Chapter 6

Two hours before midnight...

"So here's the plan...I need Kitsune to absorb the electricity from the two back up generators at these two points. Meanwhile, I'm going to keep a look out for any reinforcements. Infinite Star, and Gem-Night will meet our contact at the meeting point and go rescue the Vector level metahumans. However; there's an emergency shut down that will begin in five minutes once both generators are confirmed shut down this will alert the White Sun Guardians that's in the general vicinity."

"So it's a stealth mission?" I chimed in. "Close, it's a Rescue stealth mission the last two people we need are being held in this facility." "Do I still get to knock on some White Sun Traffickers heads?" Kitsune asked I sighed and palmed my face. "Oh you've got something to say?" Kitsune growled. "I would but you're not going to listen." "Oh what's that supposed to mean huh?" "You're rash, headstrong, emotional, you don't think before charging into battle, and your techniques are sloppy. At best mediocre." Kitsune grabbed me by my shirt and bought me close to her face. "Do you want to take this outside?"

"Are you hoping to get a kiss now and I would but I'm pretty sure you'd alert all of the enemies we're coming before we have a chance to leave here. Kitsune stammered and blushed in embarrassment. "Join me for a smoke outside before these two get too friendly?" Gem-Night asked Red Arrow "No; I don't smoke. I'm heading down stairs to get me some coffee want some?" "Sure, Carmel Blonde frappe please." "Yeah, yeah I got you." Red Arrow replied as he gave a slight wave and walked out of the room.

Gem-Night went out on the balcony and took out an aroma cigarette and lit it as he began to smoke it he stopped mid second puff. "What're doing here?" "Just came to check on you. I see you switched to a healthy version of your stress free addiction. "Eh, it's not as good as the old stuff but it gets me by." "I'm proud of you K..." "Don't call me that name it's dead." "Don't talk to your...." "You're not. Not after what you did to..." "It was for a greater purpose you'll understand one day." "Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't. You're lucky I don't to kill you here now." "Even you know you're no match for the League of Shadows let alone combine power of The White Suns and The league of shadows." "Maybe not now but I promise you the next time you come near me or my team I'll not hesitate whether you are blood or not to kill you."

The visitor just scoffed then turned their back. "Next time, it won't be a family visit but it'll end with one of us dead." They then vanished as wind chimes tinged in the low breeze of the late summer night. "Agreed." Gem-Night gripped the balcony's railing so tight he began expand his powers into the material of the railing  causing it to decay. "Calm down, Alexander it's not that serious to be so up-tight." Alexander turned to see Red Arrow returning with his coffee. Alexander took it and thanked Red Arrow. "Those two still going at it Roy?" "Surprisingly, they both are sleeping next to each other."

Roy turned to see both Arctora'hm and Kitsune asleep in the bed with Kitsune snuggled atop of Arctora'hm. Alexander turned and chuckled and looked over at the busy city. "Those two would make the cutest couple." "I agree... What's the matter Alex?" "It's nothing..." Alexander replied sheepishly looking down at his coffee. "They came to visit while I was gone and those two were arguing huh?" "Yeah... And I'm afraid I might have to kill them if they hurt any of you. I know I just met those two but I can't help but feel happy and a need... no a desire to protect them. Think of someone other than myself." "I get it, after the fall out with Ollie and The Team. I wasn't just resigning to do Vigilante work. I was resigning from having to deal with the responsibilites I was implied to uphold no matter the circumstances. But when I look in the mirror every morning I feel like I'm not living up to my full potential like I need to."

Alex and Roy both looked at eachother then laughed. "Oh man, look how far we've fallen talking about our inner demons." Roy stated. "I know you're supposed to be the pessimist. Yet, it actually feels nice to talk about my inner stress with someone who I consider my most closets best friend." Alex answered back. "Don't mention it Alex. Let's just get these last two metas."

"Wait a second... You're leaving after this mission aren't you?" "Yeah, my job here will be done I only did this as a favor to Kaldur and the others." "You did this for the newbie hero?" "He's going to surpass us both someday in tactioning and being adaptable but he's going to be universally known." "You're trying to leave the life for what?" "I've got business of my own to finish this was just pitstop in the right direction. Plus I never said I was leaving the life I just got something more important to do."

Roy finished his last bit of coffee and walked back into the room. Alex just looked at Roy and began to walk back in the room when he felt an ominous presence he looked up at the night sky and saw it about to storm. "This isn't going to end well for us."