Chapter 33

The wind goes by harshly as Miss Martian, Artemis, Joan, Kitsune, Keltori, and Zatana all meet up at a nearby boba shop. "So, what is it you're actually looking for here?" "A way to infiltrate the light and cripple them in half." "I think I know of a way to that." Zatana commented. "What is it?" Artemis questioned. "Well one of us fake our own death and go undercover with Aqualad we cripple them from the inside out."

"That's actually not a bad idea but who's going to do it?" "123 nose goes!" "Wait what!" Everyone else quickly put their index finger to their nose Artemis was the last one to do it." "Ugh, come on guys are you serious!? I demand redo!" "Sorry, this is quickest and fairest way besides rock paper scissors." "You all suck. I need new Bestfriends." They all just laughed and Joan turned over to Zatana and asked what her Idea is. "What if we fake kill Artemis and get her to infiltrate the light with Kaldur and we go after Deathstroke and have Miss Martian pose as him. "How would we know DeathStroke is apart of the light?" "If they're willing to hire Artemis' Father to help them with whatever their goals are it might be safe to assume that the next person to hire would be the deadliest assassin plus I have a spy on the inside."

"Smart." "Well we've had worse half-baked plans I'm down with it." Artemis replied. "If my sister from another mister is down than so am I." Miss Martian commented. "Alright I'll prepare a glamor necklace for you. Those within the loop are able to see you as you and the others as another person." "I'll go under as..." Artemis had a flashback of her mother and she swallowed hard as a slight smile crossed her face as she turned around and finished her sentence. "Tigress."