Chapter 34

"Come on now kid don't tell me you're actually crying." I turned to see Yvstorm. "Yvstorm!" I ran up and hugged him tightly he put his hand on my head and I looked up at him tears and snot still rolling down my face. Yvstorm let out a belly laugh and snapped his fingers and the scenery changed to our first training session spot at the Lake of Memories."I remember this place we came in here the first 2 years of my training." "You're right but you know why I brought us here?" "Because you hated when I splash you with water"

Yvstorm laughed heartdly. "While I hated it. You still did it regardless. No, I brought you here because this place is special to me. It's where you demonstrated to me that you went from being the snot nosed quick to judge know it all kid I came across. You turned into a true a warrior and a true Viking and more like a son to me. Even though I can't stand kids."

"Says the man who took me in as his own." Yvstorm punched my arm and brought me in close and looked up at the moon." "I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise in seeing you and Kitsune married with kids but I'll always be with you no matter how difficult things get no matter the hardship I'll always be right there with you." "But how can I continue my journey without you there's still so much to learn from you." "Well actually, there's only two things that I need you learn from me." Yvstorm handed me his doubled headed axe and his fur pelt cape.

"You've earned the moniker of Arch'torm The Red Eclipse. " "What do you mean? Why are giving me these things?" "I wasn't meant to be long for this world kid honestly. My job was to train the next powerful generation and it's done. I have nothing left to teach. You'll Eclipse the light and turn it red with blood and be both feared and loved amongst friend and foe and peer alike."

Yvstorm smiled at me and lightly punched my chest. "Be the greatest Viking, Warrior, and Hero I know you can be I am so proud of you my son."

I awoke to in my room to find the Yvstorm's Doubled-headed axe and cape draped over me. I looked over and saw Kitsune and Chippy sleeping in the chair across the room from me. (Thank you, Master Yvstorm...No, thank you Father.) I grabbed my cape and draped it over my shoulder and pinned it to me and holstered my axe onto my back. I looked at myself in the mirror. (Ohh boy, I need some new gear.) I looked over at Kitsune again and saw a present box on her lap that said to my setting sun. I couldn't help but chuckle and took it and went into another room. As Arch'torm left out the infirmary Chippy's ears wiggled and he woke up to see Arch'torm leaving out the infirmary. (Where is Father going?) Chippy jumped off Kitsune's head and followed him.