Chapter 8

As Jack The Ripper and Joan of Arc finished disposing of the dead body and hiding the one knocked out. "Sorry for the intrusion we knew you could handle it however Old Man YvStorm had a Purgatory sense that one of you would die in the near future so we came to aid you as best we can." Joan of Arc commented as she dusted off her armor. "Aww man, this was my favorite tunic." She groaned annoyed as she saw fresh blood on the tail end of it. "Damn it Jackson I told you to incapacitate not kill and it's for this very reason exactly you know I hate it when you go overboard like this! Espically when I'm wearing this Tunic!" "I'm sorry my love please forgive me." "I'll wash it as soon as we get back home." Joan of Arc huffed and moved a strand of stray brunette hair out of her face. "Whatever." "Is anyone else some how not weirded out by this pairing?" "Nope." "Nuh-uh" "Definitely not." "Okay, just checking it wasn't just me." I added.

"Hey, we can solve this dispute later right now we need to get back to the mission at hand." Gem-Night interjected. "Emerald, I need you to scout the area for any types of external security measures running off on their own power supply. Jack I need you to stop any reinforcements with Red Arrow." Gem-Night commanded. "Got it." "As you wish monsieur." "I don't trust them." I whispered. "I don't either that's why I've got them running the miscellaneous tasks." "Kitsune, can you do me a favor and get as much information on their last whereabouts from history and when they appeared again in-between that time frame." I asked. "Sure just leave it to me." Kitsune smiled as she began to meditate.

Both Gem-Night and I entered the warehouse as we looked around that's when the lights came on. "The hell?" I whispered as me and Gem-Night stood back to back. "Welcome gentlemen it's a pleasure to see you metaphorically speaking." We looked around to see where the voice was coming from that's when someone jumped down from an above scofolding. "Who the hell are you?" Gem-Night asked getting in a fighting stance. "Ah, pardon me. My name is Hypnis and yes I'm blind but however that's never stopped me before from taking on the most powerful beings in the multiverse." "What do you mean?"  I questioned Hypnis. "I'm known as Hypnis The Blind Creator." Hypnis bowed and soon four heavy metallic footsteps landed on either side of Hypnis. "Let's see how well you two do against my MetaDroids." "Your what!?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Begin." Hypnis smiled as he raised his right hand and that's when his MetaDroids charged at us Gem-Night quickly slammed his hand on the cold warehouse floor only for one of them to run on the wall while another punched through the wall of gem. I decided to shoot dark matter knives at one of them but the third made a shield that absorbed the dark matter. "Damn they're countering us hard as hell." "Switch Dance partners." "Mind if I cut in?" I asked the Super strength MetaDroid. "P-Please he-help us." I back flipped away and got into a defensive stance. "This damn scum bag turned four of those children into MetaDroids!?" "Wait really? Agh!" Gem-Night flew back into a support beam. "Give up, you're in over your heads!" Hypnis cackled excitedly.

"Tsk, BASTARD!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I dashed right for him that's when I was sent flying and tossed to the side and through the warehouse skipping across the ground and near the river. "Argh!" "Oh yes you're going to make an excellent specimen to tinker with." "Wha-What the hell just hit me?" "Oh right that was me my bad. But come on even a scrappy headstrong lad like you can take on a blind old man can't you?" "You're such an asshole." The old man cackled wickedly. "Come on let me taste that power you displayed earlier." "What powers?" Perhaps I have to draw it out." Hypnis turned to his MetaDroids and simply gave the command: "Raise hell on the Family."

The MetaDroid bowed and three of them left as one stayed still beating on Gem-Night. "N-No Sto-stop it!" "You're still not angry yet ugh, what does it take?" Hypnis stroked his beard and then smiled sinisterly and turned to Tora. "Perhaps your little girlfriend will cause you to unlock that power." One of the MetaDroids flashed in front of Kitsune and threw a kick at her but she blocked it with her short sword. She tried to follow it up with a piercing upward slice only to get her sword stopped by a holo-shield.  She quickly began to shoot lightning and electric particles at the MetaDroid but it was just too fast. She soon was punched in the gut she cried out in pain as she flew back and she was quickly mounted and pummeled repeatedly into the ground.

"HOW DARE YOU!" "I said stay down." The gravity around me began to get heavier that's when I felt the burning sensation and a calming sensation at the same time. Hypnis turned to me and watched awestruck as he smiled. "YES! YES!  This data will prove useful for our partners and my research!" "You sadistic old bastard you've gone too far you've hurt these children you've insulted me but once you hurt my loved ones I will obliterate you!" Gold and Azure flames surrounded my body as electricity crackled around my body. "MARVELOUS!" That's when I punched him so hard he flew back into the warehouse and face first into a pile of barrels. I soon disappeared.

As the MetaDroids continued to beat down on my friends I grabbed the one beating down on Kitsune and ripped it's arms off then sent lightning at it causing it to be stunned in place and shot Azure flames around it entrapping it. "Please end me." "May the stars guide you to peace." I shoved my hand through the MetaDroid's chest and pulled out its heart once I did I set it ablaze and electrocuted it. "Th-Thank y__." The MetaDroid fell to it's knees. ("There has to be a faster way at getting to them all.") ("Of course I can set a marker from this one and maybe it'll appear on the others.") I knelt down and focused my energy and put a lighting bolt marker on the dead MetaDroid and soon three lightning bolt like tattoos appeared on my left arm. I walked over to Kitsune and knelt down beside her.

"Yo-You had my back?" "Shh, Lil' Fox rest now the worst is over." I covered her in golden flames which invelped her healing her physical wounds. I soon got back up touched one of the Lightning Bolt Markers on my arm and teleported to where Gem-Night and Joan of Arc was then everything else that happened was a blur.