Chapter 7

"Hey, you two threat-flirting love birds get up." Red Arrow tossed a pillow at Tora and Kitsune. Kitsune woke up first and realized she was snuggled up on top of Arctora'hm and quickly got up before pushing him off the bed causing him to hit the floor. "Ow, Next time a gentle tap will do before pushing me off the bed." Arctora'hm says muffled still face first on the carpeted floor as he gets back up. A knock on the door was heard and Red Arrow went to answer it. "Alfred, What are you doing here?" "Master Bruce wanted me to drop these off to Master Tora and wanted me to say Batman wishes you luck."

Alfred handed Red Arrow the package and tipped his hat and walked away.

Red Arrow closed the door then turned to me. "Hey Arctora'hm Batman dropped this off for you. Get changed and we'll head out." Red Arrow handed me the package and I went to change. I came out and asked them how I looked. "Like a Roman commander." Gem-Night commented. "Looks good on you." Red Arrow chimed in. Kitsune stayed silent but her face was red. "It looks stupid on you." "If you hate it then why is your face super red." Red Arrow teased. "Sh-Shut up!" We all laughed as Kitsune was flustered. I walked up to her and looked at her in the eyes as I took off my helm.

"I trust you to have my back when things get hairy." I moved a stray hair away from her eyes and tucked it behind her ear. "Don't hide those pretty grey eyes." I smiled at her and got back up and put my helm back on. "What's your symbol?" Red Arrow asked. "Your symbol for when the people of Earth see you they feel safe. But also what is your alias?" "My symbol is going to be the Greek Spartan helmet with an infinite sign on the helmet. As for my alias you can call me The Infinite Spartan." "Not infinite star?" Gem-Night asked. "That was the name that Cadmus gave me it's time I separate from them and focus on the team and my friends."

Red Arrow smiled as he got up and began walking out the door followed by the rest of us. As we reached we scoped out the area and we saw six patrols, eight vehicle patrols, six snipers, and five search lights. "Kitsune, go take out the generators they are marked here and here. I'll cause a distraction Gem-Night and Infinite Spartan go in and meet our contact as soon as the guards scramble. Kitsune you're to help with the second part of the mission Gem-Night you're with me on extraction." "Got it boss." "Whatever." "Understood." I turned to Kitsune and grabbed her arm. She turned and looked at me and down at her arm. "Yes?" "Just be careful and I'll be sure to watch your back." "Try not to miss me too much pretty eyes." She said flirtatiously and put a hand on my cheek then jumped down to the Warehouse. "A star never falls so easily."

I said to myself as me and Gem-Night waited for the signal. Red Arrow climbed up on a tree then ran on a tree branch and jumped off onto one of the patrol vehicles and one of the patrolmen took out their gun and began shooting the roof but Red Arrow was on the side and opened the passenger side of the door and punched the patrolman in the face multiple times once he was knocked out he quickly got back on the roof and jumped off but not before setting a explosive timer arrow on the back of it.

He took out a grabbling bola arrow and shot it at the driver as the hand retracted back it wrapped around the driver and the vehicle blew up. "Hmm, not bad I could've done better at least by 2 minutes. Man I Ollie would've given me an intense lecture and training if he saw that weak timing. I was lucky I had that grappling bola arrow." (Diversion created. Begin black out next.) (Got it boss.) Kitsune began to absorb the electricity from the first generator and held out her free hand and began to absorb the electricity from the second generator up on the roof thanks to the above coming storm. looming.

Guards scrambled to the explosion and two guards with engineers began to run out to fix the generators when all of a sudden a green light knocked out one guard and the other guard coughed up blood then fell to her knees her eyes rolled in the back of her head. "Sadly, your punishment for false love was cutting your withered heart string. May the Yvstorm watch over your ascension." "Oh man, I ain't think we'd make it in time. Speaking of YvStorm where is the old man?"

"Uh, who are you guys?"  Kitsune had asked them. Still visibly confused. "Pardon me ma'am, please forgive me for the obscene blood on your clothes here. Take this."

The guy with a monocle a midnight blue and green top hat with a full 1800 English garb pulled a handkerchief from his jacket and handed it to Kitsune. She looked at  the man suspiciously and took it. "As to who we are. We are The Purgatory Trio." The man from earlier stated as he took off his top hat and bowed slightly to Kitsune. "My name is Jackson Bilstein. But you may know me by a different moniker perhaps Jack The Ripper."

He said as he looked back up at Kitsune with his violet-blue eyes and he stroked his mustache. "My partner who aids me this night is known as Emerald Light." "Sorry my name's Jehanne d'Arc many know me in history as Joan of Arc." She smiled as she said it. "Wait, what!?"  Everybody said in unison.