The End? - The sacrifices we make

(A/N : The grand finale of this long fan fiction, at least for now. I recommend listening to Wind Rose – Tomorrow Has Come, makes it just a tad more fulfilled in my opinion.)

(A/N: Worry not. I will continue with more chapters ,The Post Praimfaya events)

"You two should have no problem reaching the tower. Once the tablet is connected, the dish will align itself with the Ark. The graphic will flash green, and that's how you know it's locked on. When it says send, you hit send, then the power-up signal will turn on the lights, and that should do it. Are there any questions?"

Raven finishes her instruction with a smile, leaving the three of us to wonder why in god's name was she smiling. Since I was the closest one to her among the three of us, I decided to bite the bullet and find out why would she smile in such a situation.

"I don't say that it's wrong, but why are you smiling?"

"Because without comms, even with the power on, we still can't open the hangar bay door from inside the rocket."

"Wait. How is that a good thing?"

That's when it hit me. Clarke did tell me that Raven wanted to die in space doing one last spacewalk and that's why she was smiling.

"Well, Bellamy, our dear Tinky would then get to take her spacewalk."

Just as Bellamy was about to comment on my answer, a sudden noise coming from behind Raven made us turn our attention in that direction. Right as all four of us turned, a familiar orange figure dragged his body through the snow shaking in such a way that made us scared for his life. I was the first one to reach the figure, while the other were still in shock. With my help, we put the machine on the ground before Murphy fell to the ground. "Murphy talk to me, what happened and where's Monty?"

It took him a few seconds to respond and even though he was struggling to catch his breath, John managed to put together a sentence.

"Monty…he's in trouble, he had to expose his hands. I… tried to help…but he passed out. If we go back now, we can get to him just in time."

Before anyone could say anything, Raven turns towards me and showed me a concerned look before she start speaking.

"Preparing and aligning the dish can be done by two persons, Clarke and Leon can handle it. While Harper will help me with the generator. Now go, Bellamy!"

Neither one of the needed another word to be said before they ran toward Monty. Once they run into the forest, I turned towards Raven. "Rave-"

"Don't you fucking dare Leon! If this is one of those moments where you tell me that this might be our last-"

"No, I was just gonna say, that we will be back. And that I love you."

"I love you too, you stupid block."

I smiled at her before I took the pack from the ground, just as she recovered and start explaining what we had to do once more.

"Everything you two need is inside. It's gonna take you at most 10 minutes to get back from the tower and down to the cockpit. You have to leave that tower with 10 minutes on the clock or … you'll both be left behind."

For a second Clarke shivered before she nodded at Raven. "Ten minutes, we got this Raven."

"Any last advice Tinky?"

"Run forest run!"

We didn't waste any seconds after Raven joked at us, as we run off toward the tower. With me in the front we quickly moved through the snow, thus helping Clarke keep pace through the snow in that clunky suit we had to wear. I felt like a snowplow and for a second I almost burst out laughing imagining myself clearing the snow, when out of nowhere one of the worst burning sensations I ever felt fell on my chest.

Not now! I knew that the rad radiation poisoning was going to hinder me, but despite the pain, I clench my teeth and push forward until we reached the bottom of the tower. As soon as we reach the tower, Clarke took a look at her watch before she turned towards me.

"We have fourteen minutes. Better make them count!"

That didn't sound all that good and because of that, we both look at each before I nodded at her. As soon as she saw me giving her the signal, Clarke quickly pulls the panel open before almost gluing the table on it. "We found it! Sat-Star-One!"

Just as we thought that everything would be done easily, the table showed us something that neither one of us wanted to see.

|Dish not aligned. Dish not aligned|

"What did we do wrong?"

"Something's not right with this shit. Let's call Raven."

Clarke grabs the radio from the pack before she calls for Raven.

[Raven, please say that you can hear me. Something went wrong. We did everything you said, but it wouldn't-]

While Clarke was busy trying to reach Raven, I took a closer look at the panel when I saw it. "You've got to be kidding me."

