temple before I thought about the rest of my friends, that was still at Arkadia. Surprisingly enough, as soon as I called, Monroe's voice came from the other side.

"Look and behold, you finally call. What's up?"

"Nothing much just got smacked by Abby."

"Sucks to be handsome, I take it. So what have you done to our princess for her overprotective mother to hit you?"

"I plead innocent. "

"Lies! I know you better than most of our friends so spill the beans."

"Abby just destroyed the only thing that might have saved the grounders and while doing that she hit me so that I couldn't stop her in time. What about you? You seem quite interested in what we are doing whatever is going on there."

"Ha ha, no. Jasper is having an end-of-the-world celebration party. He dragged me, Bellamy, and the rest of our friends to the forest for jobi nuts earlier, which is where I was when you called."

"Did he find out everything?"

"I don't think so, then again everything is like an open secret by now. Most of our people are already back in Mount Weather. Only use the young ones who remained at Arkadia for a last party before we bunker down."

"Not a bad pun, but does that mean that you drinking jobi nut tea now?"

"No, never again. Though, Liam did try to get me to come dance with him again."

"If that's your way of making me jealous, you know that it won't work."

"C'mon Leon, we both know how much you love us. Yeah, yeah, I know that you and Raven are a thing, thank goodness for that and yet you still sleep with me from time to time. So don't give me that lie. Besides, I'm more than sure that our engineer can't exactly go for a whole night with you alone."


"Anyway, Bryan talked with Miller earlier, what happened with Emori?"

"Emori's alive because I didn't let them take her. It's the least I can do for Murphy after all the shit he had to go through."

"So you argued with Abby, I take it? I knew you'd do the right thing."

"Not exactly."

"What do you mean, 'not exactly'? Don't tell me…"

"Ahem, I let Abby inject me with the Nightblood and like always our princess followed my example, despite her mother desperately trying to change her mind."

"Wait for a second Leon. Kane and Bellamy came back."

A few minutes go by and the only thing I could hear was static. "Arkadia, come in, Arkadia do you copy?"

"Zoe? Is everything okay? "

"We found it, Leon. We found the Second Dawn bunker."