Post Praimfaya Chapter 2

Almost two months had passed since I've woke up in the lab and since then Clarke and I made steady progress in reaching the surface, mostly due to me not being able to exert all that much effort, thus Clarke had to do the heavy lifting, at least in the first month. Once my wounds healed up somewhat, I could more or less double the effort I was putting into clearing the rubble that was blocking our only way up.

And now after two months of clearing the rubble with nothing but makeshift shovels and our hands, we finally managed to break through a little letting the sun rays hit our faces. I could see Clarke stepping down from the small hill that was blocking our exit before she turns to face me.

"We did it Leon! We are almost out!"

For the first time in a while, I genuinely smiled at her before making my way up from where she climbed down. A small gap was all we could see, but it was more than enough to give us hope. Without wasting any more time, I put my hands on that piece of concrete and pushed as hard as I could, managing to slightly move it. Seeing that my effort barely did anything to it, I pushed again and despite the pain that appeared I pushed harder than before, sending the concrete flying down the rubble and letting the bright light flow into the lab.

Once the sun's rays hit my face, I let out a laugh, barely able to contain myself anymore. It didn't take long before Clarke joined me as both of us were glad that we managed to dig our way out of this damned lab that was our home for the last two months. A few seconds later, I climb out of the lab before turning around to help Clarke up, grabbing her hand and dragging her through the breach.

Contrary to how we thought the land would look, the reality was apocalyptic if I could call it that. Even though we knew that the death wave would destroy anything and everything in its path, what was in front of us, made us realize just how lucky both of us were to survive.

In front of our eyes once stood a forest, but now, everything was a barren and dead land. There were no trees, and the water on the edge of the island was now gone, most likely evaporated by the death wave. The mansion and the lighthouse bunker were nothing more than mountains of rubble at this point, nothing more than distant memories left in our minds. Moreover, if that wasn't bad enough, we would have to walk for hundreds of kilometers before we could reach Polis then even more kilometers to reach Mount Weather.

Trying not to think about that, I decided to check the area while Clarke went back into the lab to bring out our backpacks with all of our supplies. In the end, nothing was left untouched by the death wave, making me shake my head in disappointment, then again what did I even expect to find left untouched?

While I was trying to find an answer to my question, I felt a hand grabbing mine, making me turn and look at Clarke, who wear a worried look on her face. Over the last two months, the two of us grew closer than ever, mostly since we both had to rely on each other to survive otherwise, at least in my case, I wouldn't had survive for too long with those nasty wounds that the radiations inflicted on me.

"Did something happen?"

"I don't know … I just tried to check the area for survivors… for fuck sake Clarke, I think I'm going insane."

Rather than answering me, she gently embraced me, pulling me into a hug, trying to calm me down and show me that I wasn't alone. That she was here for me as much as I was here for her. It took me a minute to calm down before I smiled at her.

"Thanks, princess. So are we going to leave the island today?"

Clarke nodded at me before pulling a map from her backpack and unfolding it on the ground.

"We have to walk for 340 kilometers if we want to reach Polis. Considering your state, I reckon it would take us at least a month in the worst case and maybe a week or two if we really push ourselves to reach the city. The only problem we might face is our supplies. We only have food and water for a month or so if we eat and drink once a day otherwise, our supplies will run out after two weeks."

"Look at the bright side, we won't have to swim."

She shook her head before she turned serious once more.

"We can do this Leon. No, we have to. You need to be treated by a proper medic and not some girl that learns some things from her mother. I know that you aren't feeling all right, but you are hiding it for me and I'm thankful for that. However, I hate when I see you suffering."

I didn't say anything, because she was right. For some reason, nothing was working as it should have been working. My body had a higher healing factor than anyone did and yet not even with the nightblood running through my veins was my body recovering from the radiation. Instead, it felt as if it was only getting worse by the day. Nevertheless, I gave Clarke an apologetic smile before we begin our journey toward Polish.

Five hours of walking under the sun, was not an easy thing to do, especially since neither one of us talked, as we tried to preserve our energy and cover more distance before we had to rest for the night. As I was feeling the sun burning me through my shirt, I heard Clarke letting out a yelp of surprise before she dashed forward toward something.

By the time I reached her side, Clarke was already smiling at a pile of rocks, one rather awfully familiar pile I might say. As soon as I turned towards her, she had already got a shovel in her hands.

"This is where we parked the rover!"

"Let's just hope that it's still working."

We start digging all around the area where Monty parked the rover, revealing more and more of the upper part of the rover. At first, it was only the gun, but the more we dig, the more of the rover we uncovered from under the sand. By the time we finished digging the whole rover from under the sand, the sun had already set, thus both of us decided to rest for the night inside the rover since we couldn't see if the battery would charge unless we somehow create an artificial sun in the night.

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