Chapter 4

As I arrived in the middle of a dark alley I decided to fly up onto a nearby roof to get a better view of the Shibuya district. As I saw the lights and hustle bustle of this place I was just awe struck. "Simply beautiful." I muttered to myself. "Back to the mission at hand." I took out my phone as I did a holographic 3D map that had popped up and it began to show me the gps signal of Red Arrow.

"Alright, let's get back to street level and head to Red Arrows' position. I jumped down slowing my fall with my dark matter wings then put on my trench coat and fedora as I walked out into the crowded streets. As I neared the hotel someone bumped into me and was followed by four men in strange medium armored suits I sighed and went after them.

(Why does my first real mission have to start off like a shonen manga?) As the mysterious person wall jumped onto a roof two of the four men split off in directions while the other two chased after the mysterious person as the mysterious person came across a huge gap that they wouldn't be able to cross they turned to see two of their persueres behind them then one trained a laser sight on them as the other appeared just at the other roof top she was trying to get to.

"Just come back quietly." said the lead persuer as he stepped forward slightly and held out a non threatening hand as a show of no Ill will. "You see I would but mother always told me not to listen nor follow strange men." The mysterious person replied snarkly. "24606, you're to come back with us peaceful or we will be authorized to use deadly force." One of the lackeys chimed in.

"Well, come and get me." (Take the shot Barso.) As the other men waited for the shot it never came. (Barso! Barso come in.) (Argh, screw it! Everyone get them.) The mysterious person readied themselves for combat and drew their short sword as a faint flow of electricity particles surrounded them as they swung their sword and sent a wave of electricity at the two assalliants one jumped over the wave and threw five kunai at the person as the other surfed around it at the last minute.

They fired their pistol the bullets lost it's velocity and fell to the ground as the kunai bounced off the electric particle field. Soon after, the color of their electric particle field changed to a snowy-white. The leader stopped his pursuit as he quickly backed away the other looked back and tried to do the same but it was too late the white hot lightning sent her flying and she cried out in pain as she gripped the hole of where her armor was shattered from the lightning as it coursed throughout her body and armor.

The leader and the other on the other side readied their retractable knives and charged at their prey. (Maneuver 7.8.) (Copy that sir.) As the leader shot darts from their wrist gauntlets the second assailant followed up with an above heel drop they quickly deflected the darts and jumped out the way of the heel drop but the leader quickly grabbed their prey and restrained them as the leader put power dampener cuffs on them.

(This is Commander Ilbaro, 24606 has been captured. We are currently awaiting medical evacuation and prisoner transport.) "Vilmor, go check on the others." "Sir!" That's when a dark matter nitrogen chain crashed down exploding between the three people sending them flying causing the girl to slide on the other side of the roof. "Who Dares!?" exclaimed Commander Ilbaro. "Hey, yeah uh; I kind of dare now let us dance who wants the first session?" I questioned to the mysterious lead asalliant. "Very well, I'll take you on." "Commander you can't!" "Vilmor...Watch closely you'll learn why I'm the Commander and the reason I've kept this from you. "Commander what are you...?" Commander Ilbaro took off most of his armor except his helmet and combat boots revealing a purple robe outlined with navy blue horizontal lines, and fastened with a tasseled green belt. "Let us begin."

The commander pulled down the left part of his robe and a bone protruded from his shoulder and grew a new one in its place. "Whoa! Neat trick so you're a metahuman." "One out of ten." "Ten? Are you with The White Suns?" "We are. I'm ranked three of the 10 White Sun Guardians." The Commander moved so fast I couldn't see him. (First piercing, lightning bone.) I suddenly felt a white hot pain enter my shoulder. (Lightning rune placed. Time to begin the next phase.) I swung back but I was too late the Commander had vanished again. (Thunder illusion second bone.) I heard a boom of thunder and felt three sharp pains go through my two lower legs and another in my upper left arm.

I screamed out in pain as I fell to my knees. "Please, give up I do not wish to kill you." I tried to get back up but quickly fell back down. "If you try to resist any further I will have no choice but to kill you. Do not resist any further." "Sorry, but I don't know the meaning of not burning up as hot as a white dwarf without giving one hell of a last stand!" I yelled. Dark Matter and Liquid Nitrogen began to expel out of my body. (I have to finish this now!) The commander disappeared again. "BEHIND YOU!"

That's when a wall of Liquid Nitrogen infused with lightning stopped the Commander's attack and freezed his bone sword. (Was it because of 24606 he knew I was there? Or was it because of this mysterious power? Wait! This isn't the power he displayed before the air it's more dense and getting harder to breathe.)