Chapter 28

With Gem-Night, Keltori, and Ace...

"So who da hell is we going after?" Ace asked One of the Light's most prominent and skilled assassins. They're also the league of Shadows number 5 best combatant." "Why do you sound so determined and angry? Is this personal to you?" Keltori asked. "No, just something I've got to take care of." "If that's da case why in the verminous hell did you ask us to come along?" "You're the only ones I can trust." (You're the only ones who won't judge me for what I've got to do.) "We should stop here for now and rest." "No, we keep moving. we don't stop."

Keltori stopped in front of Gem-Night. "What is this? What are you doing?" "You may be fooling Ace but you damn sure ain't fooling me. Now we're going to stop and rest here." Gem-Night looked at Keltori and back at Ace then back at Keltori. "Fine. Whatever." (Damn it, I was so close to catching you after five years and you're slipping from my grasp.) Ace started a fire as Keltori walked over to Gem-Night and looked at him. "Now, you want to tell me what's really got you so uptight." "Not really." Gem-Night squeezed his arm so tight in frustration and anger. Gem-Night got up from the tree he was leaning on and began to walk away. "ALEXANDER!" Gem-Night stopped and turned to Keltori.

"It's my brother. We're after my brother and he killed our family. I wanted answers but then one night he left me. I was only four years of age." Keltori walked up to Alexander and grabbed his hands and rubbed her thumb across his hands. "It's okay to be upset but don't let vengeance cloud your mind. If you need someone to vent to you've got me and I'll be with you every step of the way. Just don't hide the pain or frustration you're feeling from Ace and most importantly, Me. You say you trust us then don't be afraid to open up every now and then." Keltori picked up Alexander's head and smiled as she caressed his cheek. "You're right. I'm sorry Keli. Keltori and Alexander leaned in closer to each other that's when Ace dropped a Nanite scorpion. Keltori let out a scream as she backed away from Alexander. "Whoops, sorry ya guys. I ruined da moment." "Don't worry about it. Nothing was going to happen between us she just had a spiderweb in her hair." Keltori looked down and walked away.

"Damn bro, she looks so hurt." "You should go talk to her." "Why should I?" "Bro, you may be a stoic bad ass and a dick sometimes but right now is not the time. Go apologize to her." Alexander looked over at Keltori and sighed as he lightly jogged up to Keltori. "Hey! Keli, wait up!" "Ugh, Why so you can just reject me again!?" "What!? No I really like you." "Oh Yeah, because someone who really likes someone tells their other teammate that nothing was going to happen when we all know what was about to happen."

"Keli I didn't mean it like that I'm sorry for being such an ass earlier. Can I make it up to you after the mission?" "How?" Alexander walked up to Keltori and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek. "I take you to go dancing, then a nice dinner and later some late night training and some cuddles?" "Foot rub and Booty rubs?" Alexander smiled and laughed softly. "Yes, that too." "Aw, I knew you'd two would make up." Ace jumped down from the tree above them. "Jesus Christ! Ace what the hell! Are you a monkey?" "Nope, I just love seeing relationships blossom." "So the lovebirds made up?" (That voice.... it can't be....) A bola was thrown at Ace. "Ace! Get down!"

Ace ducked down and Alexander pushed Keltori to the snowy ground. "Aw, I missed." "Come on out Knovac!" "I haven't heard my name uttered by my little brother since that night." Knovac jumped down from a nearby rooftop building. "Tell me? Have you had fresh maple syrup from the Canadian Maple trees?" "No why?" "You're about to find out why I find it so calming and deadly!"