Chapter 29

As Keltori, Alexander, and Ace got up from the ground they began to surround Knovac. "Three on one. I love those odds." Maple syrup began to secrete from his pores and he slung a bit at Ace that's when his nanites made a codex shield and a loud digital wormhole appeared behind Ace as he slipped away. "Wow, some teammate you've got there."

(Plan 38.) (Understood.) (Right.) Knovac slammed his hand on the floor and maple syrup began to cover a radius of thirty meters. Keltori and Alexander jumped in the air and landed on tree branches that's when a barrage of maple honey syrup was shot from Knovac's mouth. Ace appeared and used a Nanite clone of himself to take the barrage as the nanites began to analyze and study the substance. (You're up Keltori but don't make direct contact.) (Cat and mouse let's have fun!) Keltori pounced down onto a closer tree branch and began to blow molten ink bubbles as they began to float towards Knovac.

Knovac jumped in the air and that's when Keltori carbonized the bubbles and sent a barrage of them at Knovac at an extreme velocity. "Whoa!" Knovac just barely had side stepped the first wave of carbonized MIBS. (This girl is going to be dangerous I have to take her out now!) Knovac disappeared. (He's moving underground at Mach 5 I can incapacitate him now.) (No, if he's moving that fast underground then that must mean he's going after Keltori!) (Alex, he's not going after Keltori he's baiting you! If you go down there it'll be game over he's made that much maple syrup just to neutralize your powers and stay in there long enough you'll be unmeta.)

(I can't just sit here and do nothing Ace!) (I've got this I'll lure him to you. Keltori I'm going to need your help. It's risky.) (Just tell me what to do.) (Alright...) "It's getting late. On top of that I have a meeting to get to. These kids are getting to be a pain in the ass still I've got to hand it to you little brother you've put together the perfect counter team." Knovac looked up at the moon and over to the mountains. "Hopefully, I can see at least one beautiful sunrise from the mountains." Knovac stood up when all of a sudden a codex cube was sent his way knocking him off balance just long enough for Keltori to appear in front of him and blew volcanic ash in his face.

"Argh! Shit damn it!" Knovac quickly covered his eyes and began to run deeper in the forest when he sensed something coming from above he jumped back and drew his sword as he blocked another attack from the left of him. Knovac smiled as he landed just near the river bank. "Nowhere to go Knovac!" "You're surrounded, give up." "Yeah bro you're not going to win." "Foolish children! You've only made me stronger." "I don't get it bro." "Knovac! What are you talking about?" Knovac began to laugh as he stabbed his sword into the ground." "My poor simple minded brother did you not realize where we're at? We are at the River of Nightmares. You remember why I'm called Knovac of Nightmares?" "Damn it! Everyone fall back!" "Too late! You're all going to rename this as The Red River of Nightmares! With your blood!" Knovac disappeared into the shadows.