Post Praimfaya Chapter 1

Clarke woke up and gasped out in shock. It took her a few seconds to remember everything and when she did, she crawl over to Leon and check his breathing and heartbeat, relieved that he was still alive, but that relief doesn't last for long when she took a closer look at the boy who saved her again. Even though she was also exposed to the radiation, Leon's explosion was worse than she would have ever thought. The boy didn't show any signs of pain the whole time they were at the tower, but now, she could clearly see the wounds that were covering his body weren't as fresh as hers.

No place on his body wasn't covered with lesions and burns, looking painfully cracked and irritated, and yet Leon hadn't shown even once that he was in pain or that he was suffering. Despite not being as knowledgeable as her mother or Jackson, Clarke was adamant about saving Leon's life, even if she would have to sacrifice hers that was the least she could do for the boy.

Since the Praimfaya has passed and the suit serves no other purpose other than restricting her, Clarke quickly got out of her before she gently and slowly removed Leon's own suit, giving her a better look at his wounds, making her once again gasp at how badly wounded the boy truly was. Before she could even begin treating him, she needs to find a place to put him and luckily for her, Leon didn't get to the bottom of the lab which made her job easier since there were some couches on the top area of the lab where the office was.

It took her an entire hour to gently drag Leon's body and raise him on the couch, but as soon as she saw him resting on that couch she smiled at him, round that she manage to carry him from the floor onto the couch where he would be able to properly rest now once she cleans his wounds.

With Leon on the couch, Clarke turned her attention toward other things that she had to do now. For the next hour or so she scavenge everything she could use from simple rags to some alcohol and even some meds that were left behind when she realized that something was missing, something really important that might just save the both of them.

Dropping the supplies onto one of the tables, she then run back up the stairs and into the office, before heading straight to the radio that somehow wasn't damaged. Rather than calling the Mountain or the Second Dawn bunker, Clarke tried to reach the Ark, especially since they used the same channels as they use down here.

"Raven, Bellamy, it's Clarke, can anyone hear me?"

Clarke tried to contact the Ark and then both bunkers, but sadly, for her, all of her attempts ended up being unsuccessful. Not even a single response came through, the only thing was static and that was it. Clarke realized that for the next five years or so, she and Leon would have to survive alone without their friends and family.

Just like that Clarke watched over Leon and tried to contact the Ark for three days, alas to no result reaching the Ark or any bunker, no matter how hard or how often she tried. Thankfully for both of them, Leon's wounds were slowly but surely healing despite him still being unconscious, a thought that brought Clarke another sense of fear into her, thinking that maybe this long coma might do some brain damage to him. Thanks to her mother being in a hurry, quite a few IVs with glucose were left behind, and because of that Clarke manages to "feed" Leon despite his state. As for what she ate, let's just say that the emergency rations should only be eaten in the last case if possible.

For god knows which time this was, Clarke sit on the chair and turned the radio on, before she call the Ark with the same message she had done for the past three days.

"Raven, Bellamy, or anyone else can you hear me?"

Once again, she sits staring at the radio, wishing to hear the voices of her friends but as always nothing came through. Even though she knew that the radiation are interfering, there was still a slim chance that the Ark might hear her and that was Clarke's encouragement to try each day. Just as she was about to end today's attempt, a familiar voice that she thought she would never hear almost gave her a heart attack.

"You know princess, some people need to rest…"

For a second she thought that this was all a dream, but when her eyes saw me trying to sit on the couch she rush over to help me, while at the same time trying to wipe out her tears. As soon as she reaches me, I hug her as best I could in my current condition. We stood like that for a few minutes in silence, letting Clarke cry in my embrace until she calmed down.

"I was worried you wouldn't make it, and that I'd have to do this all alone."

"C'mon Clarke, you know better than anyone that none of you are rid of me that easily. After all, you fools made me your leader back when we crashed."

"That we had done. So…how are you feeling?"

"Like I have been wrestling with a T-Rex. How long I was out?"

"Almost four days. You have been out ever since I woke up and I take you passed out as soon as you carried me inside, no?"

"I think so, I can't seem to remember all that clearly anything from that day other than that I miss our friends."

As I was speaking, Clarke handed me some food that came from the MRE that look dangerously close to baby formula but considering that I haven't eaten anything in the past few days, this might be the best thing to start out with.

"How are we doing on supplies?"

"Depending on how many times and how much we eat in a day, we have more than enough food for a couple of months at best, after that…we might have to go outside and search for something to eat if there's even something left out there."

"Please do remind me to thank Abby and Raven for leaving behind all of those good things. Also, Clarke…" She turns towards me and looks at me with a confused look on her face. "… Thank you for keeping me alive."

She smiled at me before she turned back to the radio. I might not know how she feels being so far away and yet so close to her mother, but one thing was for sure, from now onwards, the two of us would have to rely on each other more than ever if we want to survive. Moreover, I'll be damned if I would let anything happen to her, especially after she saved my life once again.

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