Clarke looks at me worriedly, as I pointed up the tower to the very top, where the dish was situated. Seeing what I was pointing at Clarke quickly checked the countdown on her watch showing her that we had less than ten minutes left. There was not enough time to fix the dish and go back to the lab in time and because of that if both of us were to survive, we had to leave now. However, if we leave now, then we will all die in space. Without hesitation, Clarke pushes the radio into my hand before she unplugs the tablet from the panel.

"Go back to the lab, Leon. I'll meet you there."

"C'mon princess, I'm not that dumb. You'll die if I leave you now.

"If you don't, we both will die!"

"Well if we are to die, at least let's die doing something for our friends."


"No time for buts. Let's climb Clarke."

A second later, she run over to the ladder and start to climb up behind me, watching as I climb higher and higher. Each rung that brings us higher into the sky gives us a better glimpse of the approaching death wave, growing more terrifying the higher on the tower we get.

"Our fight is over. "

She is right, our fight is definitely over. As soon as we reached the top, Clarke's timer starts to beep, telling us that we are out of time. Not even a full minute later we heard an explosion before the rocket with our friends flew into the sky. In the end, they did the right thing, leaving us behind. A small yet hurtful price to pay for their life. The only regret I had was that I could save Clarke as well. When I turned to face her, I saw her tears falling on her cheeks, making me reach out for her hand.

"I know princess, but our friends are not safe yet, and they will not be until we get that damned power on."

Unable to wipe her tears away, Clarke plugs in the tablet again, and the computer repeats the same words we saw back at the base. Not wanting our death to be in vain I smacked the side of the panel as hard I could, hoping that this will fix it, alas to no result as the table keep repeating the same words.

Seeing that nothing was working, Clarke looks up at the dish, making me look at it too, realizing what she had in mind.

"I'll do it, just point me in the right direction."

She nodded just as I start to climb up to the dish. As soon as I reach it, I move the satellite pointing into the sky and as soon as it was pointed in the right direction, it made a clicking sound.

"Leon! Push it forward!"

I did what she said, pushing the satellite forward, and pointing it toward the ground until I heard another click. "Now, pull it back again!"

I pull it back again until the third and final click was heard. "We did it! Dish aligned!"

I jumped down to her, just as she hit the send button. Once the button was pressed we look at the table, watching the green bar loading as slowly as a window update, until finally it goes through and a small |Send| appeared on the screen, making both of us smile at our success.

We didn't waste any more time after we saw that the signal was sent as we rushed as fast as we could down the ladder, before reaching the snow. Our previous steps were already covered and because of that, I had to put in the same amount of effort as before, this time through under an even worst amount of pain than before. There was no way we could outrun the death wave, but we still tried. Just as we were about to reach the lab, a rock hit Clarke in the head knocking her down. She tried to get back on her feet, but she couldn't find the strength to do it and for a second she thought that this was her end when she felt herself being lifted from the ground. As soon as I picked her I glanced down at her and to my horror her helmet had cracks on it, making it useless.

Without even thinking about the consequences of what was going to happen to me, I remove both of our helmets before putting mine on Clarke, leaving me without a helmet to protect me from the radiation. With a direct path into my body, the radiation start to burn me even worse than before making every step I took painful as hell.

Just as we reached the lab, I collapse unable to move at all. In the end, the radiation won the fight… Just as I was about to lose consciousness, most likely for good, I heard Clarke yelling out in pain, and out of nowhere, I found the strength to move once more dragging her body down into the lab. Once we walk down the stairs, I lean her against the wall, hoping to god that she wouldn't die down here with me.

Just as I look over to Clarke for the last time, the pain and exhaustion caught up to me, forcing me to lay back on the ground beside Clarke. Right before my world went dark I glanced up to the sky hoping that Raven the other reached the Ark by now.

At the same time, somewhere in the sky, standing inside her now home for the next five years, Raven stood in the viewing window of the Ark, staring down at the Earth below, once a beautiful planet, transformed into a real hell. The longer she stared at the planet, the more tears fall down her face, as she was thinking of the boy she fell in love with, now swallowed by radiation. "May we meet again."

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