Chapter 3

A week later...

Batman appeared on the holo-projector and said "I'm going to split this team up for your first mission we have reason to believe there's cult activity and metahuman trafficking in these two locations. Here in Tokyo, Japan we found some of the league of shadows tracking three supposed meta's. Your contact is this man Doctor Xui-Lung for this mission I'm assigning Infinite Star to this mission you're going to be paired with Red Arrow." "Aw, what how come he technically gets a solo mission?" Wally complained.

"For reasons you're not ready to know about Kid Flash. As for the rest of you you'll be heading to Isla Santa Prisca this is a covert and recon mission only." "So uh who's in charge?"Robin asked. Red Tornado and Batman looked at each other then back at all of us. "Work it out amongst yourselves. By the way Infinite Star I need to talk to you before you leave." "Later Tora." "Yeah see ya." As M'gann and SuperBoy began to get on Bioship I stopped them both.

"Hey guys look I'm sorry for about what I said to you the other day it was rude and insensitive of me. SuperBoy you had every right to be mad at me and I'm not asking for your forgiveness but at least accept my apology. I also have something to tell you two when we all get back." "I accept your apology and I forgive you." I stood there stunned as M'gann uttered those words. "Yeah, I do to plus if she forgives you it'll be rude of me not to forgive you aswell." "Just be safe out there." M'gann warned. "Hey, even a star has it's limits." I hugged them both as I wished them luck on their mission and went to meet Batman at the Zetatube. "So what's my mission briefing Batman?" "You and Red Arrow are to investigate and take down a new metahuman/slavery syndicate calling themselves The White Suns. Also I'm sending you on this mission for the betterment of yourself and your trust in others I also know your secret..." I looked at Batman shook.

"Robin knows and so do the members of the League that you trust aswell as the Bat-family." "...yes." "You can't tell the others just not yet." "It's not my place but just be careful who you trust I'm also sending you on this mission to get you to find the best friend and your moon." "Just like you and SuperMan?" I questioned. "... You will meet Red Arrow at Shibuya at the hotel known as Azabujuban." "Understood Batman but um how will I get there?" "You've got powers don't you?" "Well yes but I don't like using it because of..." "I understand you don't like using them because it reminds you of your past. However, you are so much more than what they wanted you to be. You are the Infinite Star you are meant to be a symbol of something greater something better than what you were raised to be but only you can realize that potential by conquering your fears and your past." Batman reassured me as he put a hand on my shoulder.

I stood there absorbing all the peptalk he gave me then I looked at him and smiled. "Thank you Batman thanks to you I realized who and what I want to be to the people and the world. I have request for you if you let me." " it." "I was wondering if you could make me something that's inspired by the Greek Spartans." "I'll do the best I can." "Thank you."

As Dark Matter started swirling from my hands and surrounded my body I looked at Batman and said: "I won't fail." Once Infinite Star disappeared Batman turned around and began to walk away. "I know you won't fail that's the other reason I assigned you to this mission."