Chapter 140

Once I returned to the group, I told them what Kane have told me, making everyone happy that we won't have to walk further on this path. After that, we had quite a few meetings on the radio with both Kana as well as Thelonious discussing what we need to bring from to Polis to put the bunker in order and what we can take back to Mount Weather that would help us down there. Kane and Jaha decide to stay behind in Polis with the bunker, while Wells and Monty went back to Arkadia to get Jasper and the rest of the delinquents to leave the place before the death wave gets them. Meanwhile I together with Clarke was leading the group from the island to Polis while Raven, Murphy, and Emori would stay behind to pack up everything we can't take back with us due to not having enough vehicles to transport everything in one trip.

As soon as Miller stops the truck, I park the rover beside it just in time to see Sinclair and Miller jump down before heading towards Kane, who was standing in front of the entrance, waiting for us… well better said waiting for Abby. For some reason, Abby stops Clarke for a second right after Roan gets out of the rover. By the way, Abby glanced at me every few seconds after she start speaking with her daughter made me doubt her intentions after all, ever since I stepped foot on the island, she seemed to have reignited her hatred for me. However, contrary to what she thought her daughter would do, Clarke looks at her with pure disgust before turning away, not wanting to hear a word from her mother. After grabbing a bag, she jumps down, shaking her head at me, telling me that it wasn't anything I should worry about before she jogged after Roan.

It took her a few minutes before she also leaves the rover and follows her daughter, trying to catch up, as I just looked at this not knowing what I did to deserve such treatment from her. Nevertheless, I still let the driver's door open just in case she finds me a bigger threat than she finds me a friend or at least an ally, which to be honest would work against her, considering I was the only reason we have a place to live.

Just as Roan, Clarke, and Abby were about to reach Kane, twenty or so Trikru warriors jumped out of the tree line shrouding the trio, while aiming their spears, bows, and sword at the prince.

"What is this?"

"There doesn't have to be any violence."

The leader of this group look at Kane for a second before his eyes fell on me as my rifle rested on his people, ready to shoot them the moment they decide to go forward with whatever idiotic plan they might have had. Before the Trikru leader could decide the fate of his warriors, he alongside every single one of his warriors was hit by arrows. Seconds later Azgeda warriors appear from seemly thin air, surrounding the surviving Trikru as well as Clarke and the rest of our group. Just as I was about to shoot the Azgeda, I saw Clarke fanatically shaking her head not wanting this already bad situation to escalate even further than it was already.

Since there was nothing I could do for now, I might as well wait and see how the whole thing would develop, when suddenly I felt a sword pressed against my back.

"If I were in your place, I would listen to what I'm about to say."

And here I thought that what I did to her would destroy any and all thoughts of attacking me ever again, but alas it seems that I was wrong because Echo was now standing behind me ready to stab me to death if I don't complain with what she says.

Before she could even react, I hit her in the face with the back of her head, forcing her to lose her focus. Echo was about to slash at me, but she found her sword missing. Not even a second after she realized that she lost her weapon, her whole world went dark before her body hits the floor. With Echo now knocked out cold, I turned to look at the Azgeda warrior who surprisingly enough was now looking at me as if I was some sort of demon.

When I looked at Clarke, I saw a complete mess. For the first time in a good while she looks scared, definitely thanks to Abby becoming a hostage alongside everyone else. At the same time, Roan look at me, not knowing how he should react since on one hand, his spy attacked me first and I just defend myself, but on the other hand, he had superior numbers, but rather than risking everyone's life in a gamble he just closed his eyes letting me leave with Echo, while at the same time keeping the rest of my group hostage as an assurance that Echo would remain alive until we meet again.

As I was driving towards Mount Weather, I kept a hand on my pistol just in case the spy girl would wake up from her nap, while at the same time, I was trying to contact the mountain and inform them of what just happened.

"Mount Weather, please come in."

Unfortunately for me, nothing other than static came. "Someone please respond for fuck sake!"

Once more no response came. "Mount Weather, this is rover one, do you read me? We are in danger, someone answers me, damn it!"

For the third time in a row, the only response I got was the same annoying static. In frustration, I slammed the radio on the seat next to me, choosing to forget about it and drive faster toward the mountain hoping that nothing happen to it yet. It's not long before the familiar road that led to the mountain comes into view, and soon after, so does the main entrance. The four guards that were tasked to guard the entrance quickly aimed their guns at the rover, but as soon as they saw me get off, they calmed down, letting out a sigh they didn't know they were holding in.

"Good to see you, Leon."

"Hey, Oscar, I need your radio to contact Bellamy or Sergey."

"Something happened huh?"

"Something bad."

"Bloody Thursday. Here, I'll go and inform Byrne about this, half of the guards would come to help if you need us, mate. After all, we can't just leave the bunker undefended."

"Thanks, Oscar."

He pulls his radio off his belt and tosses it to me before he walked inside the bunker.

"Bellamy or Sergey, do you read me?"

A few seconds pass before Bellamy's voice comes through the radio, seemly confused that he heard my voice.

"How are you on this channel, Leon? This is for the short-range walkie-talkies."

"Meet me in the chancellor's office. Bring everyone with you."

"Sure thing, but wait! Are you here?"

"Yes, I'll explain when I see you guys, also bring guns with you, we might need them."

"Copy that."

It took me a few minutes to reach the chancellor's office and by the time I reach the room, Bellamy, Sergey, Brian, Zoe and a few other delinquents that didn't stay for Jasper's party were cramped inside the office waiting for me.

"Glad to see you guys still have my back."

"What happened Leon? Weren't you supposed to be in Polis with Clarke?"

"Azgeda happened. They took hostages our friends and some Trikru after they killed a fair amount of warriors. I took Echo as a hostage just so that Roan won't kill our people."

"That's perfect, isn't it? The end of the world is coming and yet those idiots only want to fight…"

"C'mon Monroe, let Leon explain why he needs us."

"Ahem, I'm going after Clarke and the rest of our friends. I can't do it alone, but I won't lie this won't end nicely. There are more warriors inside Polis than we can fight even from an entrenched position nevertheless in this urban setting."

Just as they were about to speak, the radio that was set on the desk comes to life.

"Come in, Mount Weather. Bellamy? Leon? Does any of you copy?"

"Clarke, I'm here, are you okay? What about the others?"

"We're okay, for now, Bellamy. Indra was with Kane when they found the bunker, and since we don't need it, Trikru was more than happy to defend it. Azgeda and Trikru are refusing to live in the bunker together, and they're on the brink of war. I'm holding things down the best I can here, and we're supposed to meet with Indra soon to see if we can all work something out, but tensions are high. You need to get back here as soon as you can."

"Clarke, I'd rather not come into the city unarmed, so please tell me the truth. How low are the chances we can take you out of there if we enter without guns?"


"Then we will come armed. Worst come true we would simply break our way through the Azgeda."

"No Leon, we won't start a war now. Please do it for me."

There was no way in hell I would walk into that city without a gun, but at the same time, I don't need to be armed to fight.

"Clarke, we will be there at the first light. Stay safe out there."

"You too Leon. See you soon."

As soon as the radio dies, I turn towards my friends. "You heard me right? We are moving out in twenty minutes!"

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